July 13–17, 2013
Monday afternoon
conceptualized in the subject of mathematics, our work is centered on CKT
for physics, specifically in the area of energy. In developing the framework
for CKT for teaching energy, we have indentified the aspects and tasks of
teaching physics, and more specifically, of teaching energy, that are needed
for effective instruction. This poster will describe the process of identify-
ing generic tasks of teaching physics, as well as the domains, sub-domains
and individual tasks that have been identified as essential to the teaching of
physics and energy.
PST1C34: 9:15-10 p.m. Interactive Laboratory Experience (ILE)
– Closing the Knowledge Gap
Poster – Mark D. Greenman, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215;
During the summers of 2008 through 2012 five cohorts totaling 114 sec-
ondary school teachers responsible for teaching physics concepts enrolled
in a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
funded summer institute hosted at area Universities to enhance the teach-
ers’ physics content knowledge and to improve their use of research-based
best practices in teaching physics. The content knowledge gap between
male and female science teachers was reduced from a gap of 25% to 6%,
and the gap between physics majors teaching physics and other science
majors teaching physics was reduced from a gap of 31% to 8%. The average
paired fractional gain (FMCE) for these participants was .68 with teach-
ers in every comparison group showing strong gains (.57 to .74). Just as
encouraging, these gains showed little decay over time.
PST1C35: 8:30-9:15 p.m. PhysTEC at Boston University:
Supporting Excellence in Physics Teaching & Learning
Poster – Mark D. Greenman, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215;
The PhysTEC grant awarded to Boston University is helping to encode
in the DNA of the physics department a culture that sees basic physics
research and excellence in teaching as dual missions of a strong physics
department. Boston University, a large research university located in an
urban center, is working with area school districts to increase the number
of highly qualified high school physics teachers. The experience of work-
ing with pre- and in-service physics teachers has had the added benefit
of encouraging reflection within the physics department on strategies for
effective teaching and learning. Physics majors are being encouraged to
become undergraduate Learning Assistants, so physics majors graduating
from Boston University will provide more effective instruction in physics,
whether in the role of high school teacher, teaching assistant in graduate
school, or research physicist mentoring and educating another generation
of physicists.
D – Teacher Training/Enhancement
PST1D01: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Connecting Three Pivotal Concepts in
K-12 Science State Standards and Maps of Concep-
tual Growth to Research in Physics Education
Poster – Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh, 3941 Ohara St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15260;
Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh
We discuss three conceptual areas in physics that are particularly impor-
tant targets for educational interventions in K-12 science. These conceptual
areas are force and motion, conservation of energy, and geometrical optics,
which were prominent in the U.S. national and four state standards that we
examined. The four state standards that were analyzed to explore the extent
to which the K-12 science standards differ in different states were selected
to include states in varied geographic regions and size. The three concep-
tual areas that were common to all four state standards are conceptual
building blocks for other science concepts covered in the K-12 curriculum.
We discuss the nature of difficulties in these areas along with pointers to-
ward approaches that have met with some success in each conceptual area.
PST1D02: 9:15-10 p.m. Content and Depth of Reflection on
Teaching: Does Evolution Occur?
Poster – Marina Malysheva, Rutgers University, 10 Seminary Place, New
Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183;
Marianne Vanier, Eugenia Etkina, Rutgers University
The poster will show the patterns that emerged from our analysis of
preservice teachers’ reflections on teaching in an introductory physics
course. The teaching occurred before and after the formal student teach-
ing internship. Over 300 reflections were coded for the study. We were
interested in the changes in reflections, specifically the content (what the
preservice teachers focus on) and the nature of the reflections (how deeply
they analyze teaching situations). To accomplish this goal we developed
and validated a coding scheme.
PST1D03: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Physics Teachers’ Arguments About
Physics Content: A Comparison Between Verbal and
Written Arguments
Poster – Eun Kyung Lee,* Korea National University of Education, San 7
Darakri, Gangnaemyeon Chungwonkun, Chungbuk 363-791, The Republic of
Nam-Hwa Kang, Korea National University of Education
The purpose of this study was to explore whether physics teachers argue
about physics content between verbal and written arguments. In this study,
five physics teachers who were enrolled in a graduate-level physics educa-
tion course completed a series of tasks in which they had opportunities
to argue about physics content. Data sources included group discussions,
written arguments, and individual interviews. Group discussions and
interviews were transcribed for analyses. Using Toulmin’s argumentation
scheme (Toulmin, 2003), the physics teachers’ arguments during group
discussion and in writing were analyzed. The finding showed that the
teachers constructed much more elaborated arguments in writing than in
group discussion. They used more grounds and warrants in making claims.
Another finding was that the teachers selectively utilized what their col-
leagues’ ideas shared during group discussion in their written arguments.
In particular, other teachers’ ideas were utilized in constructing rebuttals.
Reasons behind these findings were inferred.
*Sponsored by Nam-Hwa Kang
PST1D04: 9:15-10 p.m. The Education Program for Physics
Teachers in South Korea from the Viewpoint of PCK
Poster – Chang Hyun Lee,* Korea National University of Education, San 7
Darakri, Gangnaemyeon Chongwongun, Chungbuk 363-791, The Republic of
Nam-Hwa, Kang Korea National University of Education
Teaching quality is the most important factor in determining the quality
of education. The teacher is the critical medium of teaching quality. As
for subject matter teaching, pedagogical content knowledge is the core
of teacher quality. Even though preservice physics teachers exit a teacher
education program with some preparation in PCK, their knowledge is fur-
ther developed through various kinds of professional development courses
sponsored by Korea Ministry of Education, Local Educational Agencies
after appointment in schools. The purpose of this study was to examine the
degree to which PCK was emphasized in continuing professional develop-
ment provided to inservice physics teachers and whether the opportunities
were meeting the needs of the teachers. Data included observation and
survey of four physics teachers in a professional development course. Find-
ings showed that among the currently available PD programs, 32% were
about PCK. The PCK content mostly focused on teaching strategies while
knowledge about students and resources were less focused. The four teach-
ers interviewed indicated that the PD programs were short of meeting their
professional needs. Implications from the findings were discussed.
*Sponsored by Nam-Hwa Kang