Mary Elizabeth Mogge Becomes the 80th AAPT President
College Park, MD, January 6, 2015 —The American Association of Physics Teachers announced that Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mogge has assumed the role of AAPT President, becoming the 80th physics educator to fill the role.
Mogge earned her B.A. in Physics at Carleton College, her M.A. in Physics at State University of New York at Stony Brook, and her Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics at The Florida State University. Her career has been largely at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona where she has been a faculty member, professor, and Chair of the Department of Physics.
Mogge’s service to the physics education profession is extensive. She was Academic Director of the U.S. Physics Team from 1999 – 2005; Senior Coach (1997-98; Coach 1995-96). Prior to becoming involved with the U.S. Physics Team, Mogge was a member of the Examination Editorial Board from 1990-92 and Exam Editor from 1992 – 1998.
Attendees at the 2012 AAPT Winter Meeting enjoyed the hospitality of Cal Poly, Pomona when Mogge, together with the Southern California Section of AAPT hosted the association in Ontario, California.
Familiar with AAPT’s history and governance, Mogge was elected to serve as Vice Chair of the Section Representatives in 2007 and filled the position of Chair of the Section Representatives from 2009-2011. In addition to representing the Section Representatives on the Executive Board, her extensive service to AAPT includes service from the Audit Committee to the Women in Physics Committee. Additionally she has served as an officer in the Southern California Section from 1993-2012.
About AAPT
The AAPT is the premier national organization and authority on physics and physical science education — with members in more than 70 countries worldwide. Our mission is to advance the greater good through physics education. We provide our members with many opportunities for professional development, communication, and student enrichment. We serve the larger community through a variety of programs and publications. AAPT was founded in 1930 and is head- quartered in the American Center for Physics in College Park, Maryland.
For more information: Contact Marilyn Gardner, Director of Communications,, (301)209-3306, (301)209-0845 (Fax)