AAPT Sections

Please submit announcements concerning your section meetings and section officers to Mike Hall (mhall@aapt.org).


AAPT Support for Sections

  • Broadcast "AAPT Section News" on the AAPT website
  • Place upcoming Section events on the AAPT Calendar of Events.
  • Display upcoming Section meetings on the Section's webpage (on AAPT.org).
  • List Section officers on each Section’s AAPT webpage and include a link to the Section website.
  • Provide Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for Section Meetings upon advance request.
  • Provide AAPT promotional materials for meetings. Must request one month in advance.
  • Provide funding for Section Reps to attend Section Officers' Meeting, Section Representatives' Meeting, and AAPT Council Meeting during the Winter Meeting.
  • Section discussion lists are established and maintained by AAPT upon request
  • AEO and EO attend Section Meetings when asked (or connect via videoconference)
  • Section Representatives are notified by the National office via an automatically generated email when a new member joins AAPT and identifies with that Section
  • List Section meetings information/links in the eNNOUNCER