July 26–30, 2014
Wednesday morning
1:40-1:50 p.m. Squishy Capacitor Model of Charged
Interfaces: Negative Capacitance, Phase Transitions
Contributed – Michael B. Partensky, Rabb School, GPS, Brandeis University,
Waltham, MA 02453;
The most common and natural component in the equivalent circuit of
electrical double layers (EDL) is the electric capacitor C. First introduced
by Helmholtz and further developed in numerous theoretical treatments,
the EDL capacitor models allowed to understand properties of charged
interfaces in chemistry, biology, plasma physics. The majority of EDL
theories are based on the assumption of lateral uniformity, e.g. the studies
of uniformly charged electrode in contact with electrolyte. The fascinating
question raised in such studies is the possibility of negative capacitance
(NC) in EDL or in its components. The issue of NC became especially
important recently in applications to various nano-devices. We discuss the
relation of EDL’s NC to surface instabilities and phase transition. The ad-
equate electro-mechanical model should allow for lateral non-uniformity
of C (transition to a non-uniform state). We discuss the “squishy capacitor
model” to demonstrate various types of surface instabilities and phase tran-
sitions related to NC.
1:50-2 p.m. Small Coordinated Cooperative Groups for
Solving Homework
Contributed – Thomas Gredig,* California State University Long Beach, 1250
Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840-9505;
Zvonimir T Hlousek, Chuhee Kwon, California State University Long Beach
Micro-communities or group work has had a long tradition in physics
courses starting in the 1970s. Generally, it has been found that teamwork
contributes to more efficient student learning, if it is properly structured.
The structure, however, is crucial, as otherwise teamwork is not useful.
Here, we discuss how structured cooperative micro-communities can
be implemented using asynchronous web technologies to foster inter-
est and encourage critical thinking and problem solving. One particular
example involves introductory physics students solving complex numerical
problems that would be demanding for a beginner to approach, but can be
solved with the help of a peer group. This method enables introductory stu-
dents to explore real world phenomena by modeling them with the abstract
concepts learned in class. This work has been supported by the Chancellor’s
Office of the California State University through Gerry Hanley.
*Sponsored by Chuhee Kwon
2-2:10 p.m. Preparing Students for Experimental
Contributed – Gregory Pawloski, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Physics majors are exposed to numerous classes that provide a theoreti-
cal foundation. In addition many courses offer laboratory components
with predefined projects that give the students a chance to develop basic
data collection and analysis skills. However, opportunities for the students
to formally develop professional research skills in which they confront
problems without predefined solutions are often limited. At the University
of Minnesota, we offer a capstone course in which the students undertake a
research project that reflects the structure of an actual research environ-
ment. We require that each student undertakes a literature search to find
a physical problem that can be experimentally studied, propose, design,
and execute an independent experimental project to address that problem.
I will discuss the pedagogy of this course and how we balance letting the
students develop an independent and open-ended research project with
pragmatic limitations of resources, time, and experimental feasibility.
2:10-2:20 p.m. InquirySpace: Powerful, Free Software
for Collecting, Analyzing and Modeling Data
Contributed – Chad Dorsey,The Concord Consortium, Concord, MA 01742;
Wish your students could collect and analyze data all in one place? Want
to analyze data from models and simulations as well as from probes and
sensors? Come learn how powerful new NSF-funded software from the
Concord Consortium can enable all this and more. The “missing link” for
modeling-based approaches and perfect for anyone collecting and exploring
data, InquirySpace provides free, open source tools that greatly expand the
range and sophistication of meaningful open-ended science investigations.
InquirySpace integrates three proven technologies—real-time data collection
from probes and sensors, the versatile modeling environments of NetLogo
and the Molecular Workbench, and the powerful visual data exploration
capabilities of the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP), based
on Fathom and Tinkerplots and integrates them into a coherent, Web-based
environment enabling rich, collaborative scientific inquiry. Come learn about
the power of this tool and how you can access it for free today.
2:20-2:30 p.m. Beyond the Flipped Classroom: Student
Generated Multimedia Learning Objects
Contributed – Firas Moosvi, University of British Columbia, Department of
Physics and Astronomy, Vancouver, BC V6t1Z1 Canada;
Joss Ives, Georg Rieger, Simon P. Bates, University of British Columbia
Results and implementation details from a novel learning approach that
extends the pedagogy of the Flipped Classroom (FC) is described in this
study. Students in a large introductory physics class (N=805) were tasked
with the creation of two learning objects (LOs) over the course of the term
based on pre-reading material set for the whole class. An experienced TA
screened the LOs for quality and relevance to the course with the best ones
highlighted and incorporated into the lectures and tutorials. Implementa-
tion strategies that helped ensure a consistent submission rate over the
course of the term spanning all topics are discussed. With a participation
rate of over 80%, students appeared engaged and interested in the LO ex-
ercise and self-reported dramatic improvements in their understanding of
the content based on a five-point scale despite the presence of many other
assigned items in the course.
Session PST2G: Post-deadline Posters
Location: Coffman Union ground floor
Date: Wednesday, July 30
Time: 1– 2:30 p.m.
Odd number poster authors should be present 1-1:45 p.m.
Even number poster authors should be present 1:45-2:30 p.m.
(Posters may be set up starting at 8 a.m. Wednesday and then
should be taken down by 2:30 p.m. Wednesday)
PST2G01: 1-1:45 p.m. Facilitating an Authentic Research
Experience in Quantitative Biology and Biophysics
Poster – Benjamin Geller, University of Maryland College Park, Department
of Physics, College Park, MD 20742;
Patrick Killion, Wolfgang Losert, Chandra Turpen, University of Maryland
College Park
The First-Year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE) aims to facilitate
transformational experiences for first-year undergraduates in faculty-led re-
search and innovation streams at the University of Maryland, College Park.
A pre-pilot FIRE stream was implemented during the spring 2014 semester,
focusing on authentic biophysical research questions related to the dynamics
of the cytoskeletal network and the associated motor proteins. More broadly,
this stream provided students (1) the opportunity to develop research skills
that make them competitive when applying for future research internships
and/or medical school, (2) iterative practice in written and oral scientific
communication, and (3) the chance to build a collaborative and supportive
community that lasts beyond the end of the stream.
PST2G02: 1:45-2:30 p.m. Flipping the Introductory Physics
Poster – Joseph J. Trout, Richard Stockton College of NJ, Philadelphia, PA
Assessment was completed on using classroom “flipping” techniques and
this assessment will be presented. The “flipping” techniques include using
in-class group assignments and video lectures. Self assessment by student
surveys will also be presented.