Tom Moore
The graphics from Moore's
talk are here in six web pages. Click on the indicated subject to go to the relevant
pg. 1
Moore described teaching GR with
tensors. He presents a list of
notable teachers of GR whose work influenced him. He contrasts
two approaches: 1) math first then physics and the problems of this
pg. 2 2)
physics first and then the math and the problems of this approach.
There is a
third way: Use
physics to motivate the math; then develop math and extend the physics.
He offers a
syllabus for
this third way.
pg. 3
How do you make this third way succeed? He offers
seven ways:
1. Use lots of 2-D examples, include some
pg. 4 Moore offers
his version of KISS for studying tensors.
1. Build on student intuition about vectors;
2. Avoid unnecessary complexity.
3. Lots of drill
pg. 5
4. Don't get carried away with the power of notation --
write it out.
5. Build ownership
i. organize your class sessions to foster active learning
ii. have students derive much
iii. sell your approach to the students.
6. Homeworks are like sports practice
pg. 6
7. Ways to avoid tedium
Teach tensors to
provide a good foundation to students for understanding GR's big
book aspires to embody the principles he advocates


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