The Physics Teacher
November 2024
Volume 62 Issue 8
This Month's cover...features a circumhorizontal arc photographed by Judy Smith. See John Adam's Fermi Questions column item “Sky Smiley Face”for more information about this fascinating colorful phenomenon.
AI Physics Tools, And the Survey Says..., Astronotes, Fermi Questions, Figuring Physics, For the New Teacher, iPhysicsLabs, Just Physics, Little Gems, Physics Challenge for Teachers and Students, Talkin' Physics, Technology In The Classroom, Tricks of the Trade, TCY Tidbits, Visual Physics, and Websights.
Comment on “Optimizing the Launch of a Projectile to Hit a Target” by Leonid Minkin. DOI: 10.1119/5.0209215
Which Had the Highest Metabolism While in the Egg: Dinosaurs, Crocodiles, or Birds? by Scott A. Lee; Joanna G. Larson; Joshua Thomas. DOI: 10.1119/5.0141595
Knee Joint Dynamics: An Experiment to Introduce the Concept of Torque to Biomedical and Life Sciences Students by Francisco Jose Torcal-Milla. DOI: 10.1119/5.0145882
Apparatus Named After Our Academic Ancestors—VII by Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr. DOI: 10.1119/5.0134572
Buzz Lightyear and the Physics Classroom: Can Science Fiction Animated Movies Spark In-Class Discussion of Time Dilation? by Esmeralda Campos; Martin Hopf. DOI: 10.1119/5.0160896
Minkowski Diagrams Aid Understanding of Special Relativity by Steven John Heilig. DOI: 10.1119/5.0163844
Do Objects Move Through Space-Time at the Speed of Light? No. by William G. Delinger. DOI: 10.1119/5.0170384
A Quick and Intuitive Demonstration of (Magnetic) Resonance Using Just Three Magnets by Yajun Wei. DOI: 10.1119/5.0177906
A Low-Cost Smartphone Polarimeter and Malus’s Law by Aurelio Agliolo Gallitto; Giuseppe Sancataldo; Onofrio Rosario Battaglia; Claudio Fazio. DOI: 10.1119/5.0137028
Reinventing the Wheel: An Alternative Rotational Inertia Lab for Introductory, Calculus-Based Physics by Alissa Sperling. DOI: 10.1119/5.0168085
Visualizing Light Beams Diffracted by a CMOS Sensor with a Fluorescent Dye by Lian Hu; Yi-Xiang Wang. DOI: 10.1119/5.0154310
Analysis of the Effect of Ferromagnetic Materials on the Flux Density of a Solenoid, Using Open-Source Software and Applications by Derek Dorbação de Araujo; Frederico Alan de Oliveira Cruz. DOI: 10.1119/5.0137427
Bicycle-Powered Centrifuge: A Multidisciplinary Physics Lab Project to Engage Kinesiology Students by Emily Grace; Karissa D. Carlson; Joshua Hardy; Luke Jenness; Blake Johnson; Travis Grover. DOI: 10.1119/5.0156851
Using Arduino in Introductory Thermal Energy Experiments—The Case of Thermal Equilibrium by Georgios Stylos; Konstantinos Georgopoulos; Vasileios Nousis; Konstantinos T. Kotsis. DOI: 10.1119/5.0158176
An Inexpensive Armillary Sphere for Introductory Astronomy by Jeff Regester. DOI: 10.1119/5.0168765
Experiments on Yellow Light Using a Dark Box and Plastic Colored Cats by Erdoğan Özdemir; Sebahattin Kartal. DOI: 10.1119/5.0152857
NarraCubes: A Virtual Dice Simulator to Incorporate Storytelling in Physics Classes by Antonio Rodrigo dos Santos Silva; Gilvandenys Leite Sales. DOI: 10.1119/5.0161738
Is There a Buoyant Force That Acts on a Submerged Object with No Liquid Under It? by Armand Le Noxaïc; Clémence Alglave. DOI: 10.1119/5.0150646
A Review of Coulomb’s Memoirs on Torsion, Electricity, and Magnetism Translated into English. DOI: 10.1119/5.0173852
Reflections on a very powerful factor in teaching and learning by Michael Ponnambalam. DOI: 10.1119/5.0125262