RSS News Archives & Announcements
Listed here is recent news that has been "archived" from the front page. We're currently working on revamping the news and moving to a new system.
Links to the AAPT NEWS archives and Presidents' Commentaries and Reports follow below.
AAPT Announces the Results of the 2018 Executive Board Election
Nov 08 2018
The AAPT membership has voted and elected the following members to serve on the AAPT Executive Board:
Vice-President: Jan Mader
Secretary: Blane Baker
Treasurer: Tom O’Kuma
4YC at Large Rep: Gabe Spalding
AAPT Congratulates the winners of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics
Oct 04 2018
Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou, and Donna Strickland are the 2018 winners the Nobel Prize in physics "for groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics." Ashkin receives one-half of the prize "for the optical tweezers and their application to biological systems" and Mourou and Strickland share one-half "for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses."
Enjoy this new resource with articles previously published in the American Journal of Physics relating to Optical Pulse Generation and to Optical Tweezers.
Jack G. Hehn Recognized with AAPT’s 2019 Melba Newell Phillips Medal
Sep 21 2018
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the Melba Newell Phillips Medal will be awarded to Jack G. Hehn, AAPT Senior Fellow, College Park, MD, in recognition of his creative leadership and dedicated service that have resulted in exceptional contributions within AAPT. The Medal will be presented during the AAPT 2019 Winter Meeting in Houston Texas.
Gay Stewart to Receive AAPT 2019 Oersted Medal
Sep 21 2018
Gay Stewart has been named as the 2019 recipient of the prestigious Hans Christian Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The Medal will be awarded at a Ceremonial Session of the 2019 AAPT Winter Meeting, in Houston Texas. The Oersted Medal recognizes her outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics through her pioneering national leadership in physics education, her exceptional service to AAPT, and her mentoring of students and in-service teachers.
Emails Spoofing AAPT
Aug 13 2018
Recently, several members of AAPT have received emails that made it appear as if they originated from AAPT, they did not. There are two addresses that have been mentioned, and, neither one is an AAPT address. Unfortunately, it is very easy for individuals to send on behalf of an email address. Email spoofing is a tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a legitimate source. So be advised to take care when opening or responding to emails that seem suspicious. If you are in doubt as to whether the email is legitimate, be safe and verify that the sender is who you think it is before responding.
2018 National PhysTEC Teacher of the Year
Jul 30 2018
Tiffany Taylor of Heritage High School in Rogers, AR, was named the 2018 National PhysTEC Teacher of the Year. The selection committee noted her recruitment efforts and increase in enrollment of students in AP Physics 1 and 2, from only 26 students in her first year of teaching, to over 80 students in recent years.
2018 U.S. Physics Team Wins Three Gold and Two Silver Medals
Jul 29 2018
The United States Physics Team ranked seventh place out of 88 countries in the overall medal count and sixth in the aggregate point count at the 48th International Physics Olympiad that was held July 21–29, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.
AAPT/AIP 2018 Master Teacher Policy Fellows
Jul 02 2018
AAPT has announced the Fellows selected for the 2018 Master Teacher Policy Fellowship, funded by the AIP Venture Partnership Fund. The fellowship opportunity will begin with a Leadership Workshop, July 21-28 in Washington, DC and conclude in July 2019.
U.S. Physics Team Travelers Selected for the 2018 International Physics Olympiad
Jun 06 2018
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2018 Traveling Team at the 49th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held July 21 –29, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. They will be accompanied by coaches JaiJai Dong, Mark Eichenlaub, and Paul Stanley.
David Pines, 2013 J.D.Jackson Award Winner Dies
May 17 2018
David Pines,winner of the 2013 John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Award died at his home in Urbana, IL. He was 93. This prestigious award was presented to Pines in recognition of his authorship of "The Many Body-Problem" and "Elementary Excitations in Solids" and the two-volume text/monograph, "The Theory of Quantum Liquids," written with Philippe Nozieres.
AAPT press release
Santa Fe Institute Memoriam
New York Times Obituary
2018 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT Announced
Mar 26 2018
AAPT has announced that Ximena C. Cid, Jose D'Arruda, Joy Elaine Gwinn, Warren H. Hein, David P. Jackson will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2018 Summer Meeting in Washington, DC.
Frank Noschese to Receive 2018 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award
Mar 26 2018
AAPT has announced that the 2018 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Physics Teaching Award winner is Frank Noschese, a physics teacher at John Jay High School in Cross River, NY.
Bradley S. Ambrose to Receive the AAPT 2018 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Mar 26 2018
Bradley S. Ambrose will receive the 2018 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Washington, DC.
Clifford V. Johnson Names as Recipient of the 2018 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
Mar 08 2018
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Clifford Victor Johnson, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, is the 2018 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award. The lecture and award will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Washington, DC.
2018 Millikan Medal Awarded to Kyle Forinash
Mar 05 2018
AAPT has announced that Kyle Forinash will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2018 Summer Meeting in Washington, DC. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and intellectually creative contributions to the teaching of physics.
Message for Section Members
Feb 16 2018
Please be advised that AAPT internet addresses were changed recently. This change may impact delivery of AAPT mail listserve messages as your recipients' mail servers may not trust mail sent from the new server address. Please advise your colleagues (through web site or print) to check for AAPT mail in their spam folder and mark the messages as "Not Spam", or add rules to their mailbox filter that allow delivery of email sent from[]. Gradually the trust of the new mail server address will increase over time and this issue will recede.
AAPT/AIP Master Teacher Policy Fellowship
Feb 16 2018
The AAPT and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) seek applicants for this recently-funded fellowship, supported by the AIP Venture Partnership Fund. The purpose of this fellowship is to engage current and recent K-12 classroom teachers of physics and physical science (including elementary teachers) as agents of change in physics education. Funding will be provided for travel, meals, and accommodations necessary for two summer workshops in Washington, DC. Apply by February 28.
Computational Modeling in Physics First with Bootstrap Workshop
Feb 16 2018
Teachers of Physics First courses are invited to join the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), and Bootstrap's Pyret team for a 2-week professional development workshop in Chicago from July 9-20, 2018. This training workshop will introduce physics teachers to computational modeling as one of many ways to represent and deepen understanding about physics concepts, alongside more traditional representations such as graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions. Funding available for commuters as well as participants nation-wide. No prior experience in programming or Modeling Instruction is required to participate in this workshop. Apply by February 28.
Michael Moloney Named as AIP Chief Executive Officer
Jan 31 2018
Dr. Moloney becomes the ninth CEO of the American Institute of Physics. Previously he was the Director for Space and Aeronautics at the Space Studies Board (SSB) and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB) of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Prior to his service at the Academies, Dr. Moloney was a foreign service officer for the Irish government for seven years, serving at the Irish Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the Irish Mission to the United Nations in New York. An experimental physicist by training, he holds a doctorate from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in Ireland.
2018 AAPT Board of Directors Officers Begin Service
Jan 09 2018
College Park, Maryland, January 9, 2018. With the end of the 2018 Winter Meeting in San Diego, California, the AAPT Board of Directors saw many changes with members of the Presidential chain rotating and newly elected officers taking on their new positions.
Gordon P. Ramsey Becomes President of AAPT
Jan 09 2018
During the 2018 Winter Meeting in San Diego, California, the presidential gavel was presented to Gordon P. Ramsey. He will serve as president of the American Association of Physics Teachers for the coming year. Ramsey, Professor of Physics at Loyola University, Chicago, has previously served on the AAPT Board of Directors as President-elect and Vice President. From 2007-2010 he served at the At-Large Representative for 4-year College Members on the Executive Board.
AAPT has Announced the Recipients of the 2018 Oersted Medal, the 2018 Richtmyer Memorial Lecture, and the 2018 J. D. Jackson Award
Nov 01 2017
Barbara L. Whitten will be the recipient of the 2018 Oersted Medal. Mark Beck will be awarded the 2018 Richtmyer Memorial Lecture. Mehran Kardar will be presented the 2018 John David Jackson Award for Excellence in Graduate Physics Education
Jon Anderson Appointed as New AAPT PhysicsBowl Academic Coordinator
Aug 28 2017
Jon Anderson, physics teacher at Centennial High School, Circle Pine, MN has been appointed as the new AAPT PhysicsBowl Coordinator effective immediately. Myra West, Emeritus Professor, Kent State University, is the Associate Coordinator.
Flipping the Classroom - A Special AAPT Symposium at the GIREP/ICPE/EPEC Conference
Aug 01 2017
A special AAPT symposium was held at the GIREP/ICPE/EPEC conference on July 4, 2017, at Dublin City University, Dubin, Ireland. Participants included Eric Mazur, Harvard University, Andrew Gavrin, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Mats Selen, University of Illinois, and Ralf Widenhorn, Portland State University. David Sokoloff, University of Oregon, served a Session Chair.
Abstract: There is ample research evidence to conclude that the lecture model of physics education is flawed. Education is a two-step process: (1) information transfer, and (2) making sense of and assimilating that information. Flipping the classroom transforms the process so that (1) largely takes place outside, before class, and classroom activities are designed for (2) to take place in class. New strategies have been developed for students’ at-home preparation, while various active learning and assessment strategies have dramatically changed the classroom environment. This symposium will explore the rationales for flipping the classroom, strategies for both at-home and in-class student work in a flipped classroom, and research on the effectiveness of flipped classroom environments.
To view this symposium use this link to YouTube.
