
Did you know?

Each seat in the Superdome is a different color than the one next to it, providing the illusion of a full house even when some are empty. —

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Agenda Preview

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Commercial Workshops

  • Cengage Learning

      • Cengage Learning - Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections – A New Approach in Applying Physics Education Research (PER)

      • CW05
      • Sun 01/10, 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      • by Katz Debora
      • Type: Commercial Workshop
      • Dr. Debora Katz is the author of a groundbreaking calculus-based physics program, Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections, published by Cengage Learning. The author’s one-of-a-kind case study approach enables students to connect mathematical formalism and physics concepts in a modern, interactive way. By leveraging physics education research (PER) best practices and her extensive classroom experience, Dr. Katz addresses the areas students struggle with the most: linking physics to the real world, overcoming common preconceptions, and connecting mathematical formalism to physics concepts. How Dr. Katz deals with these challenges—with case studies, student dialogues, and detailed two-column examples—distinguishes this text from any other on the market and will assist you in taking your students “beyond the quantitative.”
  • Expert TA

      • Expert TA: Realigning Homework Grades and Test scores in the Modern Classroom

      • CW01
      • Sun 01/10, 12:30PM - 1:30PM
      • by Morton Jeremy
      • Type: Commercial Workshop
      • The gap between students’ homework grades and test scores is a concern we share with you. In order to study this, in 2012 Expert TA launched its Analytics platform and entered into the arena of “Big Data”. Using this platform, we worked with instructors to do an intense analysis of data from 125 classes from the 2013-2014 AY; cross-referencing an aggregate data set involving approximately 1200 assignments and 2.4 million submitted answers. We identified three major factors causing these gaps: access to immediate and meaningful feedback, practice on symbolic questions, and a minimized ability to find problem solutions online. Knowing this, we have worked to develop the largest available library of “symbolic” questions and we use Analytics to data mine every incorrect answer ever submitted, in order to continually improve our feedback for these questions. We have also established very effective strategies to guard our problem solutions. The ultimate goal is to keep students focused on the physics; and then as they are working problems to provide them with meaningful, Socratic feedback that helps resolve misconceptions. Please join us and learn how other instructors are using Expert TA to reduce cost to students, increase academic integrity, and improve overall outcomes.

      • Physics with PASCO Scientific, Featuring PASCO Capstone™, the Ultimate Data Collection and Analysis Software for Physics

      • CW03
      • Sun 01/10, 12:30PM - 1:30PM
      • by Sackett Brett
      • Type: Commercial Workshop
      • Get hands-on with the most sophisticated and flexible Physics software available today, PASCO Capstone, with advanced Physics analysis features including video analysis. See how using PASCO probeware, software, and equipment will enhance your physics demonstrations and labs. Enter to win a copy of PASCO Capstone!
      • Come see what’s New from PASCO scientific!

      • CW04
      • Mon 01/11, 12:30PM - 1:30PM
      • by Sackett Brett
      • Type: Commercial Workshop
      • From demonstration equipment to new lab apparatus and data logging, at PASCO we are constantly developing new products for both high school and university physics labs. Please join us for a look at the new innovative products from PASCO for your lab and lecture.
  • WebAssign

      • WebAssign: Enrich Your Physics Lecture and Lab Courses with WebAssign Content

      • CW02
      • Sun 01/10, 12:30PM - 1:30PM
      • by Kohlmyer Matt
      • Type: Commercial Workshop
      • Since 1997, WebAssign has been the online homework and assessment system of choice for introductory physics lecture courses. Many veteran instructors already know that WebAssign supports over 150 introductory physics textbooks with precoded, assignable questions and advanced learning tools. In this presentation, we will focus on the wide array of WebAssign content you can use to enhance both your lecture course and your lab sections. WebAssign offers great resources for physics instruction, many of which can be adopted to supplement publisher offerings for no additional charge to your students. These include original question collections with feedback, solutions, and tutorials paired to some of the most popular textbooks; direct measurement videos that help students connect physics to real-world scenarios; and conceptual question collections authored by experienced educators and designed around physics education research principles. WebAssign also offers ready-to-use lab solutions, designed and tested at major universities, which you can adopt and customize to fit your needs. In some cases we can even build custom lab programs based on your specific lab materials and setup. This workshop is intended for current WebAssign users, but newcomers are welcome to join.

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