SectionNews_Dec2013 - page 10

AAPT Section News, December 2013
—Page 10
worksheets, and pointed out many common student mis-
conceptions about circular motion and ways to avoid them.
On October 19, Mitch presented information on the newly
created web site and discussion board for all of the mem-
bers to use. It is anticipated that local physics teachers will
use the site to collaborate.
James Barker’s teaching combines: lectures, demonstra-
tions, modeling of problem solving methods, group guided
practice of problem solving, competitive lab activities, and
discovery of laws by data collection and graphing. Stu-
dents are the center of instruction during more than 50%
of the class time, including group presentation of problems
solved during group practice.
John Farley uses Peer Instruction (Eric Mazur) Farley
provided some three dozen ConcepTests for the first quarter
of the school year. He also provided a sample of “paper
clickers” (small pieces of colored paper) that students can
use to vote anonymously to answer the ConcepTests.
—John Farley, Section Representative
Southern Ohio Section
The Southern Ohio Section of AAPT met on Saturday, Oc-
tober 5, 2013 at the University of Cincinnati. We met in
conjunction with the Ohio Region Section of the American
Physical Society. Jim Sullivan coordinated and hosted the
AAPT portion of the day, and approximately 30 members
and guests registered through AAPT. We had invited pre-
sentations from Diandra Leslie-Pelecky (West Virginia
University) and Bob Hilborn (Assistant Executive Officer
of AAPT). Diandra described her experiences and findings
analyzing the world of NASCAR in The Science of Speed:
Why Driving Really Fast is Harder than You Think. Bob
gave us a national perspective on changes in science stan-
dards, advanced placement exams, and the MCAT in Next
Generation Science Standards and the Revised MCAT: The
New Face of Science Education. Further, Kathy Koenig
(University of Cincinnati) and John Rowe (the teacher-in-
residence) announced the designation of the University of
Cincinnati as a new PhysTEC site and led a short conversa-
tion about how those of us in the area can work together to
support these efforts.
We enjoyed the following contributed papers: A Three-
fold Approach to Changing Teaching in Middle School
(Gordon Aubrecht, The Ohio State University – Marion);
Pitch Depends on More Than Length (Lenore Horner, The
Seven Hills School); Philosophy of Science in an Introduc-
tory Laboratory (James Simmons, Shawnee State Universi-
ty); Rediscovering Newton’s Second Law With The “Triple
Crown” Experiment, Even When Only Two Parts Are
Available (Jean Oostens, Science Teachers Alliance – South
Central Kentucky). We also learned about performance
tasks in a “How I Do It” presentation from Gregory Braun
of Xavier University.
The next meeting of the section will be Saturday, March
9, 2014 at Bishop Hartley High School in Columbus. Ann
Lane Hawk will host, and Aaron Titus (High Point Univer-
sity) will be a featured presenter.
—Kathy Harper, Section Representative
Wisconsin Section
The Fall 2013 meeting of the Wisconsin Association of
Physics Teachers was held on October 25-26, 2013 at UW-
Eau Claire in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
The banquet speaker was Professor Chris Chyba from
Princeton University.
He presented a talk on: “Oceans in the Solar System.”
Papers presented:
• Low-Cost Alternative Energy Lab and Demonstration
Equipment, Roger Hanke, NorthCentral Technical Col-
• An Examination and Application of Proton Radiothera-
py Ascribed to a Computational Modeling and Analysis
of a Four-Trimmer Dynamic Collimation System for
Penumbra Reduction in Spot-Scanning Delivery, Blake
Smith, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
• Relativity on Rotated Graph Paper, Rob Salgado, UW-
La Crosse
• Using open datasets and simulations in laboratories,
Jim Crumley, College of St. Benedict / St. John’s Uni-
• Getting to the point when showing what you have
learned. Gary Baier, Green Bay East High School
• Accelerometers, Microcontrollers, and Water Rockets,
George Stecher, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
• A sunspot tracking project for introductory astronomy,
Carey Woodward, UW--Fond du Lac
• Using Standards Based Grading, Brad Wysocki,
Bloomer High School
• Should (and Can) We Teach Forces First?, Andrew
Pawl, UW-Platteville
• Bending and Busting, Alan Scott, University of Wis-
• Internet Coaches for Problem-solving in introductory
physics: Usage, Usability and Design, Evan Froder-
mann, University of Minnesota
• Another Look at Surprising Facts about Earth’s Past
and Current Population, Jim Mallmann, Milwaukee
School of Engineering
• Studying the Sun with Neutrons: Research Opportuni-
ties for Two Year College Students, Jim Madsen, UW-
River Falls
• IceCube: Engaging Undergraduates in Neutrino As-
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