program_wb_i - page 16

Special Events at AAPT Summer Meeting
American Association of
Physics Teachers
Friday, July 25
Soudan/NOVA Trip
7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. offsite
Visit the two largest neutrino detectors and dark matter
experiment in North America. These three important physics
experiments are just a bus ride away from the campus of the
University of Minnesota.
Meet in Coffman Union near Regis-
Ticket required.
Sunday, July 27
Grand Opening of Exhibit Hall and
Opening Reception
8–10 p.m. Sunday Coffman Union Great Hall
Monday, July 28
First Timers’ Gathering
7–8:30 a.m. Monday
Coffman Union Mississippi
Are you new to an AAPT National Meeting? If so, this is the
best time to learn about AAPT and the Summer Meeting,
as well as meet fellow attendees. AAPT leadership will be
represented to discuss ways to get more involved with AAPT.
You are also welcome to participate in any of AAPT’s Area
Committee meetings.
Retired Physicists’ Breakfast
7:30–8:30 a.m. Monday
Commons Hotel
Exchange ideas with our long-served and deserving supporters
of AAPT.
Ticket required.
Early Career Professionals Speed
Networking Event
12–1:30 p.m. Monday
Coffman Union President’s Room
Speed-networking provides the opportunity to discuss career
goals and challenges with a new contact for five minutes,
exchange information, and then move on to the next person.
Spouse/Guest Mississippi Queen Paddle
Boat Tour
12–1:30 p.m. Monday offsite
Take a narrated sightseeing cruise on the historic Mississippi
Queen paddle boat, a modern day replica of the grand river-
boats that used to ply the Mississippi River. Meet in Coffman
Union near Registration.
Ticket required.
H.S. Physics Teachers Day Luncheon
12–1:30 p.m. Monday
Coffman Union Mississippi
Join this special luncheon for H.S. teachers attending the con-
ference for the first time. Open to anyone wishing to attend,
but register early. Sponsored by i>clicker.
Ticket required.
Exhibit Hall Kindle Fire Drawing
– 10:15 a.m. Monday
Exhibit Hall $100 AmEX Gift Card Drawing
– 3:45 p.m. Monday
Tickets $1 apiece, buy at Registration. Must be present to win!
Melba Phillips Toast
3–4 p.m. Monday
Coffman Union Great Hall
AAPT Booth
Tuesday, July 29
Two-Year College Breakfast
7–8:30 a.m. Tuesday
Coffman Union President’s Room
Two-Year College staff begin their day by breaking bread and shar-
ing ideas.
Ticket required
AAPT Fun Run / Walk
6:30–8 a.m. Tuesday
Come enjoy the 7th annual AAPT Fun Run/ Walk! The event winds
through the scenic UM East and West Bank campuses highlighting
great views of the Mississippi River and historic buildings.
Meet in
Coffman Union near Registration.
Exhibit Hall $100 AmEx Card Drawing
– 10:15 a.m. Tuesday
Exhibit Hall IPad Mini Drawing
– 3:15 p.m. Tuesday
Tickets $1; buy at Registration. Must be present to win!
Advanced Labs Tour – Bethel Univ.
1:15–2:45 p.m. Tuesday
Tour will be a short van ride to Bethel University to see the physics
department’s advanced labs and undergraduate research. Pick up at
1:15 outside STSS Building.
Trolley Tour of Minneapolis
6:30–7:30 p.m. Tuesday
You will experience a sampling of what makes Minneapolis fantastic!
Your tour guide will provide commentary on downtown Minneapo-
lis and surrounding areas.
Meet in Coffman Union near Registra-
Ticket Required.
Demo Show
Pub Crawl
8–9 p.m. Tuesday
10 p.m.–1 a.m.
Willey Hall
(Starts in Marriott lobby)
Wednesday, July 30
Great Book Giveaway
3–3:30 p.m. Wednesday
Coffman Union
Get your raffle ticket from the AAPT booth (Sun–Tuesday) and at-
tend this popular event to claim your book.
Zooniverse in the Classroom
3:30–5:30 p.m. STSS 131B Wednesday
Over a million people have contributed to scientific research
through the projects. The result is an entire suite of
new web-based tools designed to assist citizen scientists in exploring
vast quantities of astronomical data on their own.
Mall of America Trip
3:30–8 p.m. Wednesday
The Mall of America is a place not to be missed! Over 520 stores and
50 restaurants with no tax on clothing and shoes.
Meet in Coffman
Union near Registration.
Ticket required
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