eNNOUNCER December 2017
Results of the 2017 Board of Directors Election
The AAPT membership has elected the following members to serve on the AAPT Board of Directors:
Vice President: Chandralekha Singh
Member at Large (Two-Year College Rep): Arlisa Richardson
Treasurer: R. Steven Turley
AAPT 2016 Annual Report
The AAPT 2016 Annual Report is now live on AAPT.ORG.
2018 Winter Meeting Deadlines
1. AAPT Travel Grants: December 1, 2017
2. Advanced Registration Rate: December 5, 2017
3. AAPT Child and Dependent Care Grants: December 6, 2017
4. Town and Country Hotel Cut-off: December 12, 2017
Please click here to view the 2018 AAPT Winter Meeting Program.
Plenary Speakers
Please click here to view a list of plenary speakers and awardees
High School Teachers' Day
A special day has been prepared on Sunday, January 7 for high school physics teachers that have never attended a national AAPT Meeting. Qualified teachers will receive a discounted registration fee of $85. We are offering this special registration fee, because we want to encourage you to sample what AAPT has to offer high school physics teachers. We are confident that once you see what AAPT has to offer, you will become an active AAPT member. Please click here for more information.
Two-Year College Day
At the winter meeting in San Diego, AAPT will be launching its first ever Two Year College Day on Monday, January 8th! TYC faculty who have never attended a national AAPT Meeting will be able to receive a discounted one day registration fee of $85. We are offering this special registration fee because we want you to be a part of the rich conversations on physics teaching and education with colleagues from High Schools, other TYCs, and Colleges and Universities from around the world. AAPT benefits from the diverse experience and expertise of its members and we want to provide this opportunity for you to sample all that AAPT has to offer. Please click here for more information.
2018 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT Announced
AAPT has announced that Jon Anderson , Nancy Easterly, Mary Ann Hickman Klassen, Daniel Schroeder and Steve Spicklemire will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2018 Winter Meeting in San Diego, California.
Free To a Good Home - AJP, TPT, and EJP issues
Are you interested in paper or bound copies of AJP, TPT, or the European Journal of Physics (EJP)? David Jackson, past AJP editor, has a nearly complete set of AJP issues (approximately 12 boxes), bound issues of AJP from 2001 to 2016 (approximately 3 boxes), and a large number of issues of TPT and EJP (about 10 boxes total). If you are interested and will pay the cost to pack and ship or pick up these journals at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA), please email the AAPT Executive Office at eo@aapt.org
AAPT members and others receiving bogus messages is increasing
Please be aware that incidents of AAPT members and others receiving bogus messages is increasing. Recently, the AAPT Executive Office was informed by several individuals that they received a bogus message from a current Board of Directors member. This message was not sent by or on behalf of AAPT. If you received a copy of this message or any other suspicious message do not open it or click on links within. If the message looks like it originates from AAPT but does not have an aapt.org email address, then delete it immediately. However, if you have already opened the email and/or clicked on a link within a suspicious message consider taking the following actions as a precaution:
1. Change your email account password.
2. Run a malware and/or anti-virus scan on your computer.
3. Consider changing the passwords of your other online accounts, especially those connected to financial institutions.
4. Report the threat potential to your contacts and the IT department at your institution.
As always, please feel free to contact us at headquarters ( eo@aapt.org, 301.209.3333) if you have any questions.
eAlliances: Uniting Isolated Women Physicists and Astronomers
Everyone needs mentors, but how do you find other women physicists who understand your experience-- as the only Hispanic in the department, the only PER researcher, the only full-time physicist at your TYC, the only one who brings a newborn in a sling to department meetings? Join eAlliances, an NSF-sponsored faculty development project for women physics faculty, and become part of a peer-mentoring alliance with other women who share many of your same experiences.
Why me?
• Connect with other women physicists and astronomers
• Get and give advice and affirmation
• Gather a variety of insights to help you address professional issues
• Address work-life balance issues
• Receive encouragement and support in achieving your goals
This is professional development for your career stage: whether you are teaching your first or hundredth section of intro physics; mentoring your first or hundredth research associate, or leading your first or hundredth committee meeting. Someone else has a similar experience and can share insights, frustrations, and successes.
