Planned Giving
There are many opportunities to give to AAPT

Given the chance, most of us would like to leave a legacy to organizations we valued in our lifetime. Planned Giving creates opportunities for both our donors and the American Association of Physics Teachers. Determining what gift is right for you is just as important as making the gift. There are many options from which you can choose. The correct plan for you balances what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family, and your charitable interests in your overall estate and financial plans.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust is an arrangement in which property or money is donated to a charity, but the donor (called the grantor) continues to use the property and/or receive income from it while living. The beneficiaries receive the income and the charity receives the principal after a specified period of time.
A Charitable Remainder Trust offers tax savings and flexibility to accomplish two separate goals: making a gift to American Association of Physics Teachers while at the same time providing income for loved ones. You transfer property irrevocably to a trust. Then, you specify your payout rate (usually 5-8%), beneficiaries to receive income, and trust term (a period of 20 or fewer years or the life of a beneficiary or beneficiaries). The American Association of Physics Teachers will receive the remainder of the trust’s assets at the end of the trust’s term.
Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust is an arrangement in which property income or investment income is given to a charity while the grantor is living, but the principal passes to other designated parties upon the grantor's death.
When you create a charitable lead trust, the initial or "lead" interest is paid out to the American Association of Physics Teachers annually for either a predetermined number of years or for the duration of your life. Thereafter, the assets of the lead trust are either returned to you or passed on to your children, grandchildren, or other loved ones. If the assets are to be returned to you, you receive an income tax deduction when the trust is created. If the assets are passed on to heirs, applicable estate or gift taxes on the value of the gift are reduced or completely eliminated.
Bequests and Testamentary Gifts
Please let us know if you have included AAPT in your estate plans.
Gifts by Will or Living Trust
The most common form of deferred or planned gift to support AAPT is a bequest contained in a person's will or revocable (living) trust. The following language is an example of how a bequest to benefit AAPT may be worded:
I give, devise and bequeath to the American Association of Physics Teachers, a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization located in College Park, Maryland, _____ percent of my residual estate (or a specific bequest of $__________, or other personal or real property appropriately described) for (a specific program or unrestricted use), to be used in accordance with the terms of the most recent written directive or fund agreement I have signed with AAPT, otherwise to be used as directed by AAPT.
Gifts of Retirement Plans
Naming AAPT as a primary or contingent beneficiary of a private pension fund (e.g. IRA, SEP, 401(k)) can result in a tax-wise testamentary gift because these assets do not receive favorable tax treatment at their owner's death. In some cases, it is best to divide one retirement account into two separate accounts, one for your spouse and one for AAPT. Your retirement accounts plan administrator (the company that manages the account) can help you designate the American Association of Physics Teachers as a beneficiary on the plan's beneficiary designation form. (Please send AAPT a copy of this form.)
What Do You Want Your Legacy to Be?
Teachers make a difference. You help shape the future. AAPT can help you determine what you want your legacy to be—to your family, to your fellow teachers, and to tomorrow's future teachers.
Note: The techniques and strategies above are intended to provide accurate information regarding the subjects covered; however, they are furnished with the understanding that the American Association of Physics Teachers is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice or counsel. The American Association of Physics Teachers encourages the reader to seek competent professional counsel to address any legal or other issues that may arise.
Whom to Contact
If you would like more information, please contact AAPT Executive Officer Beth A. Cunningham at (301) 209 3311. You may also contact the Executive Officer via email at
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