Re-envisioning Area Committees Working Group

This working group is in response to the report from the AAPT Committee on Governance Structure (COGs) on revisions to Area Committees. The goal of this working group is to hash out the details necessary to put the COGs recommendations into action. Specifically, the working group will recommend procedures for the following:

  • Name change from "Area Committees" to an alternate name that conveys these groups are open to all AAPT members (e.g. "Topical Interest Groups" or similar)
  • Processes for sunsetting groups, renewing/reaffirming groups, and establishing new groups
  • Leadership appointments and timelines for groups, and ensuring group leadership is inclusive of the entire AAPT membership
  • Recognition procedures for group participants and avenues for acknowledging participation
  • Recommended adjustments to national meetings to provide more visibility and dedicated time for group meetings
  • Expectations for group reporting, such as submitting Annual Reports

David Marasco, co-chair
Bree Barnett Dreyfuss, co-chair
Danny Doucette
Richard Gelderman
Shane Wood
Marla Glover
Beth Cunningham, ex officio