To join: Register at eAlliances.aapt.org
AAPT Programs
U.S. Physics Team Coach Call
AAPT is seeking faculty to join the staff for the 2018 U.S. Physics Team. Learn about the qualifications and how to apply by clicking here.
2018 F=ma Contest Open
AAPT and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) sponsor a competition for high school students to represent the United States at the 2018 International Physics Olympiad. The mission of the U.S. Physics Team Program is to promote and demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics Olympiad. The selection process begins with the F-ma exam. Online registration is now open.
Physics Department Chairs Conference
The biennial Physics Department Chairs Conference will be held June 7-9, 2018 at the American Center for Physics in College Park, MD. Details of the conference will be available early in 2018 at www.aps.org/programs/education
2018 AAPT PhysicsBowl Registration Open!
Registration is now open for the 2018 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest taking place March 28 - April 13, 2018. Read more
Gordon Conference on Physics Research and Education on "Energy as a Subtle Concept"
June 10-15 2018
Bryant University - Smithfield, RI
This Gordon Research Conference seeks to bring together physics research scientists and physics education researchers for discussions, talks and posters on how energy is taught within the undergraduate curriculum, and howcutting edge research is allowing educators to consider new methods and models for teaching energy concepts. The format of the Gordon Research conferences (maximum 200 attendees, off the record policy, all plenary sessions, small campus location, and afternoons off for discussion) promote conversation, collaboration, and community building. Registration is now open
AAPT Membership
AAPT Member Spotlight
Jon Anderson
Centennial High School
Circle Pines, MN
Read more
Membership Renewal
We appreciate our community of members, and we are here to serve you. If you have any difficulties renewing your membership or have any membership-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Membership Department at 301.209.3333 or membership@aapt.org.
Looking for Input from Early Career AAPT Members
Are you currently in the first 5 years of your teaching career, either in K-12 or higher education (i.e., two-year college, primarily undergraduate university, comprehensive, or research university)? AAPT is interested in putting together a small group of early career members with whom we can discuss the daily challenges you face, as well as areas where AAPT could provide support and resources that will aid you in your career. This group would primarily meet via web/conference call, or potentially face-to-face at AAPT national meetings. If you are interested, please contact Mike Hall (301.209.3333,mhall@aapt.org).
Enhancing Undergraduate Physics Programs at HSIs
The Conference on Enhancing Undergraduate Physics Programs at HSIs (Hispanic-Serving Institutions) will be held 2:00 – 8:00 pm, Friday, January 5, 2018 at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego (site of the AAPT 2018 Winter Meeting, which begins on January 6). The conference will focus on ways to recruit and retain physics students at HSIs and how to reduce barriers for student success. To register for the HSI Conference, go to www.aapt.org/Conferences and click on Registration.
Applications Now Being Accepted for Jossem Fund Grants
Applications are currently being accepted for the E. Leonard Jossem Fund. The E. Leonard (Len) Jossem International Education Fund provides grants to individuals in support of international programs dealing with teaching and learning of physics. The fund will be available for two different categories:
• Collaborations between U.S. and developing countries. Funding should facilitate interactions and exchanges of ideas between U.S. physics educators and/or students and those in developing countries.
• International meetings and conferences focused on physics education. Meetings and conferences should involve direct contact between physics educators and furnish the interactions that stimulate new ideas and lasting collaborations. Students and faculty with limited resources can apply for funding to attend international meetings and conferences.
The Jossem Fund invites applications from physics educators who are AAPT members at any academic stage or rank. Only AAPT members may apply. Awards will range from $200 to $2,000. Applications must be received by late spring or early summer (deadline is the same as the Special Projects Fund) for consideration during the 2018 fiscal year. Applications will be reviewed by the Special Projects and Philanthropy Committee. Click here for more information
Barbara Lotze Scholarships for Future Teachers
AAPT offers scholarships for future high school physics teachers. These scholarships, supported by an endowment funded by Barbara Lotze, are available only to U.S. citizens attending U.S. schools. Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $2,000. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years. December 1 deadline. Read more
Call for Award Nominations
The AAPT Awards Committee invites nominations for all of AAPT awards, citations, and medals. We are particularly interested in nominations for AAPT Fellows and for the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT.
Concerned about the Future of Science?
Stay informed with FYI: Science Policy News from AIP. Your membership with AAPT makes it possible for AIP to provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive updates on science policy and funding.
