program_wb_i - page 146

Wednesday afternoon
1:50-2 p.m. Peer Grading in a Flipped Classroom and
Contributed – Scott S. Douglas, 1412 Edgehill Ave., Unit 3, Nashville, TN
John M. Aiken, Georgia Institute of Technology & Georgia State University
Shih-Yin Lin, Edwin F. Greco, Michael F. Schatz, Georgia Institute of Technol-
For our Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) and on-campus “flipped”
introductory physics classes, we emphasized peer review and scientific
communication as important elements of physics practice; our students
prepared several short video lab reports, and we distributed these videos
among the students for review. In a flipped classroom, the material
traditionally presented during in-class lectures is instead presented online
outside of the classroom; in our classes, the laboratory exercises were
performed outside of the classroom, too. To facilitate the peer review of
video lab reports, we developed an online peer-grading tool called Statisti-
cally Weighted Aggregate Peer Review (SWAPR) in fall 2013. To increase
the reliability of grades assigned through SWAPR, we developed several
methods of weighting students’ responses by comparing student and expert
responses to a set of “calibration” assignments. We discuss our statistical
analysis of student vs. expert grading and the validity and significance of
our calibration methods.
2-2:10 p.m. Raising Calculus to the Surface: Engaging
Discovery Using Tangible Models
Contributed – Aaron Wangberg, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987;
Eric Weber, Oregon State University
Jason Samuels, City University of New York
Brian Fisher, Pepperdine University
The solutions to mathematics and science problems with multiple variables
often rely upon the geometric relationships between mathematical objects.
For most calculus and stem students, this geometric reasoning occurs after
their algebraic understandings ? if at all. This presentation shows a new
approach to multivariable calculus which encourages student discovery of
the geometric properties of mathematical objects before formal introduc-
tion with algebraic expressions. Using tangible models, students are able to
discuss the geometric (including coordinate dependent and independent)
properties of such mathematical concepts as gradient, directional deriva-
tives, level curves, integrals, and partial derivatives and the role of these
concepts in solving contextualized problems.
2:10-2:20 p.m. MindMeld: Science and Engineering
Contributed – Remy Dou, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33183;
The idea of taking Physics or other higher science courses in high school
intimidates particular students for many reasons. Upon taking a position
as science department chair of a medium-sized, private, K-12 institution, I
sought to positively influence the student culture towards greater interest
in Physics and engineering. Working with fellow teachers, we developed
the MindMeld: Science and Engineering Competition. The low-risk com-
petition engaged students from all grade levels, drawing equal participation
from males and females. Competition cycles lasted one school year, giving
students the opportunity to participate in three major challenges, which
included building shoes to walk on water and trebuchets. I also used the
competition as a project-based learning component of my Physics classes.
The competition contributed to a culture shift across the school, creating
more vocal student interest in science courses. In this talk I describe the
competition and share anecdotes about its success and limitations.
2:20-2:30 p.m. The IceCube Astrophysics MasterClass
Contributed – James Madsen, UW-River Falls, River Falls, WI 54022-5013;
Silvia Bravo, Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center
0. Sample cards with [vowels:Mathematical Operations] will be distributed.
Also, it includes alternative equations, as well an area 2 submit any devised
acronyms with your name 2 b used n future works.
1:10-1:20 p.m. A Low Cost, Yet State-of-the-Art Organic
Solar Cell and Light Emitting Diode Fabrication Setup for
Undergraduate Teaching and Research Laboratories
Contributed – Alexi C. Arango, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
A custom-designed research facility at Mount Holyoke College has been
built to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct cutting-
edge research typically reserved for graduate students at large research
universities. The facility provides thin-film deposition capability for the
fabrication of organic solar cells and light emitting diodes, a rapidly grow-
ing field of research that undergraduate students find particularly appeal-
ing. Operating within a modest budget, much of the instrumentation was
simplified, reduced in size and uniquely configured in order to enhance
user-friendliness, reduce processing times, limit maintenance and reduce
noise. A significant fraction of the design work and assembly was carried
out by students. Using the completed setup, students are routinely fabricat-
ing and testing cells within a two-hour laboratory period. The facility is a
striking example of how undergraduate institutions can affordably provide
a state-of-the-art research experience.
1:20-1:30 p.m. Development of Student Projects to
Promote Sustainability
Contributed – Blane Baker, William Jewell College, Liberty, MO 64068-1896;
Conner Hazelrigg, William Jewell College
As part of a recent effort to incorporate more renewable energy projects
into our curriculum, we have partnered with various organizations to iden-
tify areas of need in locations such as Haiti and Native American Reserva-
tions in the U.S. Once such needs are identified, students and faculty work
closely with personnel in those locations to determine appropriate projects
for students in our Research Experience course. Two projects completed
recently include a portable solar-powered, cell-phone battery charger and a
12 V lighting system for use in a community building. This talk will focus
on discussions of designs of these projects as well as some of the experi-
ments performed to test their feasibility.
1:30-1:40 p.m. From the Lab to the Class
Contributed – John Branch, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602-
Teaching science in K-12 today is usually based on strict guidelines that fo-
cus on topics. These topics are usually on some statewide exam (i.e?FCAT,
STAAR). With so much onus today on testing, students and teachers often
miss out on real-world experiences. I had the opportunity to conduct
research as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Physics and
Astronomy at Brigham Young University (BYU). The Research for Teach-
ers (RET) program at BYU allowed me to participate in some hands-on
research (some of the results will be presented here) and bring these skills
to the classroom in terms of getting students excited about science and
participating in future research opportunities down the road.
1:40-1:50 p.m. Homework Help Using a Web-based Chat
Room with an Equation Editor
Contributed – Daniel E. Beeker, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405;
Experiences using an open source online chatroom ( with an
equation editor (MathType) for online help sessions in a general science
course are described.
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