The Committee on Teacher Preparation influences policy and activities within AAPT to foster improvement in physics teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention, as well as supports preservice teachers to implement the NGSS, teach in a high-needs area, and examines research on best practices for the development of physics teacher’s pedagogical content and overall seeks to improve the physics teaching experience.
Mission Statement
The role of the AAPT Committee on Teacher Preparation is to influence policy and activities within the AAPT that foster improvement of physics teacher preparation based on the research in physics learning and the physics teaching experience of the AAPT membership. The Committee will:
- Provide a forum and support the continued development of a strong and diverse coalition of institutions committed to using inquiry-based, problem-solving, and active-learning strategies in science courses they provide for secondary and elementary teachers of physics.
- Sponsor and co-sponsor sessions, workshops, and other activities to make AAPT members and the broader educational community aware of programs that produce teachers who better understand physics and how to teach it so that ALL students can experience physics as an important, engaging, and exciting activity.
- Offer assistance in the development of program standards and selection of curriculum for teacher preparation programs. Support AAPT sections in regional or state efforts related to certification/licensure, program requirements, and physics content tests for teachers of physics.
- Increase communication, collaboration, cooperation, and joint sponsorship of interactions with other national organizations that have improving teacher preparation as part of their organization's stated mission to share findings and experiences and to exchange constructive critical examination of the physics teacher preparation process.
- Develop a strong, working committee with wide representation from other area AAPT committees and liaisons from other organizations to expand and share the work of the committee in AAPT and beyond.
Committee Member List