2017 U.S. Physics Team Shines with Three Gold and Two Silver Medals
Jul 25 2017
The United States Physics Team ranked eighth place out of 88 countries at the 48th International Physics Olympiad that was held in Yogya, Indonesia, July 16-24, 2017.
Message from George Amann, AAPT President, and Beth A. Cunningham, AAPT Executive Officer:
Jul 10 2017
We are looking forward to the upcoming AAPT meeting in Northern Kentucky. As you begin your preparations to travel, we want to reach out to all AAPT attendees, particularly those participants coming from California.
In June, 2017, the California Attorney General issued a ban on state-supported travel to the states of Texas, Alabama, South Dakota and Kentucky in response to legislation passed in those states regarding religious freedom and related issues. In Kentucky, Senate Bill 17 was enacted in March 2017 to permit student religious and political organizations in public schools and publically-supported colleges and universities to be free from discrimination as they express religious or political viewpoints and establish organizational procedures and membership rules. The bill would allow student religious and political organizations equal access to public forums.
The California attorney general and the Human Rights Campaign have interpreted this Kentucky law as allowing for publically-supported discrimination in violation of one’s civil liberties, particularly those of our friends in the LGBTQ community.
We want to assure you that AAPT is working with the Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau to make certain that all attendees at the AAPT meeting feel welcome and that the meeting is conducted in full regard to AAPT's statements and practices concerning diversity and inclusion. Eric Summe, President and CEO of MeetNKY, has written to AAPT affirming that "Northern Kentucky is welcoming to everyone and we take great pride in being a destination where all are respected and valued. Northern KY supports diversity and inclusion of all people and we live these principles in everything we do. We’re very excited and look forward to serving you later this month."
U.S. Physics Team Travelers Selected for the 2017 International Physics Olympiad
Jun 09 2017
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2017 Traveling Team at the 48th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held July 16–24, 2017 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
AAPT Upgrade of Online Services Portal Complete
Jun 06 2017
AAPT upgraded its online services portal to a new platform.
Please note that the Early Bird registration deadline for AAPT’s 2017 Summer Meeting has been extended to June 30 to accommodate the service outage during the upgrade to the new platform. An FAQ page for the portal upgrade is available on We welcome feedback from you about the new portal and how it might be improved. Feedback about the upgraded portal may be sent to
AAPT Announces the 2017 U.S. Physics Team
May 24 2017
America's brightest emerging physicists will arrive at Physics Boot Camp this week. They come from California, Florida, India, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. There are high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Five of them are returning as second time members of the United States Physics Team.
2017 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest Results!
May 24 2017
Results for the 2017 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest have been posted. Check Results Here!
New AAPT Services Portal
May 01 2017
This spring AAPT will be switching its AAPT Services Portal to a new platform. The change will simplify operations such as signing up for membership, renewing your membership, registering for national meetings, making purchases with the Physics Store, updating your account information, and, of course, donating to AAPT. This new portal has been built to work on all platforms (mobile, tablet, or desktop). Look for more information from AAPT in the weeks to come.
AAPT Honors Five Members with Distinguished Service Citations
Apr 07 2017
The Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT will be presented to Joseph Kozminski, Duane Merrell, Paul Stanley, Toni Sauncy, and William Reitz during the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinatti.
2017 AAPT Fellows
Apr 07 2017
The 2017 AAPT Fellows Awardees have been announced.
AAPT Joins "March for Science" as a Partner
Apr 04 2017
On March 29th, the Board of Directors of AAPT voted to partner with the "March for Science" organization to advocate for science and science education.
J. Mark Schober to Receive 2017 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award
Mar 27 2017
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2017 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Physics Teaching Award winner is J. Mark Schober, a science teacher at Trinity School in New York City.
John C. Brown Named as Recipient of the 2017 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
Mar 23 2017
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that John C. Brown, University of Glasgow Scotland, School of Physics and Astronomy, is the 2017 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award.
2017 Millikan Medal Awarded to Kenneth Heller
Mar 20 2017
AAPT has announced that Kenneth Heller will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cindy Schwarz to Receive the AAPT 2017 Halliday and Resnick Award
Mar 20 2017
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Cindy Schwarz will receive the 2017 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching.
First AAPT/ALPhA Awardees Named
Mar 03 2017
The AAPT/ALPhA Award recognizes outstanding work in the development of an advanced laboratory apparatus/experiment by an undergraduate physics student at his/her home institution within the United States.
AAPT Signs Open Letter from 100Kin10
Feb 27 2017
If we want to promote innovation, we must support teachers. It is hard to think of a more urgent priority for the country and planet than...
2017 PhysTEC Teacher of the Year
Feb 17 2017
The National PhysTEC Teacher of the Year is Alexandra (Solender) Boyd from Elon University who is currently teaching at Holly Springs High School in Holly Springs, North Carolina.
Letter to President Trump on Immigration
Feb 01 2017
AAPT joined 151 other societies in signing a letter to President Trump about the executive order on immigration and visas he signed on Friday.
STEM Education: A National Imperative
Dec 12 2016
AAPT has joined other associations in an advocacy open letter to the Trump Transition Team for Education.
New Scitation Website to Launch
Dec 09 2016
The new Scitation website will go live Monday December 12, 2016 at 8:00 pm EST.
White House Recognizes the Work of AAPT and Collaborators
Dec 06 2016
In a press release dated December 5, 2016, the White House has recognized AAPT and its collaborators for work on the integration of computational modeling and physics.
Physics Master Teacher Leader Taskforce Meets for a Summit Gathering at the AAPT
Dec 02 2016
This weekend, a total of sixteen physics educators will meet at the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). Selected by a committee that include representatives from the AAPT, the American Modeling Teachers Association, and the Physics Teacher Education Coalition, these teachers were named AAPT Physics Master Teacher Leaders. This group includes teachers from around the nation, and includes active elementary and secondary teachers of physics, pre-service teacher educators, and school administrators.
In Memoriam - Gordon Aubrecht
Nov 30 2016
AAPT joins the Southern Ohio Section and The Ohio State University - Marion in honoring the life of professor, Dr. Gordon J. Aubrecht, II.
New Scitation Website for Online Journal Access
Nov 17 2016
Attention online journal subscribers. AAPT, in partnership with AIP is working to improve your online journal access through the Scitation website to give you a better reading and researching experience. Soon, the American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher will have a new design and enhanced navigation on your computer, tablet, and phone. Expect more announcements about these big changes soon. You will start seeing the changes in December 2016.
2017 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Richard Gelderman
Nov 17 2016
AAPT has announced that Richard Gelderman will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
2017 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Ernest R. Behringer
Nov 17 2016
AAPT has announced that Ernest R. Behringer will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
2017 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Ann M. Robinson
Nov 17 2016
AAPT has announced that Ann M. Robinson will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
2017 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Kenneth S. Krane
Nov 17 2016
AAPT has announced that Kenneth S. Krane will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
2017 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Sharon Kirby
Nov 17 2016
AAPT has announced that Sharon Kirby will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
AAPT Announces the Results of the 2016 Board of Directors Election
Nov 03 2016
The following members have been elected to serve on the AAPT Board of Directors:
Vice President: Mel Sabella
At Large High School Representative: Daniel Crowe
Secretary: Wolfgang Christian
Search for Chair of the AIP Board of Directors
Oct 28 2016
The American Institute of Physics (AIP), a federation of physical science societies organized as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership corporation, is seeking a Chair of its Board of Directors.
Richard Price, to Become Next Editor of the American Journal of Physics
Oct 24 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced that Richard Price will assume the position of Editor for the American Journal of Physics (AJP) in 2017.
Preparing Physics Students for Diverse Careers
Oct 11 2016
The Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs (J-TUPP), has assembled a new report, entitled Phys21: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers, which assesses the employment landscape that physics bachelor's degree recipients are entering and makes recommendations on how physics departments can better prepare physics students for diverse employment.
AIP's 2016 Physics Nobel Prize Resources Page
Oct 04 2016
Articles, information, stories, images and other resources related to topological phases of matter and topological phase transitions are now available online. Related articles from AIP member societies are also listed.
Jay M. Pasachoff Recognized as 2017 Recipient of the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award
Sep 28 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Jay M. Pasachoff has been selected to receive the 2017 Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award. Pasachoff is recognized with the award for outstanding contributions to physics and effectively communicating those contributions to physics educators.
Jan Tobochnik to Receive AAPT 2017 Oersted Medal
Sep 28 2016
Jan Tobochnik has been named as the 2017 recipient of the prestigious Hans Christian Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The Medal will be awarded at a Ceremonial Session of the 2017 AAPT Winter Meeting, in Atlanta, Georgia. The Oersted Medal recognizes his outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics through his contributions to the use of computer simulations to motivate active learning.
AAPT and Partners Awarded NSF Grant to Integrate Computation, Modeling, and Physics First
Sep 16 2016
The National Science Foundation announced that it has awarded the American Association of Physics Teachers a nearly $1.25 million grant to help teachers effectively plan and implement classroom instruction in algebra-based Physics First courses that integrates computational thinking through two existing research-based approaches - Modeling Instruction for physics and Bootstrap for computational modeling. Working with Physics First teachers will allow this project to impact student populations which will be demographically more diverse than students historically enrolled in standalone computer science courses or upper-grade physics courses.
2016 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching include AAPT Members
Aug 25 2016
Seven AAPT members will be honored later this summer as the 2016 recipients of the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Winners of this Presidential honor receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation to be used at their discretion, and are invited to Washington, DC, for an awards ceremony, as well educational and celebratory events, and visits with members of the Administration.
