July 26–30, 2014
Monday morning
Kindle Drawing
Kindle/ iPad mi i /
Gift Card Drawings
Monday, July 28
10:15 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday, July 29
10:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
(Must be present to win)
Purchase tickets in
advance at Registration
course learning goals and to highlight some of the challenges associated
with conducting research in these types of courses.
*The work described has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under Grant Nos. DUE-1323426, DUE-1022449, and DUE-0962805.
9:30-10 a.m. Professional Development of Pre-service
Physicists: Affordances and Constraints
Invited – Eleanor C. Sayre, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506;
Paul W. Irving, Michigan State University
Research on upper-division students opens up exciting avenues into
professional development for pre-service scientists. They learn so much
more than book content: physics culture, research experiences, bench
skills. Their participation is much more meaningful than mere classwork:
they try on different identities, aspire to future physics selves, take on
organizational responsibilities. Yet, research on upper-division students is
not all sunshine and roses. In this talk, I discuss some of the affordances
and constraints of research on upper-division students from the lenses of a
few projects on their development as pre-service physicists. I may discuss
how students build communities of practice in advanced laboratory, how
students grow to view physics as a prospective professional field, and how
we (as researchers) can tell.
Session AF: Teacher Training and
Location: Tate Lab 131
Sponsor: AAPT
Date: Monday, July 28
Time: 8:30–9:40 a.m.
Presider: Brian Pyper
8:30-8:40 a.m. Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy:
Addressing Unexpected Moments
Contributed – Robert C. Zisk, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-
Eugenia Etkina, Rutgers University
Drew Gitomer
Content knowledge for teaching (CKT) is a practice-based theory of the
professional knowledge that a person needs to be able to carry out tasks
of teaching in the classroom (Ball, Thames and Phelps, 2008). Specifically
CKT addresses what teachers do (these activities are called tasks of teach-
ing) and how their actions take into account students’ prior knowledge and
learning trajectories. One such task of teaching is dealing with unexpected
ideas that students bring to the conversation and, therefore, unplanned
moments in the classroom. In this talk, we will present two instances of
teachers facing such unexpected moments in the classroom. We will then
discuss how elements of Content Knowledge for Teaching and differ-
ences in teachers’ CKT can be inferred from these moments through a
combination of video analysis and analysis of the teacher’s reflection on the
8:40-8:50 a.m. Preparing Irish Secondary Science
Teachers for Inquiry-based Science Education
Contributed – Paul Grimes, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland;
Scott McDonald, Pennsylvania State University
Leanne Doughty, Paul van Kampen, Dublin City University
We have investigated Irish science teacher candidates’ (TCs’) views of in-
quiry-based science teaching (IBSE) through the lens of their experiences
as science students. This study makes an inventory of the TCs’ conceptions
of IBSE. We describe a course designed to initiate re-enculturation to more
appropriate ways of understanding IBSE: the teacher candidates engage in
and critique a variety of inquiry-based activities. We report on the current
culture of science teaching within the Irish school system and contrast it
with the aims set out at policy level. We gain insight into the teacher can-
didates’ ideas about IBSE and their cultural resistance to it. Specifically, we
investigate what practices the TCs highlight as constituting IBSE and how
they code the purpose of these practices. We describe how these practices
and coded purposes reflect aspects of their professional pedagogical vision
of IBSE.
8:50-9 a.m. Physics and Everyday Thinking at Western
Washington University
Contributed – Andrew Boudreaux, Western Washington University, Belling-
ham, WA 98225-9164;
At Western Washington University, historically a teacher training college,
pre-service elementary teachers take science content and methods courses
in a multi-disciplinary Science, Math, and Technology Education program