The Best of The Physics Teacher 2015-2016

TPT Cover, September 2015 December 2015 issue of The Physics Teacher February 2015 cover of The Physics Teacher The Physics Teacher, November 2015 The Physics Teacher October 2015 January 2016 TPT cover March 2016 cover, The Physics Teacher 




Race and physics teaching, and the fair: A call to all physics educators for manuscripts on a rarely discussed topic by TPT editor, Gary White

Harmony and Higgs – Palette and Particle by Jack Hehn, Co-Editor and Gary White, Co-Editor

Most downloaded articles

A Course Connecting Astronomy to Art, History, and Literature by Don Olson

Addressing Underrepresentation: Physics Teaching for All by Moses Rifkin

Bouncing Back From “Deflategate" by Gregory A. DiLisi and Richard A. Rarick

Bringing (Century-Old) Technology into the Classroom, Part II: Teaching Vibrations and Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, and Optics with Antiques by John W. Jewett Jr.

Can You Beat This? Charles H. Holbrow and Charles J. Holbrow

Commedia dell'Arte as a Metaphor for the Art of Teaching by Robert A. Morse

Comparative Cognitive Task Analyses of Experimental Science and Instructional Laboratory Courses by Carl Wieman

A Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum in Special Relativity and Classical Mechanics by Peter J. Riggs

Demonstrating Fluorescence with Neon Paper and Plastic by Jennifer J. Birriel and Clarissa Roe

The Enigmatic Neutrino by Don Lincoln and Tia Micel

Finding the Effective Mass and Spring Constant of a Force Probe from Simple Harmonic Motion by Nathaniel R. Greene, Tom Gill, and Stephen Eyerly

Get Real! — Physically Reasonable Values for Teaching Electrostatics by Robert A. Morse

Historic Methods for Capturing Magnetic Field Images by Alistair Kwan

Homemade Wooden Vernier Scales for Use by Blind Students by Mike Tomac, Cricket Bidleman, and Dan Brown

How Giraffes Drink by P. M. Binder and Dale L. Taylor

Integrating BalloonSAT and Atmospheric Dynamic Concepts into the Secondary Classroom by B. N. Fong, J. T. Kennon, and E. Roberts

Modern Gravitational Lens Cosmology for Introductory Physics and Astronomy Students by Paul Huwe and Scott Field

The Nature of the Electron by Don Lincoln

Polarizing PVC — A Discrepant Event by David Headly and Mohamed Karabatek

Professor Usain Bolt Welcomes You to the Schoolyard: Physics for Champions by Kostas Vourlias and Fanny Seroglou

Re-Cycling by Robert W. Brown and Corbin E. Covault

Remembering the S. S. Edmund Fitzgerald by Gregory A. DiLisi and Richard A. Rarick

Rosetta Mission's “7 Hours of Terror” and Philae's Descent by Philip Blanco

Simulating Gravity: Dark Matter and Gravitational Lensing in the Classroom by Jes Ford, Jared Stang, and Catherine Anderson

Sparking Curiosity: How Do You Know What Your Students Are Thinking? by Wendy K. Adams and Courtney Willis

Sweating Like a Pig: Physics or Irony? by Craig F. Bohren

Twin Views of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse by Don Olson, Joseph Hook, Russell Doescher, and Steven Wolf

Using a Ternary Diagram to Display a System's Evolving Energy Distribution by Bob Brazzle and Anne Tapp

Whiteboarding: A Tool for Moving Classroom Discourse from Answer-making to Sense Making by Colleen Megowan-Romanowicz