2016 AAPT Fellows Awards Announced
Aug 15 2016
The 2016 AAPT Fellows Awardees have been announced. The criterion for selection of Fellows is exceptional contribution to AAPT’s mission, to enhance the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching. Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers. Any AAPT member who has maintained an active membership for at least 7 years is eligible for nomination for Fellowship. Nominations are evaluated by the AAPT Awards committee and approved by the AAPT Board of Directors.
2016 U.S. Physics Team Scores 2 Gold and 3 Silver Medals
Jul 18 2016
Out of the ninety participating counties, the U.S. tied for 7th on the medal count, with two gold and three silver medals. The team ranked fifth on the point count, after China, Taiwan, Korea, and Russia.
17 Educators Selected for Physics Master Teacher Leader Taskforce
Jul 14 2016
The AAPT - including representatives from the AAPT Physics Teaching Resource Agents (PTRA), American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), and the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) - selected 17 outstanding leaders in K-12 physics education for the Physics Master Teacher Leader Taskforce.
AAPT Code of Conduct
Jun 23 2016
You may have read recently in the June 2016 Physics Today (pp. 30-32) and in the news about harassment issues at professional society meetings. In light of these discussions, the AAPT Board of Directors and Executive Office affirms that the Association expects the highest level of professional behavior of everyone at its meetings and events. We all want AAPT meetings and workshops to be productive and welcoming for all and that means we all need to treat each other with respect and dignity. If you experience any unethical behavior or see such behavior directed towards someone else at the meeting, you may report that behavior to one of the AAPT staff so that appropriate action can be taken. AAPT will soon release a formal Code of Conduct and lay out the details of procedures to be followed in case violations of that Code are reported.
U.S. Physics Team Travelers Selected for the 2016 International Physics Olympiad
Jun 06 2016
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2016 Traveling Team at the 47th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held July 10 –18, 2016 in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
K-12 Physics Master Teacher Leader Taskforce: Apply by June 30!
Jun 06 2016
This month, the AAPT announces plans to create a Physics Master Teacher Leader (PhysicsMTL) Taskforce. This one-year recognition and leadership opportunity is a call to bring together the "best of best" of K-12 teachers of physics to create a new set of aspirational and coherent professional development and leadership models for the K-12 physics education community. Apply to Contact Rebecca Vieyra, K-12 Program Manager, for questions:
Join AAPT in remembering John David Jackson
Jun 01 2016
John David Jackson, whose landmark textbook, Classical Electrodynamics, has been a central part of graduate education for more than half a century, died on May 20, 2016, in Lansing, Michigan, at the age of 91. He was a meticulous scholar, a wise counselor, a tireless advocate for human rights and academic freedom, and a pillar of the international particle physics community. His theoretical research was characterized by uncommon insight and a deep engagement with experiment.
For Jackson's brief memoir click on the "Read more" link below. AAPT's obituary for Jackson can be found at our In Memoriam page.
AAPT Announces the 2016 U.S. Physics Team
May 23 2016
America's brightest emerging physicists will arrive at Physics Boot Camp this week. They come from Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. There are high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Four of them are returning as second time members of the United States Physics Team.
2016 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest Results!
May 06 2016
Results for the 2016 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest have been posted. Check Results Here!
Summer 2016 Homer L. Dodge Citations Announced
Apr 28 2016
AAPT has announced that the Summer 2016 recipients of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguised Service to AAPT will be awarded to Stephen Kanim, Kevin Lee, Dan MacIsaac, Mel Sabella, and Kathleen Falconer
100Kin10 Partners STEMteachersNYC, AAPT, and AMTA Win $195,000 Grant: Innovative Response to President Obama’s Computer Science for All Challenge
Apr 13 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced that it was selected, in partnership with lead organization STEMteachersNYC, and the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA), to receive a $195,000 grant from 100Kin10. The grant will fund equip physics teachers with the skills and curriculum needed to integrate computational thinking into their classrooms with leaders from the Bootstrap project.
Margaret Wertheim Named as Recipient of the 2016 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
Mar 29 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Margaret Wertheim founder of the Institute For Figuring, is the 2016 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award. The award will be presented during the 2016 Summer Meeting in Sacramento, CA.
Tom Erekson to Receive the 2016 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award
Mar 22 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2016 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Physics Teaching Award winner is Tom Erekson, a physics teacher from Lone Peak High School, Highland UT. The award will be presented during the 2016 Summer Meeting in Sacramento, CA.
Andy Gavrin to Receive the 2016 Halliday and Resnick Award
Mar 22 2016
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Andy Gavrin will receive the 2016 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching during the 2016 Summer Meeting in Sacramento, CA.
2016 Millikan Medal Awarded to Stephen M. Pompea
Mar 04 2016
AAPT has announced that Stephen M. Pompea will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2016 Summer Meeting in Sacramento, CA. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and intellectually creative contributions to the teaching of physics.
Scientists to Provide Update on the Search for Gravitational Waves
Feb 10 2016
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first publication of Albert Einstein's prediction of the existence of gravitational waves. With interest in this topic piqued by the centennial, scientists from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and international partners will discuss their ongoing efforts to observe gravitational waves.
LIGO Website
Live Webcast - Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. 10:30 AM EST
Shirley Ann Jackson Named National Medal of Science Recipient
Dec 23 2015
On December 22, 2015, the White House announced that Shirley Ann Jackson was named a National Medal of Science recipient. In 2001, she was named the recipient of AAPT’s Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award.
AAPT Announces the Results of the 2015 Executive Board Election
Nov 06 2015
The AAPT membership has voted in favor of changing the Association governance and has adopted the new By-Laws.
Additionally, the following members have been elected to serve on the AAPT Executive Board:
Vice President: Gordon Ramsey
Member at Large (Four-Year College Rep): Karen Jo Matsler
Treasurer: R. Steven Turley
2016 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to Karl Mamola
Oct 13 2015
AAPT has announced that Karl Mamola has received the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2016 Winter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
2016 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT to be Awarded to David Weaver
Oct 13 2015
AAPT has announced that David Weaver has received the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2016 Winter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gay Stewart to be Honored as a 2016 Recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT
Oct 13 2015
AAPT has announced that Gay Stewart will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2016 Winter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Michael Faleski to be Honored with the 2016 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT
Oct 06 2015
AAPT has announced that Michael Faleski has received the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2016 Winter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Marina Milner-Bolotin to be Recognized as a 2016 Recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT
Oct 06 2015
AAPT has announced that Marina Milner-Bolotin will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2016 Winter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
2015 Nobel Prize in Physics Announced
Oct 06 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers congratulates the winners of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, Takaaki Kajita at The University of Tokyo and Arthur B. McDonald at Queen’s University "for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass"
Derek Muller Recognized as 2016 Recipient of the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award
Sep 03 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Derek Muller has been selected to receive the 2016 Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award. Muller is recognized with the award for outstanding contributions to physics and effectively communicating those contributions to physics educators.
John W. Belcher to Receive AAPT 2016 Oersted Medal
Aug 31 2015
John W. Belcher has been named as the 2016 recipient of the prestigious Hans Christian Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).
AAPT Announces 2015 Recipients of the Harold Q. and Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund Memberships
Aug 03 2015
The Awards Committee has announced that twelve nominees will receive the 2015 "Fuller Memberships.
2015 U.S. Physics Team Scores Five Medals in Mumbai, India
Jul 13 2015
The United States Physics Team tied for second place at the 46th International Physics Olympiad that was held in Mumbai India, July 5 -12, 2015.
AAPT Members Named as Recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Jul 02 2015
Seven AAPT members will be honored later this summer as the 2015 recipients of the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
U.S. Physics Team Travelers Selected to Represent the Team at the 2015 International Physics Olympiad
May 27 2015
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2015 Traveling Team at the 46th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held July 5 –12, 2015 in Mumbai, India.
Why Physicists Love Super Balls
May 22 2015
Super Balls are toys beloved by children because of their extraordinary ability to bounce. Physicists love them for exactly the same reason.
"Physicists love it because it has interesting physical properties," said Rod Cross, retired professor of physics at the University of Sydney in Australia, whose latest paper on Super Balls appears in the American Journal of Physics. His research also demonstrated the odd way all balls roll.
Applied Physicist Robert G.W. Brown to Join American Institute of Physics as CEO
May 21 2015
May 21, 2015, Washington, D.C. – The American Institute of Physics (AIP) announced today that it has selected applied physicist Robert G.W. Brown as its new Chief Executive Officer.
May 20 2015
The American Journal of Physics invites submissions for a special theme issue focused on Relativity and Gravitation: Contemporary Research and Teaching of Einstein's Physics.
Physicist, S. James Gates, Jr. to be featured on the Science Channel 5/20
May 19 2015
Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, "Do We Live in the Matrix?", featuring a segment concentrated on the research of S. James Gates on adinkras in supersymmetry, will air on the Science Channel, Wednesday, May 20, 10:00 PM, check local listings.
The Amtrak Derailment And Newton's First Law
May 15 2015
(AIP Inside Science Currents Blog - May 12) - Tuesday evening's deadly derailment that sent an Amtrak Northeast Regional train careening off its tracks has many people asking how such a tragedy could happen. On a purely physical level, the train's derailment due to excessive speed can be understood in terms of Newton's first law of motion.
