Bauder Fund

The Frederick and Florence Bauder Endowment for the Support of Physics Teaching (Bauder Fund) was established to support special activities in the area of physics teaching.

The Bauder Fund will consider applications that request funds for:

  • Providing grants for the development and distribution of innovative apparatus for physics teaching.
  • Providing funds to obtain and or build and support traveling exhibits of apparatus.
  • Providing funds for local workshops. Up to $2,500 to fund local workshops for teachers who spread the use of demonstration and laboratory equipment.
  • Providing support for grant projects, provided the Bauder Fund Committee recommends such projects and the AAPT Executive Board approves them.
  • The Bauder fund will support purchase of supplies for workshops, liability insurance for workshops and demonstration programs.
  • The Bauder fund cannot support indirect or administrative costs, salaries of any type, travel, lodging, registration fees, food for presenters or participants, or equipment that would normally be available in a school or department.
  • The Bauder fund will reimburse approved expenses supported by original receipts and claimed on a report of the activity submitted to the AAPT Programs Department.
  • The Bauder fund is limited to proposals for expenses that will occur after the next national meeting.
  • Dissemination of results of the activity is expected. Suitable methods are talks or posters presented at state or national AAPT meetings, articles written for the AAPT eNNOUNCER, for The Physics Teacher, or the American Journal of Physics.
  • A final report on the activity/activities that were conducted as part of the funded project. The final report should include the number of participants attending the funded activity/activities and what they received from the Bauder funds

Can't decide if your should apply?  See the projects recently supported by the Bauder Fund.

Only AAPT members may apply. Applications must be received by July 1 for consideration at the Summer Meeting or December 1 for consideration at the Winter Meeting. Please see a sample of a successful Bauder Fund proposal HERE.

Application materials are available online as a PDF or can be requested from:

AAPT Programs Department