program_wb_i - page 40

Thinking (PET). Students work in groups to develop their understanding
of various physics phenomena including forces, energy, electricity and
magnetism, light and optics. Students utilize hands-on experiments and
computer simulations to provide evidence to support their conceptual
understanding. Traditional problem solving is scaffolded by using the
S.E.N.S.E. problem solving strategy. During this workshop, participants
will be introduced to the LEAP curriculum and S.E.N.S.E. problem solving
strategy, will examine and work through a sample of the types of activities
students do including Java- and Flash-based simulations.
*Supported in part by NSF CCLI grant #DUE-0737324
W38: Improving Assessment in Your Courses Using Tools
from the PER User’s Guide
Sponsor: Committee on Educational Technologies
Co-sponsor: Committee on Research in Physics Education
Time: 1–5 p.m. Sunday
Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $85
Location: STSS 432B
Adrian Madsen, 1100 Chokecherry Ln., Longmont, CO 80503
Sarah McKagan, Eleanor Sayre
In this workshop, you will learn about new online resources to address the
needs of faculty and department chairs around assessment, available on
the PER User’s Guide
). We expedite your search
for research-based assessments by providing access and guides to specific
assessments such as concept inventories, beliefs surveys, upper division as-
sessments, and rubrics for measuring scientific skills. We include informa-
tion about the background, validation, and guidelines for administration of
assessments. To gauge how your students’ scores compared to those at peer
institutions, we provide a national database of research-based assessment
scores. You can upload your students’ assessment scores and compare
to other students like yours, visualize your data, and view statistics. You
will receive a report of your results and suggestions on how to improve.
These reports can be used to improve your teaching, make a case for more
resources, and for your tenure and promotion file.
W39: Strategies to Help Women Succeed in Physics-related
Sponsor: Committee on Women in Physics
Co-sponsor: Committee on Research in Physics Education
Time: 1–5 p.m. Sunday
Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $85
Location: STSS 121
Chandralekha Singh, 221 A Allen Hall, Department of Physics, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213;
Women are severely under-represented in physics-related professions. This
workshop will explore strategies to help women faculty members in K-12
education, colleges and universities understand and overcome barriers to
their advancement in careers related to physics. A major focus of the work-
shop will be on strategies for navigating effectively in different situations in
order to succeed despite the gender schema, stereotypes, and subtle biases
against women physicists. We will also examine case studies and learn ef-
fective strategies by role playing.
W40: Research-based Materials for a New Introductory
Quantum Mechanics Curriculum
Sponsor: Committee on Physics in Undergraduate Education
Co-sponsor: Committee on International Physics Education
Time: 1–5 p.m. Sunday
Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $85
Location: STSS 330
Antje Kohnle, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews,
The North Haugh, St. Andrews, KY16 9SS, United Kingdom; ak81@
Charles Baily, Derek Raine
The Institute of Physics New Quantum Curriculum (quantumphysics.iop.
org, simulations also at
consists of
Sunday, July 27 • 8-10 p.m.
Exhibit Hall – Coffman Union Great Hall
AAPT Welcome Reception
and Exhibit Hall Opening
Wednesday, July 30
3-3:30 p.m.
Coffman Union
Get your raffle ticket from the AAPT
booth and attend this popular event
to claim your book.
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