AAPT announces the 2015 U.S. Physics Team
May 11 2015
AAPT has announced the 2015 U.S. Physics Team and has posted its schedule for this year.
New AAPT Fellows Announced
May 04 2015
The AAPT Fellows for 2015 are Frank Cascarano, Anthony Escuadro, Paul J. Heafner, William T. Waggoner, and Paul Williams. The new Fellows will be recognized during the Summer Meeting in College Park, Maryland.
2015 AAPT Summer Meeting Service Awards
Mar 23 2015
AAPT has announced that the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT will be awarded to Kathleen Harper, Jill Marshall, Marie Plumb, Scott Schultz, and Albert Thompson during the 2015 Summer Meeting in College Park, Maryland.
Gillian Winters to Receive 2015 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Teaching Award
Mar 12 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2014 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching Award winner is Gillian Winters, a New York State Master Teacher and high school physics teacher from St James, New York.
David Weintraub Named as Recipient of the 2015 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
Mar 12 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that David A. Weintraub of the Vanderbilt University Department of Physics and Astronomy, is the 2015 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award.
Dwain Desbien to Receive the AAPT 2015 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Mar 02 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Dwain Desbien will receive the 2015 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching.
2015 Millikan Medal Awarded to Robert Morse
Feb 25 2015
AAPT has announced that Robert A. Morse will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2015 Summer Meeting in College Park, MD. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and creative contributions to the teaching of physics.
2015 AAPT Summer Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
Feb 25 2015
The abstract submission deadline for the 2015 AAPT Summer Meeting in College Park has been extended until midnight March 1, 2015 PST.
AAPT Celebrates Diversity at the 2015 Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists in Baltimore, MD
Feb 23 2015
AAPT will join forces with the National Society of Black Physicists during their 2015 Conference: Re-Visioning the Future of Scientific Leadership, at the Hilton Baltimore Hotel February 25-28.
Deflategate: A Challenge for Physics Teachers and Physics Students
Jan 28 2015
Unless you have been out of the country for the past few weeks, you certainly know that a major controversy has arisen concerning the purported under-inflation of footballs used in the January 18, 2015 American Football Conference championship game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts. AAPT invites physics teachers and students to join in a crowd-sourcing challenge.
Recommendations for Undergraduate Physics Lab Curriculum
Jan 26 2015
The Laboratory Goals Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Committee on Laboratories, has reviewed the state of the undergraduate physics laboratory curriculum and related physics education research on the physics laboratory and has made recommendations that foster the development of many key 21st century skills and competencies. Read the new recommendations.
American Institute of Physics CEO Search
Jan 26 2015
The American Institute of Physics is searching for a new CEO. The ideal candidate will be a strategic, visionary, and an innovative leader, with a minimum of 10 years of relevant senior executive level leadership experience.
See the complete position posting on the website.
2014 Area Committee of the Year
Jan 14 2015
The Committee on History and Philosophy of Physics has been selected as the 2014 AAPT Area Committee of the year.
Mary Elizabeth Mogge Becomes the 80th AAPT President
Jan 08 2015
The American Association of Physics Teachers announced that Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mogge has assumed the role of AAPT President, becoming the 80th physics educator to fill the role.
Special Resolution Vote at Membership Meeting
Jan 06 2015
At a special meeting of the AAPT membership attendees voted to approve a resolution to allow AAPT to base results of elections held electronically on an affirmative majority of those voting and to update AAPT ‘s Certificate of Incorporation to be in compliance with New York State law.
AAPT Announces Commitment to Expand College Access at White House Event
Dec 04 2014
AAPT, represented by Executive Officer, Beth A. Cunningham, joined President Obama, the First Lady, and Vice President Biden along with hundreds of college presidents and other higher education leaders to announce new actions to help more students prepare for and graduate from college.
Rush Holt to become CEO of AAAS
Nov 18 2014
Rush Holt, a physicist, educator, eight-term Democratic member of Congress, and Life Member of AAPT, has been named the new CEO of AAAS. During his years in congress, Holt has been a strong supporter of the U.S. Physics Team, making time to meet with team members during their training for the International Physics Olympiad.
Millie Dresselhaus wins the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Nov 17 2014
On November 11, the White House announced the 2014 recipients of the 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom—the highest civilian honor in the United States. Millie Dresselhaus, former recipient of the Oersted Medal, is among the diverse group of recipients who are recognized for making "extraordinary contributions to our country and the world." Millie will be honored in a White House ceremony with other luminaries, including Isabel Allende, Tom Brokaw, Ethel Kennedy, Meryl Streep, and Stevie Wonder, on November 24.
AAPT Announces the Results of the 2014 Executive Board Election
Nov 07 2014
The AAPT membership has elected the following to serve on the AAPT Executive Board:
Vice President: George Amann
Member at Large (TYC): Sherry Savrda
Secretary: Wolfgang Christian
2015 AAPT Winter Meeting Service Awards
Nov 29 2014
AAPT has announced that the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT will be awarded to David M. Cook, Andrew Gavrin, Elizabeth Holsenbeck, and Elisha Huggins during the 2015 Winter Meeting in San Diego, California.
Diodes: Articles for Physics Educators
Oct 08 2014
In celebration of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, AAPT presents this resource for members to use in teaching about the physics behind the Nobel Prize.
AAPT Presents "Her Stories"
Oct 08 2014
This new video produced by AAPT, APS, and SPS shares the stories and words of wisdom and encouragement from many women in physics from around the world. Feel free to distributed the video to your colleagues and women who are considering a career in physics. Click the read more link below to view the video.
AAPT eCommerce Temporarily Unavailable
Sep 19 2014
Dear AAPT Friend,
Due to system upgrades, our eCommerce server will be experiencing temporary downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you wish to renew your membership, purchase an item from the Physics Store, or make a donation on Monday, September 22 from 10 am through 5 pm, please contact membership at or (301)209-3333.
We appreciate your patience as we work to improve your eCommerce experience.
Thank you,
AAPT National Office
Karl Mamola Named as 2015 Oersted Medal Recipient
Sep 16 2014
Karl C. Mamola has been named as the 2015 recipient of the prestigious Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The medal will be awarded at a Ceremonial Session of the 2015 AAPT Winter Meeting in San Diego, California, in recognition of his significant contributions to physics education through his roles as editor of The Physics Teacher and as mentor for students, prospective authors, column editors, reviewers, and others.
New Associate Editor for Resource Letters Sought
Sep 05 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) is searching for a new Resource Letters Editor to begin duties following the Winter 2015 AAPT meeting in San Diego. Applications and nominations should be sent to Jan Tobochnik at Applications should include a cover letter, a cv, and the names and email addresses of three references. Applications will receive full consideration if received by October 15, 2014.
Thomas L. O'Kuma Recognized with AAPT's 2015 Melba Newell Phillips Medal
Sep 02 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the Melba Newell Phillips Medal has been awarded to Thomas L. O'Kuma, Physics Faculty, Lee College, Baytown, Texas, in recognition of his creative leadership and dedicated service that have resulted in exceptional contributions within AAPT.
AAPT Appoints New eMentor Co-Coordinators
Aug 29 2014
Danielle Spaete and Rebecca Vieyra have agreed to serve as eMentor Co-Coodinators starting in September. Both have many years of experience teaching high school physics. In addition, both have been active in AAPT, PTRA, and as mentors. Al Thompson has served as the first eMentor Coordinator since the start of the program in 2011. We thank Al for his leadership and welcome Danielle and Rebecca in their new roles.
2014 AAPT Executive Board Election
Aug 26 2014
The election of officers for the AAPT Executive Board will take place between September 17 and November 4. Members will receive instruction through email or, if no email is on file, through the mail to help you vote electronically. Those elected will take office at the close of the 2015 Winter Meeting.
AAPT Member Cedric Linder wins the 2014 ICPE Medal for Physics Education
Aug 08 2014
The International Commission on Physics Education has announced that the winner of the 2014 ICPE Medal for outstanding contributions to physics education is Professor Cedric Linder of Uppsala University, Sweden.
The award recognizes Professor Linder's outstanding contributions to physics education research. His work has been notable for its range, depth and impact, as well for its international scope. Through his work Cedric Linder has helped to change the way in which physics is taught by enabling colleagues to appreciate the learning experience of students. He has influenced lives by opening up physics to many disadvantaged students, and he has added new theoretical insights and methodological approaches to the practice of physics education research.
The full citation for Professor Linder is available (click read more below).
High School Physics Textbooks, Resources and Teacher Resourcefulness
Aug 06 2014
AIP has just released the results from the 2012-13 Nationwide Survey of High School Physics Teachers.
2014 U.S. Physics Team Scores Five Medals in Astana, Kazakhstan
Jul 21 2014
The top U.S. physics students scored three gold medals and two silver medals at the 45th International Physics Olympiad (IPHO), held this year from July 13 - 21 in Astana, Kazakhstan where the best high school physics students from 86 countries competed.
US Physics Team is at IPHO 2014
Jul 15 2014
Follow the team on Flickr.
Journal Serivce Impact Notice
Jun 30 2014
During the period July1-10, AIPP will be migrating to a new service provider. Since AIPP is the provider for access to American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher, members and institutions may notice some problem with impacted features. New members and institutions will not be able to access the journals until July 11.
2014 U.S. Physics Team Travelers Selected
Jun 06 2014
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2014 Traveling Team at the 45th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held July 13 - 21, 2014 in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs
May 28 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Physical Society are pleased to announce the formation of the Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs (J-TUPP).
