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About the Team
Team Photo   Chor Hang Lam
Charter School of Wilmington Delaware, Wilmington, DE

Tennis, sleep

the usual clubs (math, science clubs), XC

Not many, Science Olympiad (lucky enough not to get last place)

Most of my life has been inconsequential, doing the usual things other kids do. I have been living in dormancy, entwined between space and time, oblivious of the existence of higher dimensions, until the approach of the World Year of Physics, when I reached nirvana after the realization of the importance of Einstein's extensive work in 1905. I feel that making the team is the most meaningful tribute to pay to the old man, or at least the most that I am capable of doing, taking into account of my inability and failures. These failures range from getting 360 the first time I took SAT verbal, getting D’s in primary school, being awarded last place in some unimportant track meets and swim meets, crashing a car into bushes, to getting rejected by many scholarships and schools, the most recent one being University of Delaware. From the few failures I just mentioned and many others, I realize that success depends heavily on my luck or karma, while from many others, I learn that I am good at nothing. So the beliefs in luck and “good at nothing” make it possible for me to not worry about failing to achieve my goal. The relaxation I achieved reaches such a state of sublimity that it creates an anti-relaxation sort of abstraction that allows my brain to suck every bit of energy, like a black hole, to concentrate and study physics. The unused energy is converted into mass according to that usual equation, causing some unexpected changes in the spacetime curvature around me. After this incident, my life would probably continue to drift aimlessly. Even though qualitative, my life can really be summed up quantitatively by the delta function with the year 2005 as the singular point on the time axis (my aliveness = δ(t-2005)).