Physical Fragments, Spring 2005

Dear AAPT Member,

Summer is a great time to relax and reflect on the school year. AAPT is here to help you prepare for your next school year. I invite you to attend the 2005 Summer Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT August 6-10 and take advantage of all the resources that your membership has to offer. Register today and receive $20 off the already low member registration price.

Enjoy your summer, we hope to see you in Salt Lake City!

Valerie Evans
Director of Member and Subscriber Services

Rhian Vanderburg
Walter M. Williams High School, Burlington, NC
Teacher: Shawn A. Weatherford


National Meetings

Nobel Laureates to Speak at 2005 Summer Meeting

Register now to hear and meet three of the top world-renowned Nobel Laureates in physics:

Carl E. Weinman, University of Colorado

Steven Chu, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Horst Stormer, Columbia University

Click here for a complete list of plenary speakers and their talks.

Education and Development

Grants, Competitions & Awards

AAPT sponsors a number grants, competitions & awards designed to encourage, inspire, and support you and your students. Here is a sampling of what is available:

Click here for information on all of our grants, competitions and awards.

Electronic Resources

Latest Statistics on Women in Physics

A report from the American Institute of Physics containing data on the education and employment of women in physics in the U.S. and data on working women physicists across the world was recently released. The report shows that while women are still a minority in physics, the representation of women in physics at all levels continues to increase.

Click here to order a hard copy of this report or to read other reports on women in physics.

Participate in a Survey of Women Physicists

In conjunction with the 2nd International Conference of Women in Physics, the Statistical Research Center of the American Institute of Physics is conducting a second survey of women in physics. If you are a woman in physics or know of any women in physics who would be willing to participate in the survey, please visit http://www.aip.org/statistics/women

Results of the 2001 survey are available in PDF here.

AAPT Statement on the Teaching of Evolution and Cosmology

The Executive Board of the American Association of Physics Teachers is dismayed at organized actions to weaken and even to eliminate significant portions of evolution and cosmology from the educational objectives of states and school districts. Therefore, in April 2005, the Executive Board adopted a policy statement on the Teaching of Evolution and Cosmology. To read the statement in its entirety, click here.


Free Educational Resources

Contact AAPT today to get your complimentary copy of any one of these brochures.

Guidelines for High School Physics Programs

Planning for Graduate Studies in Physics and Related Fields

Guidelines for Two-Year College Physics Program

AAPT Career Center - Notify Me!

The AAPT Career Center has a new feature for job seekers that emails you only the job postings that you are interested in immediately after they have been posted. Click here to find out more.

World Year of Physics 2005 Merchandise Now Available at AAPT's Online Store

Show your support for the World Year of Physis (WYP) 2005. For a limited time WYP 2005 clothing, toys, and other fun items will be available for members at our online store. Order today and receive a 10% discount on select items.

Networking Opportunities

Physics Education Research (PER) Topical Group

The Physics Education Research community within AAPT has been growing explosively over the past few years, and as a result, there is an AAPT Executive Board-approved effort in place to institute a PER Topical Group (PERTG) within AAPT.

PERTG will deal with a variety of PER related issues, including the nomination and election of a representative leadership group that can serve as a nexus for PER community decision-making.

For more information about the Topical Group and the process of electing officers, click here.

The first-time activation fee is $25 ($10 for students) and will coincide with your AAPT membership term. Join PERTG now and receive up to 18 months of membership for the price of 12.

To join PERTG now please click here.

Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty

AAPT, in conjunction with the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and the American Physical Society (APS), holds an annual workshop each November for new physics and astronomy faculty members. Now in its ninth year, this annual conference helps new faculty understand how students learn physics and astronomy and suggests how this information can impact a new professor's teaching methods. Click here for more information.