AAPT PhysicsBowl Results
May 26 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers has posted the results, solutions, and certificates for the 2014 PhysicsBowl.
AAPT Congratulates Dr. Eric Mazur
May 20 2014
The Minerva Project has announced that the first Minerva Prize for Advancements in Education--which comes with a $500K check--will be awarded to Dr. Eric Mazur, the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics and Area Dean for Applied Physics at Harvard University. An AAPT member, Dr. Mazur is well know to our members and New Faculty Workshop attendees.
2014 US Physics Team Announced
May 19 2014
Nineteen students from across the U.S. have emerged through a rigorous exam process that began last January with approximately 4,277 students who participated in the Fnet=ma exam to become the 2014 U.S. Physics Team.
May 5-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week
May 05 2014
Teacher Appreciation Week is a nationally celebrated event that honors teachers who make a difference for kids every day.
You can participate by sharing a photo and thank you note that honors your "best teacher ever." It could be a family member, a friend, or a teacher they had as a child. Upon submission, you will receive a stamped photo in return to share with their networks and with the teacher they honored. Teach for America will compile these testimonials into a powerful visual quilt on their website and roll the stories up into a final video: the world's largest thank you card for teachers.
AAPT is offering a special Teacher Appreciation Week discount in The Physics Store. Simply click "Enter Vouchers" before you check out, enter the Promotion Code, TAP14, and save 10 percent on your total order.
AAPT Events for Physics Day at Six Flags
May 02 2014
Physics is fundamental to understanding how amusement park rides operate. As a participating sponsor of Physics Day at Six Flags in Maryland, AAPT provides volunteers, and holds events that support student learning. The 2014 Physics Day at Six Flags is Friday, May 2.
Remembering John D. FitzGibbons
Apr 30 2014
The national office of AAPT joins the New York section of AAPT in mourning the death of John D. FitzGibbons. John was an active member of the New York section of AAPT and a Physics Teaching Resource Agent.
PhysTEC Project is Soliciting Proposals for New Sites
Apr 10 2014
The Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) project is soliciting proposals for new sites. There will be an interactive webinar on the PhysTEC solicitation at 3 p.m. ET on Tuesday, April 22. To register for the webinar, view it at a later time or find proposal information, go to
Initial comprehensive site proposals are due May 12; full proposals (if invited) will be due September 8; and funding begins August 2015.
Recruiting grants are also available. Proposals are due June 5, with funding to begin September 2014.
Summer 2014 Homer L. Dodge Citations Announced
Mar 27 2014
AAPT has announced that the Summer 2014 recipients of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguised Service to AAPT will be awarded to Paul (Joe) Heafner, Dyan Jones, Martha Lietz, and Evelyn Restivo.
Women in Physics: A collection of reprints in honor of Melba Newell Phillips
Mar 13 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers has announced the publication of "Women in Physics: A collection of reprints in honor of Melba Newell Phillips".
Bradford Hill to Receive 2014 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Teaching Award
Mar 13 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2014 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching Award winner is Bradford Hill, a high school physics teacher from Beaverton, Oregon.
2014 Millikan Medal Awarded to Eugenia Etkina
Mar 13 2014
AAPT has announced that Eugenia Etkina will receive the 2014 Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2014 Summer Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
AAPT announces the 2014 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award recipient
Feb 19 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Donald W. Olson is the 2014 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and creative contributions to the teaching of physics. The lecture and award will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
AAPT announces the 2014 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award Winners
Feb 07 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood will share the 2014 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching.
Remembering Dr. Robert Resnick
Feb 03 2014
AAPT joins Rensselear Polytechnic Insitute, the physics community, and the family in mourning the death of Dr. Robert Resnick. Dr. Resnick was the 1974 recipient of the Oersted Medal and served as President of AAPT from 1986-87 and 1988-89.
AAPT Announces AAPT Fellowships
Jan 30 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has announced the establishment of an AAPT Fellowship Program.
Steven Iona Takes the Role of AAPT President
Jan 07 2014
The American Association of Physics Teachers announced today that Steven Iona has assumed the role of AAPT President.
Physics Education Week January 4-11, 2014 in Florida
Dec 18 2013
Governor Rick Scott declared, in an official proclamation, that the upcoming week of January 4-11, 2013 will be "Physics Education Week" in Florida.
50th Anniversary of JFK Assassination
Nov 18 2013
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, AAPT is making Nobel Laureate Luis W. Alvarez's report, "A physicist examines the Kennedy assassination film," about the physics of the Zapruder film freely available to the public.
AAPT congratulates Steven Pollock and Gintaras Duda
Nov 15 2013
AAPT congratulates Steven Pollock, Outstanding Doctoral and Research Universities Professor of the Year and Gintaras Duda, Outstanding Master's Universities and Colleges Professor of the Year. Sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and administered by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the awards recognize professors for their influence on teaching and commitment to undergraduate students.
AAPT Announces the Results of the 2013 Executive Board Election
Nov 06 2013
The AAPT membership has elected the following to serve on the AAPT Executive Board:
for President: Steve Iona
for Vice-President: Janelle Bailey
for Treasurer: Steve Turley
for HS Representative: Jan Mader
2014 AAPT Winter Meeting Awards
Oct 16 2013
AAPT has announced that the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT will be awarded to Jan Mader, Taha Mzoughi, Gabe Spalding, and Lee Trampleasure at the 2014 Winter Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
New Scitation platform launching soon - Your current American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher Table of Content alerts will be suspended!
Oct 08 2013
The new and improved Scitation platform will launch soon. This change will require you to re-register for Table of Content alerts for this and other publications. In addition to standard TOCalerts, you will also be able to sign up for Topic-specific alerts to stay up-to-date with the latest research in your fields of interest. Complete details on the new Scitation and instructions on how to sign up will be coming soon.
Dean Zollman Named as 2014 Oersted Medal Recipient
Sep 30 2013
Dean Zollman has been named as the 2014 recipient of the prestigious Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).
Sir Michael Berry Recognized as 2014 Recipient of the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award
Sep 30 2013
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Professor Sir Michael Victory Berry, has been selected to receive the 2014 Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award.
Remembering Mary Beth Monroe
Sep 19 2013
The family of Mary Beth Monroe wishes to thank everyone for the flower arrangements sent to the funeral as well as all the support they have received.
2013 AAPT Executive Board Election
Sep 10 2013
The election of officers for the AAPT Executive Board will take place between September 17 and November 4. With the opening in the AAPT presidential chain created by the passing of AAPT President Elect Mary Beth Monroe, the Executive Board authorized the Nominating Committee to find candidates for a special election to fill the position of President. Members will receive instruction through email or, if no email is on file, through the mail to help you vote electronically. Those elected will take office at the close of the 2014 Winter Meeting.
Remembering Al Bartlett
Sep 09 2013
AAPT joins the University of Colorado - Boulder and family of Al Bartlett, past AAPT President, in mourning his death.
Remembering Mary Beth Monroe
Aug 28 2013
AAPT joins the Texas Section and family of Mary Beth Monroe, AAPT President Elect, in mourning her death.
2013 US Physics Team Scores Five Medals in Copenhagen
Jul 14 2013
The top US physics students scored three gold medals and two silver medals at the 44th International Physics Olympiad (IPHO), held this year from July 7 - 15 in Copenhagen Denmark where the best high school physics students from 83 countries competed.
Texas Physics Consortium Wins Approval for a Joint Undergraduate Physics Degree Program
Jun 28 2013
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has granted the Texas Physics Consortium, a group of Texas Physics Departments, permission to offer a joint BS degree in physics.
Travelers Selected to Represent the U.S. Physics Team at the 2013 International Physics Olympiad
Jun 07 2013
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2013 Traveling Team at the 44th International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from July 7 to 15.
Gary White to Become Next Editor of The Physics Teacher
May 20 2013
AAPT has announced the appointment of Gary Dane White as the new editor for The Physics Teacher (TPT). White, currently on leave from the American Institute of Physics as a program director at the National Science Foundation, will start as the new TPT editor on August 1, 2013.
2012 Barbara Lotze Scholarship Winners
May 17 2013
The recipients of the 2012 Barbara Lotze Scholarships for Future Teachers are Margarita Apolo Esteban, Kristin Rene Holz, Rebecca Kristine Napolitano, and Elizabeth Noel Olson.
Intel ISEF 2013 Special Award Organization Winners Announced May 16
May 17 2013
The Society for Science & the Public, in partnership with the Intel Foundation, announced the Special Award Organization winners of the Intel ISEF 2013. Student winners are ninth through twelfth graders who earned the right to compete at the Intel ISEF 2013 by winning a top prize at a local, regional, state or national science fair. See the AAPT/APS winners by clicking on the link "Special Award Organization Winners" at the website
Top High School Physics Students Qualify for the 2013 U.S. Physics Team
May 10 2013
When it comes to physics, the United States still trains some of the world's best high school physics students. Those students comprising the 2013 U.S. Physics Team will be training and competing in College Park, MD, next month as they prepare for the 44th International Physics Olympiad this July in Copenhagen, Denmark.
PhysTEC Addresses Shortage of Physics Teachers
May 14 2013
The PhysTEC program was highlighted in the FY 2014 National Science Foundation Budget Request to Congress. The program is recognized for the success of member institutions that graduate about 300 high-school physics teachers per year, addressing a significant fraction of the growing national need for 1400 new physics teachers per year. See page 14 in the document linked below.
AAPT announces the 2013 PhysicsBowl Winners
May 10 2013
AAPT is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 PhysicsBowl.
