Wednesday afternoon
The present research is motivated by the global impact of drug dependence
and substance abuse, accounting for one of the highest mortality tolls
worldwide. We apply biophysics, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling
approaches to the recently crystallized structure of the µ-opioid recep-
tor (MOR), which is a member of the GPCR superfamily and one of the
primarily targets for opioids. We investigated the impact of four mis-
sense mutations in MOR, coded by non-synonymous single nucleotide
polymorphisms (nsSNPs), observed in patients with substance dependence
PST2G22: 1:45-2:30 p.m. CERN Beamline for Schools Proposal:
Testing Nuclear Cladding Materials
Poster – Emily R. Koss,* Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, IL
Benjamin Hunt, Julia R. Masterman, Lars E. Stolpe, Michael D. Zhang, Glen-
brook North High School
CERN has sponsored the Beamline for Schools competition. Proposals
to use their 10 GeV target facility were solicited from international high
school student teams. The objective of our experiment is to revolutionize
the nuclear energy industry’s current testing methods for nuclear reactor
cladding materials. Because charged particle beams are more common,
less expensive to operate, and allow for faster test cycles than test reactors,
our method of using charged particles to simulate neutron damage could
expedite testing cycles and reduce development costs.
*Sponsored by Nathan A. Unterman, Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, IL.
PST2G24: 1:45-2:30 p.m. Agile Development of a Python-based
Image Analysis Tool
Poster – Matthew W. Craig, Minnesota State University, Moorhead, 1104 7th
Ave. S Moorhead, MN 56563-2996;
A tool for performing professional-level analysis of astronomical images
was developed with active undergraduate participation as part of an agile
software development process. This poster will provide an overview the
ipython notebook-based software. It will be used as the primary tool in an
astronomical image processing course. It will also be used by small groups
of students in an introductory astronomy course as part of observation
projects for the course. Development of the tool will continue in response
to student feedback.
PST2G25: 1-1:45 p.m. Tapping Into the Matrix
Poster – Christopher D. Porter, The Ohio State University, Physics Depart-
ment, Columbus, OH 43210;
Andrew Heckler, The Ohio State University Physics Department
We present a scaffolded, stepped-complexity approach to incorporating
matrices in quantum mechanics at the advanced undergraduate level.
Advances have been made in recent years in improving students comfort
level with basis vector and/or bra ket notation. But we have observed a
disconnect when topics combine matrix notation and linear algebra with
traditional wavefunction notation and calculus. This difficulty is notably
present in perturbation theory and topics in continuous media. We are
developing trial activities that establish a connection between the two nota-
tions and concepts, implement increasing levels of complexity as the con-
nection is developed, and finally allow the student to do full calculations
and give conceptual interpretations of problems involving both matrix and
wavefunction representations. Examples are shown in perturbation theory
and continuous media. We comment on early reactions although statistics
are not yet available. Currently, the activities have only been used in pilot
study for Master’s-to-PhD bridge program participants.
PST2G26: 1:45-2:30 p.m. Students’ Responses to Different
Translations of the Physics Concept Inventory
Poster – Michi Ishimoto, Kochi University of Technology, Tosayamada-cho
Kochi, Non U.S. 782-8502 Japan;
The physics concept inventory has “gone global:: It has been translated
into many non-English languages and is in use in many countries today.
Two Japanese translations of the Force and Motion Conceptual Evalu-
ation (FMCE) by two independent translators differ in terms of their
present preliminary results on shifts obtained in kinematics skills, attitudes
and technological anxiety from this study to illustrate the impact of smart-
phones in physics labs.
PST2G18: 1:45-2:30 p.m. Maxwell’s Equations in a Plastic Cup
Poster – Gregory W. Putman, Kent State University, Department of Physics,
Kent, OH 44242;
Elizabeth K. Mann, Kent State University
Physics in Entertainment and The Arts Lab is a science core course that
serves approximately 500 non-science students per year. This course is
designed to explore the physics of everyday objects with a few basics ideas
and minimal technical equipment. We focus on waves of sound and light
and how they shape music and the visual arts. One of the most appreciated
labs involves making a speaker out of a coil of wire, a plastic cup, and a
magnet (after using the coil and magnet to explore the relationship be-
tween electricity, magnetism and motion.) This activity fascinates students
at all levels, including faculty. To paraphrase one student ?Heavy Metal out
of a plastic cup is (amazing)!?
PST2G19: 1-1:45 p.m. Investigating Polymer Lens Formation
Using Interfacial Liquid Surfaces
Poster – Mason F. White, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057;.
Charlottes M. Zimmerman, Martha E. Baylor, Carleton College
In this experiment we examine the profile of polymer lenses formed by
dropping hydrophobic, photo-curable monomer onto liquid substrates,
and then solidifying the monomer through exposure to a UV light source.
The intermolecular forces acting on the monomer at the interface of these
two substances mold the floating monomer into a specific shape. This
geometry is maintained as the polymer cures, thus indicating that these
intermolecular forces determine the structure of the lens. By manipulat-
ing these forces, we can create polymer lenses of different curvatures. We
can change the force at the interface by altering the temperature, density,
and polarity of the substrate, as well as the container in which the curing
process occurs. We will present data for the full width at half max of the
lenses with respect to these variables, with the ultimate goal of finding a
mathematical equation that describes this curvature.
PST2G20: 1:45-2:30 p.m. History of Nuclear Physics: From the
Dawn of Nuclear Physics to the First Atomic Bombs
Poster – Ekaterina Michonova-Alexova, Erskine College, 2 Washington St.,
Due West, SC 29639-0338;
Stephen J. Woolbright, Jacob P. Schumacher, Erskine College
Here we present a fresh look at the major discoveries leading to nuclear
fission within the historical perspective. The focus is on the main contribu-
tors to the discoveries in nuclear physics, leading to the idea of fission and
its application to the creation of the atomic bombs used at the end of the
World War II. This work is a more complete review on the history of the
nuclear physics discoveries and their application to the atomic bomb. In
addition to the traditional approach to the topic, focusing mainly on the
fundamental physics discoveries in Europe and on the Manhattan Project
in the United States, the nuclear research in Japan is also emphasized.
Along with that, a review of the existing credible scholar publications, pro-
viding evidence for possible atomic bomb research in Japan, is provided.
Proper credit is given to the women physicists, whose contributions had
not always been recognized. Considering the historical and political situa-
tion at the time of the scientific discoveries, thought-provoking questions
about decision-making, morality, and responsibility are also addressed. We
refer to the contributions of over 20 Nobel Prize winners.
PST2G21: 1-1:45 p.m. Computational Modeling of Missense
Poster – Ekaterina Michonova-Alexova, Erskine College, 2 Washington St.,
Due West, SC 29639-0338;
Christopher Henry, Erskine College
Zhe Zhang, Clemson University/ Oak Ridge National Laboratory