James Hartle
web pages present Hartle's talk. Click on the indicated subject to go to
the relevant page.
pg. 1
the case for GR for undergrads
pg. 2
two ways to present GR: logical order,
physics first
pg. 3
advantages of physics first; a flow chart
guide to the background, tools, and concepts needed to teach about:
Gravitational Waves
2. Black Holes and
pg. 4
3. Cosmology
and should you use frames or not.
pg. 5 presents some
important considerations for a
successful course:
A list
of the colleges and universities that have adopted
his text shows how widely GR is now being taught.


Five web pages present Hartle's talk. Click
on the indicated subject to go to the relevant page.
pg. 1
the case for GR for undergrads
pg. 2
two ways to present GR: logical order,
physics first
pg. 3
advantages of physics first; a flow chart
guide to the background, tools, and concepts needed to teach about:
Gravitational Waves
2. Black Holes and
pg. 4
3. Cosmology
and should you use frames or not.
pg. 5 presents some
important considerations for a
successful course:
A list
of the colleges and universities that have adopted
his text shows how widely GR is now being taught.