FYI has been a trusted source of science policy news for more than two decades. Readers learn about legislative and executive branch policy developments, agency appointments, and funding important to the physical sciences community. By staying informed about policy developments, we can better shape the future of science. Sign up for free at: aip.org/fyi
In the News
2018 PhysTEC Conference
February 9 - 10, 2018 - The Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) Conference is the nation’s largest meeting dedicated to the education of future physics teachers. It features workshops on best practices, panel discussions by national leaders, and excellent networking opportunities for physics teacher educators. The registration and abstract submission deadline is January 18. Learn more.
Building Thriving Undergraduate Physics Programs Workshop
February 10 - 11, 2018 - Registration and abstract submissions are now open for the Building Thriving Undergraduate Physics Programs workshop. This workshop assists departments in developing strategies for increasing their enrollment of physics majors. Institutions are invited to send teams of 2-4 faculty members to analyze their current departmental situation and to identify actions that will help them achieve their goals. Learn more.
Active Learning in Introductory Physics Courses: Research-Based Strategies that Improve Student Learning
June 19-21, 2018, Portland, Oregon
Designed for those who teach introductory physics at universities, colleges and high schools. Graduate credit will be available through the University of Oregon.*
Instructors: David Sokoloff, University of Oregon and Ronald Thornton, Tufts University
Participants will be introduced to research-validated, classroom-tested strategies for each component of the introductory course that have been demonstrated to improve learning. These include Interactive Lecture Demonstration (ILDs), RealTime Physics (RTP) labs, Collaborative Problem-Solving Tutorials, Workshop Physics (WP), Physics with Video Analysis (PVA), and related online video analysis exercises. The course will also include the use of video analysis to identify analytic functions describing real data. Among other more recent developments are (1) 3rd ed. RTP E & M labs using video analysis, (2) ILDs using clickers, (3) online homework using Interactive Video Vignettes (IVVs), and (4) distance learning and in class labs using the self-contained, wireless IOLab (or other wireless data acquisition devices). Topics will be chosen from both semesters of introductory physics. Research on the effectiveness of these strategies will also be discussed.
The tools and software used in these active learning curricula are compatible with Macintosh and Windows OS, and with the popular interfaces and sensors. Participants will receive complimentary printed copies of the curricula (published by Wiley and Vernier, and also available for high school use as the ABP High School E-dition). Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite, a comprehensive book by E.F. Redish (University of Maryland) on strategies for implementing physics education research-based curricula, will also be distributed.
The course fee is $225. (Early bird registration until April 15 is $195.)
* Up to three graduate credits from the University of Oregon will be available for an additional $90/credit.
Click here for more information and to register
CPEP Award for Excellence in Teaching Contemporary Physics
The Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) has established the international CPEP Award for Excellence in Teaching Contemporary Physics to recognize an educator working with high school or middle school students, who has made outstanding achievements in teaching contemporary physics topics. Contemporary physics topics include, but are not limited to, particle physics, nuclear physics, plasma physics, cosmology, fusion physics, and gravitational waves. Please see CPEPphysics.org for more details on these topics. Any educator who teaches high school or middle school students (grades 6-12) and who has never been a member of CPEP is eligible.
The award will consist of a plaque, a citation, a monetary gift of $250, and a selection of CPEP classroom materials. The awardee and a description of his/her teaching accomplishments will be included on the CPEP website.
A panel of CPEP members will consider the applicant’s ability to motivate and challenge students, pedagogical techniques, content covered and classroom activities as they pertain to contemporary physics.
Teachers should download the application at cpepphysics.org/teacher-award. A completed PDF application and recommendation letters should be emailed to awards@CPEPphysics.org. Applications must be received by March 1, 2018 and will be considered for three award cycles. Late applications will not be accepted. Upon receipt, all applications become the property of CPEP and will not be returned.
