Shane Larson
many calculations in general relativity require intimate knowledge of
the theory, there are a large number of problems which can be reduced to
calculations which exploit physics and skills that undergraduates
possess or are in the process of developing. These types of problems
provide excellent opportunities to reinforce early lessons in
fundamental physics by giving students an opportunity to apply their
knowledge and practice their skills against the exciting backdrop of a
modern and evolving branch of physics. They also provide well defined
problems for exercising and developing skills useful in later research
endeavors (e.g., numerical programming). This poster describes the
elements of undergraduate training which we have found can be tapped and
applied to good effect in undergraduate GR research projects. Several
real life examples which have led to publications in peer reviewed
research journals are described to illustrate the basic philosophy we


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Empowering Undergraduates with General Relativity:
Stepping stone to build research skills
(click for the full sized pdf
version of the poster)