Physics lesson from CERN by Andrew Vanden Heuvel using Google Glass
May 09 2013
Google gave AAPT member and physics teacher, Andrew Vanden Heuvel, the opportunity to teach a once-in-a-lifetime physics lesson directly from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
In Memoriam - Paul William Zitzewitz
May 07 2013
AAPT joins the University of Michigan-Dearborn and the Michigan Section of AAPT in honoring the lifetime contributions of Paul W. Zitzewitz to the physics education community, the Dearborn arts community and his family.
Bob Powell Named as Recipient of the 2013 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT
Apr 17 2013
AAPT has announced that Bob Powell will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT during the 2013 Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
In Memoriam - John S. Risley
Apr 12 2013
AAPT joins the North Carolina Section and the employees of WebAssign in this recognition of John Risley who passed away at home after battling a rare and aggressive form of cancer for 6 months. He joined the physics faculty at North Carolina State University in 1976 and spent the first part of his career doing research in atomic physics and the second part of his career in physics education.
Daniel H. Phelps to Receive 2013 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT
Mar 22 2013
AAPT has announced that Daniel H. Phelps will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT during the 2013 Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.Phelps is a retired physics teacher, having taught physics at the University of British Columbia, St. Georges School and Columbia College.
Thomas F. Haff Named as 2013 Recipient of Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Teaching Award
Mar 01 2013
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2013 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching Award winner is Thomas F. Haff, a high school physics teacher from Seattle, Washington. This award is in recognition of contributions to pre-college physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students. The award will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
Michael Jackson Recognized with AAPT 2013 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Mar 01 2013
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today Michael Jackson is the recipient of 2013 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching. This award is given in recognition of contributions to undergraduate physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students. The award will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
Lillian Christie McDermott Recognized with AAPT's 2013 Melba Newell Phillips Medal
Feb 26 2013
The Melba Newell Phillips Medal has been awarded to Lillian C. McDermott, Ph.D., Professor of Physics at the University of Washington, in recognition of her creative leadership and dedicated service that have resulted in exceptional contributions within AAPT. The Medal will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
Harvey Gould Named as Recipient of the 2013 Robert A. Millikan Medal
Feb 15 2013
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Harvey Gould is the 2013 recipient of the Robert A. Millikan Medal. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and creative contributions to the teaching of physics. The Medal will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
Sylvester James 'Jim' Gates Jr. Receives National Medal of Science
Feb 01 2013
On February 1, 2013, Sylvester James 'Jim' Gates Jr. will receive the National Medal of Science in a ceremony webcast live at 2 pm.
Gay Stewart is New AAPT President
Jan 11 2013
On January 9, 2013, Gay Stewart assumed the role of AAPT President.
AAPT President, Jill Marshall recent interview with Research Media LTD
Dec 28 2012
Research Media LTD is Europe's leading portal for scientific dissemination. In the interview she describes the Association's latest initiatives to engage the next generation and to promote physics as well as other science disciplines to all.
AAPT/ComPADRE Website Selected for Link Award
Dec 17 2012
"The Physics Front" has been selected as the "Weekly Link Award" winner for the week of December 16 - 22, 2012. Online since 2001, is a high quality directory of user-submitted links to the most interesting and useful Web sites (in English, German and Italian language).
Click here for a the listing at Description: Provides high quality resources tailored for the teaching of high school physics and physical sciences.
Former AAPT President, David M. Cook has been elected a Fellow of APS
Nov 12 2012
The criterion for election is exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise; e.g., outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education. Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers. Congratulations, David.
Announcing the 2012/13 AAPT National Election Results
Nov 06 2012
We offer congratulations to the following: Mary Mogge, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, has been elected as Vice President. Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, has been elected as Secretary. Aaron Titus, High Point University, has been elected as At-Large Four-Year College Representative. They will join the AAPT Executive Board following the Winter Meeting 2013 in New Orleans, LA.
Franklin Miller Jr., October 4, 2012
Oct 09 2012
AAPT joins the Ohio Section and Kenyon College in mourning the passing of Franklin Miller Jr. He received the 1970 Millikan Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers for "creative teaching of physics".
2012 Request for PhysTEC Sites
Oct 01 2012
The Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) is requesting proposals for new sites. The deadline for submitting an initial proposal is October 26. The Request for Proposals (RFP) is available at
2013 Distinguished Service Awards
Sep 26 2012
A. James Mallmann, Stan Micklavzina, and Sarah "Sam" McKagan to receive 2013 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT.
David Pines to receive 2013 John David Jackson Award
Sep 13 2012
AAPT has named David Pines as the 2013 John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Award recipient.
2013 Oersted Medal Recipient Announced
Sep 13 2012
Edward Frederick (Joe) Redish has been named the 2013 recipient of the prestigious Oersted Medal.
AAPT Announces Candidates for 2012 Executive Board Election
Aug 27 2012
The 2012 AAPT Executive Board election is scheduled to begin on September 17. Candidate information will be included with emails sent to members but you can review them in advance. This is an electronic election. If you don't currently have an email address in your record, please add it as soon as possible so you can receive notification by email.
Call for Editor: The Physics Teacher
Aug 22 2012
AAPT invites applications, inquires, and nominations for the position of Editor of The Physics Teacher (TPT), with an appointment to begin in the summer 2013. TPT is a prestigious journal/magazine dedicated to the advancement of physics teaching at the high school and introductory college/university levels. The editor has full responsibility for the content of the journal.
Winners of the AAPT Apparatus Competition Announced
Aug 08 2012
The winners of the 2012 AAPT Apparatus Competition were announced at the AAPT summer meeting in Philadelphia. The winning entries can be seen here.
Winners of the AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest Announced
Aug 08 2012
The winners of the 2012 AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest were announced at the AAPT summer meeting in Philadelphia. First, Second, and Third place winners as well as an Honorable Mention for both natural and contrived catagories have been selected. The winners and top 100 photos have been posted on AAPT's website.
AAPT Plenary Speaker Named as Recipient of Fundamental Physics Prize
Aug 03 2012
Nima Arkani Hamad, was already scheduled to talk on "Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics, and the Large Hadron Collider" when he received word that he was one of 9 recipients to share the $27 million Fundamental Physics Prize, established by Yuri Milner. Attendees at the AAPT Summer Meeting were spreading the news as they gathered to meet the $3,000,000 prize winner. The New York Times had this to say. The Atlantic had this to say. Click below for the Philadelphia Inquirer article.
July 29 - August 4, 2012 is "Physics Education Week" in Pennsylvania
Jul 27 2012
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has proclaimed July 29-August 4, 2012 Physics Education Week. AAPT members and physics educators from around the world will meet in Philadelphia during the week to "advance and enhance our quality of life" through physics education.
USA Wins 3 gold and 2 silvers at IPhO
Jul 23 2012
Eric Schneider, Allan Sadun, and Kevin Zhou earned gold medals Jeffrey Cai, and Jeffrey Yan earned silver medals at the 2012 International Physics Olympiad in Estonia. China and Taiwan tied for first place with 5 gold medals, Singapore was second with 4 gold Medals, the USA, Korea, and Russia tied with 3 gold and 2 silver.
Physicist named senior editor of prestigious journal
Jul 16 2012
AAPT member, Dr. Charles Henderson has been appointed senior editor of the journal, "Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research." This is the top international journal in the field of physics education research. Henderson is associate professor of physics and science education at Western Michigan University.
AAPT Member named to Fuller Callaway Chair
Jul 16 2012
Dr. Sarah Formica, associate professor of physics at North Georgia College & State University, has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair.
AAPT Members Honored by President Obama as Outstanding Science Teachers
Jun 21 2012
On June 11 President Obama named 97 mathematics and science teachers as recipients of the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The 2011 award winners include AAPT members, Dean Baird (Sacramento, CA); Stacy McCormack (Mishawaka, IN who is also recipient of the 2011 Paul W. Zitzewitz Award for Excellence in Pre-College Teaching); Joshua Underwood (Mount Olivet, KY); Barry Hopkins (Severna Park, MD); Donald Pata (Grosse Point Woods, MI); Francesco Neal-Noschese (Cross River, NY); Holly Sullivan (Lugoff, SC); and Paul Kuhlman (Avon, SD).
Traveling Team Selected to Represent the U.S. Physics Team at the 2012 International Physics Olympiad
Jun 13 2012
Five students have been selected to represent the U.S. Physics Team as the 2012 Traveling Team at the 43rd International Physics Olympiad, a competition among high-school physics students, to be held in Estonia, from July 15 to 24.
Transit of Venus
Jun 04 2012
For most living humans June 5, 2012 will be their last chance to see Venus cross in front of the Sun, to share the fascination felt by astronomers in past centuries, and to appreciate their observations and measurements. It is also an occasion to organize public viewings and to participate in international projects to publicize, view, and measure the transit.
Public Review: Next Generation Science Standards
May 21 2012
The Next Generation Science Standards by Achieve have been released for public review. The development of these standards is the first step towards more uniform standards in science. The public will only have three weeks to provide feedback on the NGSS. Achieve has a formal survey to complete by June 1st . If you are interested in preparing your responses before actually going to the survey, a PDF version of the survey is available. The survey is arranged so that you can provide feedback on all aspects of the standards - science & engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, as well as core disciplinary content - and also on different grades and grade bands.