STEMcoding project releases "Physics of Video Games" Hour of Code activity
Until recently, the world's most popular K12 computer science website, hourofcode.com, did not have any physics-focused coding activities. This has changed with the "Physics of Video Games" Hour of Code video tutorial from the STEMcoding project (u.osu.edu/stemcoding), which was just released on hourofcode.com/learn. The direct link to the video tutorial is at go.osu.edu/hourofcode. The "Physics of Video Games" coding activities are intended for absolute beginner programmers in grades 9-12 and they were designed with significant feedback from high school physics teachers. The STEMcoding project, which was recently selected for the AIP Meggers award, is led by Prof. Chris Orban from Ohio State University and Prof. Richelle Teeling-Smith from the University of Mt. Union. For more info contact Prof. Chris Orban at orban@physics.osu.edu
Arizona State University Master of Natural Science Degree for High School Teachers
Arizona State University has an interdisciplinary Master of Natural Science (MNS) degree in physics for high school teachers. Courses are in summer, and the degree is founded on Modeling instruction. Teachers in 15 western states can apply for IN-STATE tuition; the deadline is APRIL 1.
Click here for details
Click here for more information
APS NMC Bringing Emergency Aid to Mentees
The APS National Mentoring Community (NMC) will now offer funds to NMC Mentees who are facing financial emergencies. The NMC Bringing Emergency Aid to Mentees (BEAM) fund will provide up to $1,500 to NMC Mentees who find themselves facing an economic hardship that could prevent them from continuing their physics studies and earning their degree. For more information about fund eligibility and details, visit the NMC BEAM website.
Help students find the right grad program. Tell them about GradSchoolShopper.com
Advise your students to check out GradSchoolShopper.com, the most complete directory of graduate programs in the physical sciences. Students headed for graduate school can use this free service to search by degree programs, admission deadlines, research specialties, faculty profiles, GRE requirements, and more! If your program isn’t listed, contact us to find out how to have it included.
Highly Trained STEM Teachers Needed to Boost America's Global Competitiveness, According to New Study
The United States' global competitiveness is at risk as the nation confronts persistent shortages of STEM teachers. More than half of all high school physics teachers lacked certification in the discipline in 2012, for example. As a result, students who are interested in STEM careers find themselves ill prepared to compete in an increasingly highly technical workforce.
A new study by the American Physical Society, in collaboration with the American Chemical Society, Computing Research Association, and Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership, addresses the reasons why STEM students shy away from teaching as a career and offers ways to counter the trend. Download the full report at www.aps.org/policy/reports.
Workshop on Women and Minorities in the History of Physics, Role Models for Today
Dr. Greg Good, Director of the Center for the History of Physics, is eager to provide workshops at AAPT Section Meetings and elsewhere on Women and Minorities in the History of Physics. Teachers will be introduced to the teaching materials on the AIP website related to the history of women and minorities in the physical sciences. The purpose of these materials is to help students appreciate that not only white males have contributed to the development of physics, astronomy, and other physical sciences. On the flip side, there have been many more women than Marie Curie and many more African Americans than Benjamin Banneker and Jim Gates who have had successful careers in the physical sciences. We will explore several of the lesson plans in each group and explore games and other activities to bring these lessons to life. For more information, please contact Dr. Greg Good.
American Modeling Teachers Association
Modeling Instruction was developed for high school physics teachers and has since expanded to physical science, chemistry, biology, and middle school. Each year, Modeling workshops are held at universities and high schools across the United States. Last year, more than 60 Modeling workshops were offered to high school and middle school teachers in more than 20 states. AMTA also offers online courses during the school year.
For information on 2018 Modeling Workshops, please visit the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA) website: modelinginstruction.org For questions: wendy@modelinginstruction.org or gheheman@asu.edu
Physics Careers
Recruit STEM interns from the best job sites for FREE!
The AAPT Career Center offers no-cost postings to employers recruiting seasonal interns. Locate the best fit for your organization by reaching the future of the science community - the AAPT membership, as well as the members and student members of the American Physical Society (APS Physics), AVS Science and Technology, and the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma. Get the word out! Your posting will also appear on the Physics Today Jobs site, which when combined with the job sites of the organizations mentioned above forms the ultimate online science, engineering, and computing career network, ensuring maximum relevant visibility for your internship. Visit jobs.aapt.org to get posting!
Jobs Announcements from the Career Center
Physics and Engineering Faculty
College of the Ozarks
Click here for job description
Northeast Sales Representative
PASCO scientific
Click here for job description
More Physics Resources
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Section News
Please submit your Section Report for the AAPT Section News. To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mhall@aapt.org. See the July 2017 Section News.
AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office. Tell us what you think of this month's issue. Take this survey.
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Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.
© 2017, American Association of Physics Teachers