AAPT Author Series with Eugene Hecht

Date: Tuesday October 5, 2021 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Description: Discussion of The true story of Newtonian gravity Author: Eugene Hecht American Journal of Physics 89, 683 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0003535 Moderator: Beth Parks, Editor of American Journal of Physics Abstract: Physics textbooks generally present the equation for universal gravitation as if it sprang fully formed from the head of Isaac Newton, which it most certainly did not. This analysis traces the development of Classical/Newtonian gravity as it evolved from Aristotle to Copernicus to Kepler, Horrocks, Roberval, Boulliau, Baliani, Borelli, Hooke, Halley, Wren, Newton, and Cavendish, and then finally on to C. V. Boys and J. H. Poynting. By focusing on the evolution of the underlying physics, we unfold a fascinating story that has never quite been told before, one we hope will provide insights useful in the classroom.
  • Location: online
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Mike Hall
  • Web: https://aapt.tradewing.com/event/tdCeFkGBwjz5GzNtC
  • Categories:
    - National Meetings