2012 AAPT Summer Meeting
May 09 2012
AAPT is pleased to announce that registration for the 2012 AAPT Summer Meeting in Philadelphia, PA is now open. Early Bird registration ends June 4th. Reserve your room now! Group rate ends July 3rd.
AAPT announces the 2012 US Physics Team
May 09 2012
The 2012 US Physics Team has been selected.
AAPT announces the 2012 PhysicsBowl Winners
May 09 2012
AAPT is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 PhysicsBowl.
Summer 2012 Distinguished Service Citations Announced
Apr 25 2012
The Distinguished Service Citations for the Summer Meeting in Philadelphia will be presented to Eugenia Etkina, Jose D. Garcia, and Chandralekha Singh.
Donation from PASPO will support ComPADRE
Apr 23 2012
AAPT has announced the receipt of a generous gift from The Physics Academic Software Publishing Organization (PASPO) to support ComPADRE.
Robert G. Fuller Memoriam
Apr 09 2012
We are sad to report the passing of Bob Fuller on Monday April 9, 2012.
Mark D. Greenman Named as 2012 Recipient of Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Teaching Award
Apr 05 2012
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2012 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching Award winner is Mark D. Greenman, a retired high school math and science teacher from Swampscott, MA. This award is in recognition of contributions to pre-college physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students.
Kevin Lee Recognized with AAPT 2012 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Apr 04 2012
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today Kevin Michael Lee is the recipient of 2012 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching Award. This award is given in recognition of contributions to undergraduate physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students. John Wiley & Sons is the principal source of funding for this award, through its donation to the AAPT.
Phillip Sadler Named as Recipient of the 2012 Robert A. Millikan Medal
Apr 02 2012
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Philip M. Sadler is the 2012 recipient of the Robert A. Millikan Medal. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and creative contributions to the teaching of physics. The Medal will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
AAPT Joins AIP Discussion on Physics Issues
Mar 26 2012
Just as efforts to increase the number of Physics Bachelor's degrees, through programs such as SPIN-UP and New Physics and Astronomy Faculty Workshops, are proving effective (up more than 2,000 degrees since 2001) several states, notably Texas, Missouri, and Louisiana, are implementing plans to cancel undergraduate degree programs in departments that graduate small numbers of majors. AAPT is playing an active roll in increasing awareness of the implications of these state actions.
2012 Vernal Equinox
Mar 20 2012
The vernal equinox - the first day of spring - arrived today (March 20) at 05:14 Universal Time, or 1:14 a.m. EDT. This year spring will make its earliest arrival since the late 19th century: 1896, to be exact.
2012 Summer Meeting
Feb 24 2012
We are now accepting contributed and poster abstracts for the 2012 Summer Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
Physics Team Semi-Finalists
Feb 24 2012
The Semi-Finalists for the US Physics Team competition have been identified. Is there a semi-finalist in your home town?
John Glenn
Feb 17 2012
Celebrating John Glenn and the 50th anniversary of the flight of Friendship 7. On February 20, 1962 John Glenn orbited the earth three times before splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean.
Galileo Galilei
Feb 15 2012
Happy Birthday Galileo!
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
Feb 14 2012
AAAS and NSF are organizing a series of events to provide information about submitting a proposal to the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. These include: a day-long workshop on February 21 in Washington, DC at AAAS headquarters and two 90-minute webinars (3:00pm-4:30pm ET) on February 15 and 16.
NRC Webinar on the Science Framework Feb. 21
Feb 10 2012
A National Academies' panel will explore the framework and dimensions during a webinar on "A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas" on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST.
Jill A. Marshall Assumes AAPT Presidential Mantle
Feb 08 2012
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has announced that Jill, A. Marshall, Ph.D. has assumed the role of AAPT President. Marshall, an associate professor in the Science and Mathematics Education group and Graduate Studies Committee Chair at the University of Texas, will serve as President in 2012, and Past President in 2013.
Gay Stewart will serve as President-Elect in 2012.
New Report on Undergraduate STEM Education Recognized New faculty Workshop
Feb 08 2012
The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report today on undergraduate STEM education. One of the report's recommendations (1-1) focuses on STEM faculty workshops and recognizes (page 19) the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop, sponsored by AAPT/APS/AAS, as an example of how to train college and university faculty in enhanced teaching methods.
AAPT's Career Center
Dec 20 2011
Graduating? Congratulations. Post your resume and search for a physics teaching position at
Seasons Greetings from AAPT
Dec 19 2011
AAPT wishes a happy holiday season to all.
Winter Meeting Early Bird Registration Extended
Dec 07 2011
Due to technical problems the deadline for Early Bird registration has been extended for AAPT's Winter Meeting in Ontario, CA. The new deadline is December 9, 2011.
Fastest Rotating Star Found in Neighboring Galaxy
Dec 05 2011
An international team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope have found the fastest spinning star ever discovered.
AAPT 2012 Election Results
Nov 08 2011
The AAPT membership has elected the following to the AAPT Executive Board.
* Vice President -- Mary Beth Monroe, Southwest Texas Junior College, Uvalde, TX
* Two-Year College Member at Large -- Paul Williams, Austin Community College, Austin, TX
* Treasurer -- Paul Zitzewitz, University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI
They will begin their terms following the AAPT Winter Meeting, February 9, 2012. Please join us in welcoming them to the Board!
Important AAPT Dates and Deadlines
Oct 28 2011
The registration for the 2012 F=MA Contest will open on November 1, 2011.
The registration for the Physics Bowl Contest will open on December 1, 2011.
December 1 is the application deadline for the following scholarships and grants:
-The Frederick and Florence Bauder Endowment for the Support of Physics Teaching (Bauder Fund)
-Barbara Lotze Scholarships for Future Teachers
-The High School Physics Teacher Grant
The post deadline for 2012 Winter Meeting abstracts is December 9.
Elizabeth Chesick Recognized with 2012 AAPT Distinguished Service Citation
Oct 21 2011
AAPT has announced that Elizabeth Chesick will receive the association's Distinguished Service Citation during the 2012 Winter Meeting in Ontario, California.
2012 AAPT Distinguished Service citation to be Presented to Peter Hopkinson
Oct 21 2011
AAPT has announced that Peter Hopkinson will be recognized with the association's Distinguished Service Citation during the 2012 Winter Meeting in Ontario, California.
Jan Tobochnik to Receive 2012 Distinguished Service Citation
Oct 21 2011
AAPT has announced that Jan Tobochnik will be recognized with the association's Distinguished Service Citation during the 2012 Winter Meeting in Ontario, California.
Brian Greene Recognized as 2012 Recipient of the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award for Outstanding Leadership in Physics Education
Oct 20 2011
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Brian Greene, Ph.D., has been selected to receive The Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award. Greene, is recognized with the Award for outstanding contributions to physics and effectively communicating those contributions to physics educators.
AAPT Named Kip Thorne as the 2012 John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Awardee
Oct 17 2011
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2012 AAPT John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Award winner is Kip Thorne. This prestigious award will be presented to Thorne at a Ceremonial Session of the 2012 AAPT Winter Meeting at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, CA.
Charles H. Holbrow Named as 2012 Oersted Medal Recipient
Oct 05 2011
For more than forty years Charles H. Holbrow has made significant and innovative contributions to physics education and physics research. The Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), recognizes these contributions by naming him as the 2012 recipient of this prestigious Medal.
2011 Nobel Physics Prize
Oct 04 2011
Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt, and Adam Reiss share the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe through observations of distant supernovae.
The American Institute of Physics has made available free of charge a selection of research papers by these Nobel Laureates. To view any of these materials go to
Call for Editor - Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research
Sep 30 2011
The American Physical Society (APS), in coordination with the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and the APS Forum on Education (APS FEd), is conducting a search for a successor to the current Editor of Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research (PRST-PER).
The initial appointment is for three years with renewal possible after review. Salary is negotiable. The desired starting date is 1 January 2012. The APS is an equal employment opportunity employer and specially encourages applications from or nominations of women and minorities. The search is not limited to residents of the United States. Inquiries, nominations, and applications should be sent by 15 November 2011 to: Paula Heron, Search Committee Chair,
AAPT Joins "100Kin10" Movement
Sep 28 2011
AAPT has joined a growing multi-sector movement currently composed of more than 80 partners committed to working to recruit, develop, and retain 100,000 excellent STEM teachers over the coming 10 years. The movement is being led by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Opportunity Equation.
AAPT Recognized with GuideStar's Exchange Seal
Sep 27 2011
AAPT today received the GuideStar Exchange Seal, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information.
Announcement Out of CERN
Sep 26 2011
A major physics announcement out of CERN was broadcast on September 23. The OPERA experiment at Gran Sasso has detected neutrinos that may travel faster than the speed of light. This may be one of the most important and surprising physics developments in over a hundred years. For more see
Robert Beichner Named as a Winner of the 2011 McGraw Prize in Education
Sep 22 2011
Robert Beichner, Professor of Physics at North Carolina State University was one of three winners of the 2011 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education..
The 2011 winners are being honored for pioneering digital education approaches. As part of the award Beichner collaborated with the other prize winners, Mitchel Resnick and Julie Young, to author a white paper citing how education technology can cultivate human connections. With an introduction by Dr. Steven Paine, vice president of CTB/McGraw-Hill and the former State Superintendent of Schools in West Virginia, the paper draws on the collective insights and perspectives of the Prize winners spanning across elementary, secondary and post-secondary education.
9/11 from a Science Perspective
Sep 09 2011
A few months after September 11, 2001 the Director of the National Science Foundation, Rita Colwell, delivered a speech to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars entitled "Science: Before and After September 11".
