July 26–30, 2014
Monday afternoon
JI Jing, Southeast University
We have analyzed the dynamics of ideal Maxwell rolling pendulum system
and semi-quantitatively demonstrated the energy loss cased by different
physical mechanisms. By measuring the variance of the maximum height
that the pendulum can reach each time, we conclude that air friction is not
the primary cause of energy loss of the system and the energy transfer to
other degree of freedom might be the main reason of the energy loss.
PST1D06: 9:15-10 p.m. Basic Quantum Mechanics Concepts
From the Eyes of Engineering and Physics Students!
Poster – Tugba Yuksel, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040;
Yu Gong, Aljandra J. Magana, Purdue University
Rapid growth through broad swathes of the scientific and technological
fields has been defining features of the last few decades, spurred on by
revolutions in scientific thinking. Today, quantum mechanics is open-
ing a new chapter in the scientific world, which reveals the extraordinary
nature of numerous phenomena at the sub-atomic level. With the advent
of increasing scientific policies worldwide to stay on the technological
edge, quantum mechanics education has been in the limelight. To inves-
tigate how students formulate and conceptualize foundational quantum
concepts in engineering and science learning, a phenomenographic study
is designed to examine the knowledge structure and thinking process of
students from different levels in engineering and physics departments.
Through analyzing the semi-structured interview data, misconceptions and
modeling strategies that students utilized to conceptualize unobservable
or unaccountable phenomena were identified preliminary in this paper.
The possible implications for instruction and curriculum design are also
PST1D07: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Introduction to Arduino Using High-
Altitude (Weather) Ballooning Sensor Packs
Poster – James A. Flaten, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 107 Akerman
Hall, SE Minneapolis, MN 55455;
Seth Frick, Spencer McDonald, Christopher Gosch, University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
To introduce college students (and others) to Arduino microprocessors, we
have developed a set of Arduino-based sensor packs for use on high-alti-
tude (weather) balloon flights into the stratosphere, also called “near space”
because the environmental conditions (and the view!) are similar to outer
space. The sensor packs record physical data (temperature (potentially at
multiple locations), atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, solar panel
output (i.e. light intensity), 3-axis acceleration, and/or 3-axis magnetic field
strength using a mixture of analog and digital sensors) every few seconds
during a ~two-hour balloon flight. We then apply time stamps (and
sometimes GPS stamps) and log the data to an SD card for later retrieval
and analysis. Depending on the participants we build and program a “Basic
Uno” package, a more-capable “Basic Mega” package, or a “Super Uno”
package that really pushes the limits of an Arduino Uno microprocessor.
PST1D08: 9:15-10 p.m. Dealing with More Climate Myths
Poster– Gordon J. Aubrecht, Ohio State University at Marion, 193 North
Washington St., Delaware, OH 43015-1609;
Many scientists understand that climate change has a sociopolitical aspect,
but some scientists are unwilling to address the issue lest they be perceived
as political themselves. Nevertheless, when we scientists find climate
myths, I think it is our duty as scientists to be willing to debunk them. A
poster at Orlando on this topic was well received. This poster exhibits some
more climate myths and contrasts them with the science.
PST1D09: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Making Collaboration Worth Your Time
Poster – Heather J. Moore, Robert E. Lee High School, Fairfax County PS,
Arlington, VA 22206;
Mark Hartman, Millbrook High School: Wake County PS, NC
Kate E. Miller, Washington-Lee High School: Arlington PS, VA
“Collaboration”: a buzzword frequently used but infrequently made mean-
ers, and have supported the schools that the STEAM is introduced to. They
have also pushed schools and teachers in various ways like boot camp. I
have examined the process of spreading STEAM and have compared that of
STEM in the United States.
D – Other Posters
PST1D01: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Getting Involved with AP: Information
for H.S. and College Faculty
Poster – Dedra N. Demaree, Georgetown University, 1646 21st St N, Apt 1,
Arlington, VA 22209;
Advanced Placement® Physics 1, 2, and C are designed to provide rigor-
ous college-level content to high school students. Ongoing collaboration
between college and high school faculty, facilitated by the College Board, is
instrumental to the success and integrity of the AP Program. Participation
can be through course and assessment design, exam development, scoring
and analysis, and delivery of high-quality professional development. This
shift from Physics B to Physics 1,2 is an exciting time to be involved with
the AP program. Each learning objective combines specific physics content
knowledge with one of seven foundational science practices, and students
will engage in hands-on explorations of physics and inquiry labs. Being part
of the development process for the courses provides a rare opportunity to
have a national-level impact on physics education. This poster presents an
overview of the various roles that high school and college faculty can play in
this important program.
PST1D03: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Student-created Problem Scenarios in
Introductory Physics for Life Science
Poster – Nancy Beverly, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522; nbeverly@
The increased availability of information online allows students to find
enough data to apply mathematical models to real-life scenarios of their
own choosing. This is especially important for life science students as it
enables them to make their own meaningful connections of physics to life
science phenomena and gives them more relevant problem solving practice.
Typical end-of-chapter problems ask students to find an unknown based on
given information and assumed use of a mathematical model covered in the
chapter. In this alternative approach, students raise their own questions and
determine what information they need to find to calculate an answer, using
a particular model. Examples, successes, and pitfalls will be presented.
PST1D04: 9:15-10 p.m. Integrating Physics Concepts in an
Anatomy and Physiology Learning Activity
Poster – Bijaya Aryal, University of Minnesota-Rochester, 300 University
Square, Rochester, MN 55904;
Robert L. Dunbar, University of Minnesota-Rochester
We describe the design, implementation, and assessment of an activity in-
tended to help undergraduate students understand concepts related to force
and physiology by integrating physics in an anatomy and physiology class-
room. The teaching/learning sequence involved electromyography (EMG)
recordings and a model of an arm aimed to help students understand the
relationship among load, force generated by the biceps, and the amplitude
of EMG signals. The learning sequence was implemented and systematically
modified to explore the impact of specific variables over three semesters.
We have analyzed various assessments to measure the degree to which
students successfully incorporate understanding of physics concepts when
designing and performing the EMG lab and interacting with the physical
model. We present how using different real-world scenarios affects student
understanding and application of relevant physics concepts as well as
describe challenges in teaching and learning of abstract quantitative skills in
the contexts of life science courses.
PST1D05: 8:30-9:15 p.m. Energy Loss in Maxwell Rolling
Pendulum System
Poster – Jixuan Hou, Southeast University, Department of Physics, Nanjing,
211189 P. R. China;