Jan Landis Mader Steps into Role of AAPT President
College Park, Maryland, January 12, 2021—At the close of the 2021 Virtual Winter Meeting the presidential gavel was presented to Jan Landis Mader. She will serve as President of the American Association of Physics Teachers for the coming year. Mader, physics instructor at Great Falls High School, Great Falls, Montana, has previously served on the AAPT Board of Directors as President-elect and Vice President.
One of Mader’s goals will be to continue the support of the AAPT/PTRA Program, the K – 12 resources, E Mentoring, the Summer Physics Camp, the YouTube Channel, Compadre/Physics Front, grants for workshops through sections and alliances with other educational providers.
Mader will also focus on expanding the reach of AAPT into the High School community and recognizing the critical role the Association plays in educational diversity and equity.
A past member and chair of the AAPT Committee on Physics in High Schools, Mader had also been a member of the Committee on Physics in Pre-High School Education, Committee on Science Education for the Public, and the AAPT Nominating Committee. She served as Co-Principle Investigator on the AAPT/PTRA Rural NSF grant, is a member of thfe PTRA Oversight Committee and has served as a Physics Teacher Resource Agent since 2002.
The first female receipt of AAPTs Paul W. Zitzewitz Award for Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching in 2007, Mader is also the recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT and an AAPT Fellow. She was recognized this the American Physical Society 2011 Excellence in Physics Education Award.
About AAPT
The AAPT is the premier national organization and authority on physics and physical science education with members worldwide. Our mission is to advance the greater good through physics education. We provide our members with many opportunities for professional development, communication, and student enrichment. We serve the larger community through a variety of programs and publications. AAPT was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in the American Center for Physics in College Park, Maryland.
For more information: Contact David Wolfe, Director of Communications, dwolfe@aapt.org, (301) 209-3322, (301) 209-0845 (Fax)