James Hartle
Five web pages
summarize Hartle's talk. Click on the indicated
subject to go to those pages.
pg. 1
the case for GR for undergrads
pg. 2
two ways to present GR: logical order,
physics first
pg. 3
advantages of physics first;
Some flow charts show the order in which to develop background, tools,
and concepts needed to teach about:
1. Gravitational
2. Black Holes
pg. 4
3. Cosmology
and should you use frames or not.
pg. 5 concludes with
important considerations to have a
successful course:


review |
Hartle began by offering
three major reasons for teaching general
relativity to undergraduates. The essence of his argument: GR is a
major foundational theory of contemporary physics.
He presented a list of textbooks
suitable for undergraduates to show that there is an extensive pedagogy
for teaching of GR. The list is also a useful guide for anyone
thinking of teaching a GR course. As further evidence that the
teaching GR to undergraduates is spreading, he showed a list of
colleges and universities that have adopted his