Albert Allen Bartlett, Emeritus Member:
Over the years, AAPT has meant a great deal to me both professionally and socially. Throughout my 62 years of membership I have really benefited from the opportunity to interact with great physics teachers, both formally and informally. The annual meetings have always been a highlight of the year for me and I regret that I am not able to get out as much now as I did years ago.
David R. Sokoloff, AAPT President, 2011: While the decision to join AAPT in the early 1970s came easily for me, I understand that today's economic realities are somewhat different. And one might ask, "What does AAPT do for me?" However, dues are modest by any standards, and shouldn't the question really be, "What does AAPT do for the physics teaching profession, and for our students?" Through PTRA (winner of the 2011 APS Excellence in Physics Education Award) and the new eMentoring program for enhancement of in-service high school teachers' skills, through PhysTEC for the recruitment and training of new teachers, through our peer-reviewed journals—the American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher—and through ComPADRE, providing essential resources at all levels, through New Faculty Workshops, providing research-based strategies to new college-level faculty, and through student programs like the U.S. Physics Olympiad Team, AAPT continues to enrich our diverse membership. And, AAPT is the one organization that represents the interests of all physics teachers at the national level, for example, to the National Science Foundation and to Congress. (The Physics Teacher, February 2011)
Beth A. Cunningham, AAPT Executive Officer: If you have a passion for physics education and want to be a part of the movement to improve the understanding of physics then AAPT is the Association for you.
Don Freeland, Michigan High School Teacher: I have enjoyed my association with the American Association of Physics Teachers. It has been very instrumental in my growth and development. Mentoring is a big part and I've had the opportunity to be mentored by a very much larger group of mentors by being at the meetings and interacting with master teachers in just about every type of situation. They come from large high schools, small high schools, and university settings.
Todd Leif, Cloud Community College: Coming to the national meeting is a valuable experience. I have lots of people who are two-year college mentors and other people who are mentors. All these people are AAPT members who are also Distinguished Service Citation Award and Millikan Medal winners. Those are the people I really lean on and have taken a lot of advice from. AAPT has been really great for me and my professional development. It has really helped my career.
Gordon Ramsey, Loyola University: When I come to the AAPT meetings I always come back rejuvinated and with great ideas. Even though I am doing some administrative things I aways find the ideas that I get from AAPT that apply to my teaching and my department's activities and curriculum so very valuable.
Marie F. Plumb, Jamestown Community College: AAPT has defined who I am in the physics community and I am forever grateful for what it had done for me.
John Hubisz, North Carolina State University: The organization can fulfill the needs of all physics teachers and those who would like to become physics teachers. Sometimes I'm asked about the cost of membership. Stop and think of what you learn. This is something that is going to be beneficial to you for the rest of your career. The investment, though it might sound like a lot today, is an investment in your future. It will be difficult to judge the return that you get from being a member of AAPT.
Elizabeth (Tommi) Holsenbeck, Alabama State University: I joined AAPT in January of my first year of teaching when I was 40. I started reading The Physics Teacher and went to workshops. Whether through workshops or other people that I've met, I've grown and grown. Now I'm lucky enough to be in charge of the High School Physics Photo Contest. I'm excited about all the pictures. I think this is a great way for AAPT to share how high schools and high school students look at physics.
Nina Daye, Orange High School: My training was originally in biology but I was hired to teach physics. AAPT has been an important part of my professional development. One of the strengths of this organization is that people work together, people collaborate, and you are not just stuck out there by yourself. Even though you might be the only physics teacher is a school, you don't have to be alone. I can send an email to my friends and get an answer the next day, find out abut new pedagogy, or look at cutting edge technology. My use of microcomputer based labs all came from AAPT as I learned about them at conferences or in the literature. This organization has meant so much to me in terms of making me who I am as a person and as a physics teacher.
Harvey S. Leff, California Polytec (Retired): AAPT has been, and continues to be, an important part of my life and career. It has helped me improve my teaching and network with other physics teachers. It provides vehicles (AJP and TPT) for keeping up to date on the new ideas of others and publishing my own work.
Shawn Reeves, Energy AAPT makes me a better teacher, but it's more complicated than that. AAPT provides a forum not only for improvement but questioning our practice. Helping us identify a need at an AAPT meeting, that openness inspired me and two other teachers to start, and I go back to AAPT every year for new inspirations.
Jon Anderson, Centennial Senior High School: I am a HS physics teacher and have participated in numerous professional development activities throughout my career. The best PD that I receive is a direct result of my membership in AAPT. The publication "The Physics Teacher" is a wealth of ideas and inspiration and something that I read thoroughly and I look forward to the opportunity to attend professional meetings sponsored by AAPT and the information that I learn at them.
John L. Roeder, Calhoun School: After I received the Excellence in Pre-College Teaching Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) in 2003, I was asked what advice I would give new teachers. After about ten minutes of thought, I realized that the answer was simple: "Join AAPT!" Why? Because most of what has helped me to improve as a physics teachers has come from AAPT workshops and AAPT meetings. AAPT is a great forum for physics teachers at all levels to interact and improve the teaching of physics. I couldn't imagine being a physics teacher without it.
Kevin Doyle, Morris Hills High School: AAPT has helped me in so many ways. It has given me many experiences, teaching ideas, and physics knowledge that I have used to make myself a better teacher. More importantly, my students have received better instruction because of AAPT and how they have shaped my teaching and understanding of physics.
Joe Spaccavento, North Arlington High School: I am a proud AAPT member of 30 years. As a Physics educator, AAPT is the guardian for physics education around the globe. I have been active on the National, State, and local level providing and receiving valuable teacher training.
This incredible organization has helped to mold me into the educational leader I am today. Physics teachers are special people, they are a true learning community of dedicated professionals.
The AAPT is the backbone which supports all of the various sections of AAPT which in turn service the those teachers who might not have the opportunity to attend a national meeting. I serve as the New jersey Section Representative and wear my title proudly. To truly see all of the contributions of the AAPT one must look at the work being done by the sections as well. You can see a small part of that by visiting the New Jersey section web page at
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