Harold Q. and Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund
This endowment fund was created to enhance the internationalization of AAPT membership and is intended to be beneficial to physics teachers in countries with low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income economies and countries with nonconvertible currencies. Each year, AAPT awards several two-year Harold Q. and Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund AAPT Memberships, which are regular electronic memberships and include electronic only access to copies of the American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher, and Physics Today. The countries eligible for funded memberships are derived from the World Bank list of countries with low, lower-middle, and upper-middle-income economies. This decision was approved by the Membership and Benefits Committee. This list of countries from which nominees will be solicited will be periodically revised by the AAPT Membership and Benefits Committee based on this list.
Submitting an Application
The deadline for receipt of applications each year is July 1. All applications received by that date will be considered for a membership that will start on September 1 and run through August 31 two years later. The application process requires:
1. A completed Fuller Fund Application.
2. A one-page narrative statement of the applicant’s background as well as the reasons membership will benefit the recipient and promote excellence in physics teaching in their respective countries.
3. The name of and contact information of one individual who can verify the applicant's qualifications.
Applications will be reviewed and recipients will be selected by the Fuller Fund Selection Committee consisting of:
- The Chair of the Membership and Benefits Committee, who will chair the Selection Committee,
- The Chair of the Area Committee on International Physics Education,
- The AAPT representative to the United States Liaison Committee to the international Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP),
- The Director of the AAPT Department of Membership ex officio without vote, and
- The AAPT Executive Officer, ex officio without vote.
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