Physical Fragments, Winter 2003

Dear AAPT Member,
Welcome to the first 2003 edition of Physical Fragments, the quarterly newsletter designed specifically to help new members become aquainted with the many benefits of AAPT membership. Below we've highlighted some of the opportunities offered by AAPT in the winter and early spring. Feel free to read more about these events, services and benefits by visiting the links below, or browse our website anytime at www.aapt.org.

Valerie Evans
Director of Member and Subscriber Services

National Meetings

Meeting benefits are multiple, individualized

Top reasons educators attend our national meetings include making new contacts and pursuing personal educational development. Start planning now to attend the summer meeting, Aug. 2 - 6.
Abstract Deadline: April 6, 2003


Physics training workshops available nationwide

Workshops are available across the country for pre-collegiate educators. Most offer Continuing Education Units (CEU's).

Two-year college physics program

is in the process of identifying "best practices" for two-year college physics curricula. Watch for their conclusions later this year.

Electronic Resources

Read The Physics Teacher online for free

The Physics Teacher
launched its new home page last month! Until July 2003, access to the online publication is free. After that, the online version will be available to print subscribers for a small additional fee.

Need funding?

HS educators can apply for financial support of innovative physics programs or specific activities.

Nominate a TA for free AAPT membership

Department heads can nominate one TA for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Recipients receive a complimentary one-year AAPT membership with a choice of journals.
Deadline: May 9, 2003

Gear up for Physics Bowl

A low $2.50 fee per student covers Physics Bowl exams, participation certificates and the opportunity to compete for recognition and prizes.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2003

Networking Opportunities

Local sections tackle area concerns

Meet with other physics educators that know your state guidelines and student population. Most section meetings, which are held in the spring and fall, include workshops and area speakers.

Listservs link colleages with varied interests

Community college faculty, as well as physicists from other higher education institutions, are encouraged to join AAPT's listserv focusing specifically on advancing physics education in two-year colleges.