AAPT_WM14program_final - page 36

Session SPS: SPS Research and
Outreach Poster Reception
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Sponsor: AAPT
Date: Saturday, January 4
Time: 8–10 p.m.
Presider: Toni Sauncy
SPS01: 8-10 p.m. A Comparative Analysis of Atwood’s
Machine Configurations
Poster – Thomas Predey, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL 60660;
Thomas Ruubel, Loyola University Chicago
We are studying the effects of different pulley configurations on the
Atwood’s machine. The goal is to determine if the number of pulleys
in the system affects the accuracy of the measurements. We are testing
the claim that a two-pulley system yields more accurate results than a
single pulley setup. We investigated the performance of each system as
we varied the masses involved. This project provides a detailed com-
parative analysis of the pulleys’ role in the Atwood’s machine setup.
SPS02: 8-10 p.m. Measuring and Modeling a Boleadora
Poster – Jacob T. Brooks, High Point University, High Point, NC 27262-
Aaron Titus, High Point University
The effects of the throwing technique on the motion of a boleadora in
flight were investigated. The boleadora is an ancient hunting weapon
made of three individual masses connected by rope to a common
knot. The dynamics of the boleadora depend on whether it is thrown
by the knot or by one of the masses. A computational model was de-
veloped for each throwing technique. Predictions of the models were
compared to results from 3D video analysis. The models and results
from video analysis for the two throwing techniques will be presented.
SPS03: 8-10 p.m. Physics of Stringed Instruments
Poster – Katarzyna Pomian, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL
We are studying the properties of stringed instruments that contribute
to their unique sounds and yet, set them apart. The goal is to under-
stand how stringed instruments function, and what sets the different
instruments apart in sound and function. We have analyzed the string
resonances and body properties of 13 instruments including some of
the lesser studied ones. We analyzed sound data for each instrument
under different initial conditions. The strings were excited at different
locations using various techniques, such as plucking and bowing. We
also took high-speed videos for a better understanding of the wave
generated by each instrument. Body analysis using Chladi patterns
helped us to observe the properties of the bodies. A cross comparison
of the instruments revealed variances in the sound, based upon the
unique characteristics of each instrument. This project provides a
comprehensive analysis of stringed instruments.
SPS04: 8-10 p.m. Springs Released from Uniform Circular
Motion – The Slinky Drop Extended
Poster – Matthew Carnaghi, High Point University, Greensboro, NC
Aaron Titus, High Point University
Thomas Dooling, The University Of North Carolina at Pembroke
Jeff Regester, Greensboro Day School
The path of a spring released from uniform circular motion was
investigated and compared to a computational model. This study is an
extension of the “Slinky drop” experiment, which consists of holding
the top of a Slinky
above the ground, allowing it to stretch due
to the gravitational force, and releasing it from rest. For the falling
slinky the bottom portion of the slinky remains stationary until the
slinky collapses. Similarly, for a spring in uniform circular motion, the
spring is not uniformly stretched but is most stretched near the center
of the circle. When released, it is expected that the furthest end of the
spring will continue in uniform circular motion until the spring has
collapsed. Video analysis was used to measure the motion of a spring
released from uniform circular motion, and results were compared to
a computational model of the system. It was found that the free end of
the spring continues in uniform circular motion after the fixed end is
released and before the spring fully collapses.
SPS05: 8-10 p.m. Investigating Traditional Methods of
Inertial Navigation Versus Using a Smartphone
Poster – Timothy Slesinger,* Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA 24503;
Alex T. Tran, Peter A. Sheldon, Randolph College
Kacey L. Meaker, University of California, Berkeley
Inertial navigation has long been used for measurement of position
and orientation in commercial travel (boats, planes), but the systems
are complicated and expensive. GPS is good for two-dimensional
positioning on the surface of the Earth, but not for orientation or
altitude, and GPS signals are not always available. Inertial naviga-
tion systems are self-contained and do not require communication
with an outside agent. Very recent improvements in micro-machined
electromechanical systems (MEMS) have made the application of
inertial navigation techniques easily available. We became interested
in this project through our work in mapping roller coaster rides. We
will report on our efforts to develop techniques of averaging, noise-
reduction, and reduction of drift in a navigation signal generated by
accelerometers and gyroscopes. In addition, we show a comparison of
research-grade inertial navigation equipment to the sensors built into
a standard smartphone.
*Sponsored by Peter Sheldon
SPS06: 8-10 p.m. A Novel Low-cost Gamma Ray
Spectroscopy for Undergraduate Physics Labs
Poster – Abaz Kryemadhi, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055;
Kyler Chrestay, Joel Love, Messiah College
Gamma Ray Spectroscopy has been traditionally expensive for physics
labs due to needs for multichannel analyzers and/or NIM crates. We
have been able to design a low-cost gamma ray spectroscopy for phys-
ics labs using a silicon photomultiplier as a photodetector, a LYSO
crystal for scintillation, and a typical digital oscilloscope with Lab-
view. The method we use does not only provide low-cost gamma ray
spectra from different isotopes but also unlike the black box approach
in multichannel analyzers, it provides opportunities for undergradu-
ate students to be familiar with detection techniques in particle and
nuclear physics.
SPS07: 8-10 p.m. Scintillator Studies for Cryogenic Dark
Matter Search (CDMS) Experiment
Poster – Abaz Kryemadhi, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055;
Joel Love, Jack Bluebaugh, Messiah College
We spent this past summer studying scintillators for a neutron veto
for CDMS Experiment. The CDMS searches for Weakly Interactive
Massive Particles (WIMPs) using germanium crystals kept at mil-
liKelvin and it is currently located at Soudan mine in Minnesota. The
superCDMS which will be the next phase of CDMS, will be located at
SNOLAB in a deep mine in Canada. Neutron Veto is one of possible
active sub-detectors to be deployed in order to tag neutrons which
carry similar signature to WIMPS. We studied different scintillators
and different photo-detectors in search of high light yield and low-
cost detector prototype. We collaborated with Fermi National Labora-
tory CDMS group and were sponsored by Department of Energy
under Visiting Faculty Team grant.
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