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About the Team
Team Photo   Jenny L Kwan
San Marcos High School, San Marcos, CA

Dancing, Tennis, Karate, Piano, Sketching, Java Programming, Website Design. Spending time with my Rottweiler and Rabbit.

California Scholarship Federation (CSF)

Academic Team co-captain San Marcos Silver Scholar

I was born in 1989 in beautiful San Diego, California. When I was in elementary school, I loved sketching and karate. I was also involved in an after-school program called Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). Funded by the state, the program is designed to illustrate basic scientific principles and stimulate the curiosity of children in physical science.

By the time I reached 7th grade, I started to take math and science classes at a nearby community college. I finished the Calculus series before I entered high school. In those years, I particularly enjoyed using symbolic mathematical packages such as Maple to visually understand vector calculus. After the differential equation class, physics started to make sense to me. After all, Calculus was invented by Isaac Newton in the 17th century to support the study of physics.

In my freshman year, I started playing tennis and taking hip-hop dance lessons. I also became interested in designing web sites and Java programming. I am about to finish the Data Structures and Algorithms class in college. I have written programs that solve the three-dimensional magic cube puzzle and simulate Huffman Coding using backtracking and recursion algorithms. I believe that my generation, armed with the computing resources, should be able to achieve more breakthroughs in physical science than physicists in the previous generations.

I took the AP Physics C level test, both mechanical and electrical, in my freshman year. It turned out that I did really well in the test. After that, my physics teacher recommended me to participate in the Physics Olympiad Competition. Looking back, I was a gold medal winner in the Speechmasters Competition during my 7th grade. In my speech, I talked about my college experience and how I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up. I believe that studying and understanding physics at a young age will best prepare me to reach my goal.