AAPT National Election
Sep 06 2011
The election of officers for Executive Board service beginning in 2012 will begin on September 19, 2011. Instructions on how to access the ballot and vote in this electronic election will arrive via your email box. If you don't have an email address, watch the mail for instructions on how to vote electronically! The candidate information is now online.
Nominations are open for the 2013 election. Information on positions up for the 2013 election, including a link to the Nomination Form, is available at /aboutaapt/nominate.cfm.
Award Winning Physicist and Author, Robert "Bob" C. Hilborn, Picked to Serve as AAPT Associate Executive Officer
Sep 01 2011
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Robert "Bob" C. Hilborn, Ph.D., has joined the National Office as Associate Executive Officer. In this role, Dr. Hilborn will work closely with Dr. Beth Cunningham, Executive Officer, to support AAPT's educational programs.
US Team Scores Five Medals at the 42nd International Physics Olympiad
Jul 17 2011
The traveling members of the US Physics team competed with 393 of the most talented young physicists on the global stage, representing 84 countries, during the 42nd International Physics Olympiad and they brought home two gold and three silver medals. The Olympiad, held July 10-17, was sponsored by the Promotion of Academic Olympiads and Development of Science Education Foundation (POSN), under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra, and Chulalongkorn University (CU), in Bangkok, Thailand.
Intersociety Letter to Key Lawmakers
Jul 13 2011
AAPT joined over 140 organizations and universities in signing a AAAS letter that went to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee urging "strong support for the federal research and development budget of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and its mission to advance research across a broad spectrum of disciplines, research that has fueled American economic growth for decades." Copies were also sent to all members of the House Appropriations Committee.
42nd International Physics Olympiad
Jul 10 2011
The US Physics Team is in Thailand at the International Physics Olympiad. The IPhO2011 Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be streamed live on the official website. Watch these events:
Opening Ceremony: Monday 11 July 2011 at 10.00 hrs local time (GMT+7) which is Sunday, July 10, 2011 at 11:00:00 PM (EDT).
Closing Ceremony: Sunday 17 July 2011 at 17.00 hrs local time (GMT+7) which is Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 6:00:00 AM (EDT).
David P. Jackson, to Become Next Editor of the American Journal of Physics
Jul 06 2011
AAPT has announced that David P. Jackson will assume the position of Editor for the American Journal of Physics in 2012.
Search for Associate Executive Officer
Jun 20 2011
AAPT is currently advertising for an Associate Executive Officer. The candidate will be involved with many aspects of AAPT including many of the grant funded programs (the New Faculty Workshop, ComPADRE, PhysTEC, etc.), monitoring state and federal policies that affect STEM education to alert membership about important legislation, communicating with appropriate bodies about AAPT's priorities on education issues, raising funds for existing and new programs, serving as AAPT's representative to other science and education associations as well as a number of other responsibilities. The position description is available on the AAPT Careers website.
Enrico Fermi Time Capsule Opened
Jun 06 2011
In 1949 Enrico Fermi was asked to select items for a time capsule. The capsule was housed in the Research Institute at University of Chicago where Fermi worked after World War II. The time capsule has now been opened. Can you guess what was found inside the capsule?
2011 US Physics Team Travelers
May 30 2011
The 2011 US Physics Team Travelers were announced as training camp came to an end. The team members who will represent the team in Bangkok, Thailand at the 42nd International Physics Olympiad are Lucy Chen, Andrew Das Sarma, Ante Qu, Eric Spieglan, and Brian Zhang with coaches Paul Stanley and Warren Turner. Read the press release.
2011 PhysicsBowl Winners
May 18 2011
The 2011 PhysicsBowl winners have been posted at /Programs/contests/physicsbowl.cfm. Congratulations to the top students, teams, and teachers.
AAPT/APS Students Are Intel ISEF 2011 Grand Award Winners
May 13 2011
The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair is the world's largest international pre-college celebration of science. The 2011 Fair was held in Los Angeles and included 1,543 student Finalists who competed for over $4 million in total awards. The Finalists came from affiliate fairs in 65 countries, regions, and territories. AAPT and APS have been active participants in ISEF for many years, sponsoring prizes and providing judges.
The AAPT/APS First Place Winner, Yimeng Shi from Beijing, China, and Honorable Mention Awardee, Benjamin Mathias Clark from Millersville, PA, were also Grand Prize Winners in this year's fair.
AAPT Announces the 2011 US Physics Team
May 05 2011
The members of the 2011 US Physics Team have been selected.
Happy Anniversary to NASA's Hubble Space Telescope
Apr 20 2011
AAPT Announces Summer 2011 Awards
Apr 11 2011
Awards to be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting:
James E. Hansen - Klopsteg Memorial Award
Brian Jones - Millikan Medal
Edward Prather - Halliday and Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Stacy McCormack - Zitzewitz Award for Excellence in Pre-College Teaching
Andrew Isola - Distinguished Service Citation
Todd Leif - Distinguished Service Citation
John Roeder - Distinguished Service Citation
Steven Turley - Distinguished Service Citation
AAPT Members Elected to 2011 APS Fellowship
Apr 07 2011
At its November meeting, the American Physical Society Council elected to Fellowship five members of AAPT. Congratulations to Bruce Mason, John Mateja, Jose Mestre, David Van Baak, and Gary White.
Executive Officer Represents AAPT at Women In Physics Conference
Apr 04 2011
Dr. Beth Cunningham is participating in the WIP conference in South Africa. Follow her blog at
Updates on the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
Mar 21 2011
For useful up-to-date information on the Fukushima nuclear power plant and other technical information see the following links:,, and
AAPT/PTRA Program Recognized as APS 2011 Excellence in Physics Education Award Recipient
Mar 15 2011
The American Physical Society announced that the AAPT Physics Teaching Resource Agents Program has been awarded the 2011 Excellence in Physics Education Award. George Amann, Lawrence Bader, Robert Clark, Jan Mader, Karen Jo Matsler, and Jim Nelson have been invited to represent PTRA and receive the award during the April 2011 APS meeting.
AAPT Letter to US Senators in Support of Science Education Funding
Mar 01 2011
AAPT joined other leaders in the scientific community in writing a letter of opposition to the House continuing resolution for FY2011 (H.R. 1) that would make deep cuts to the budgets of science agencies. AAPT members are urged to take action by contacting their Congressional representatives.
Zitzewitz Endows Excellence in Pre-college Teaching Award
Feb 09 2011
David Sokoloff Assumes AAPT Presidential Mantle
Jan 25 2011
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has announced that David R. Sokoloff, Ph.D. has assumed the role of AAPT President. Sokoloff, Professor of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, will serve as President in 2011, and Past President in 2012.
President David M. Cook's Address as he Passes the Gavel
Jan 22 2011
During the Presidential Transfer ceremony at the AAPT 2011 Winter Meeting in Jacksonville, FL, David M. Cook reported on the accomplishments of the Association during his term as President.
New Executive officer, Beth Cunningham Addresses Attendees at the 2011 Winter Meeting
Jan 17 2011
Dr. Cunningham was introduced by former President, Lila Adair, at the beginning of the first plenary session of the 2011 Winter meeting. The full text of Dr. Cunningham's remarks is addressed to all AAPT members.
Treasurer's Report by Paul W. Zitzewitz at 2011 Winter Meeting
January 10, 2011
In his report, delivered during the 2011 Winter Meeting, AAPT Treasurer, Paul Zitzewitz began, "May you be treasurer in interesting times," adapted from an inauthentic Chinese saying. These have indeed been very challenging times for the finances of the AAPT. Read the report.
2011 Winter Meeting Registration Now Available
September 30, 2010
The title says it all. AAPT is happy to announce that registration, rates, and special events are all now available for the 2011 Winter Meeting in Jacksonville, Florida. Be sure to register soon to get the best pricing.
AAPT Online Journals Relaunched
September 29, 2010
After months of preparation and work with Scitation at AIP, the American Journal of Physicsand The Physics Teacheronline websites have been redesigned, reorganized, and revamped to provide a better experience for subscribers. Both journals have a new look that better reflects the main AAPT website. There's also enhanced search functionality, new RSS feeds, a cleaner layout, and more.
Please take a good look and let us know what you think (! You'll find both journals at their new web addresses:
Kathryn Moler Recognized as 2011 Recipient of the Richtmyer Award for Outstanding Leadership in Physics Education
September 27th, 2010
College Park, Maryland, United States, September 27, 2010—The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Kathryn Moler, Ph.D., has been selected to receive The Richtmyer Memorial Award. Moler, Associate Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics at Stanford University, received the Award for outstanding contributions to physics and effectively communicating those contributions to physics educators.
F. James Rutherford Honored as 2011 Oersted Medal Recipient
September 21, 2010
College Park, Maryland, United States, September 17, 2010—From its beginning in California Public Schools through the illustrious conclusion with AAAS, the career of F. James Rutherford, spanning half a century, has had an outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics. The Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) recognizes these lifetime achievements by naming Rutherford as the 2011 recipient of the Medal.
Clifford Swartz
September 13, 2010
Clifford E. Swartz, a founding member of the physics department faculty at Stony Brook University (State University of New York at Stony Brook) and editor for almost 30 years of The Physics Teacher, died August 14th at the age of 85. He died of complications of Parkinson's disease.
AAPT Launches eMentoring Program to connect New & Experienced Physics Teachers
September 2, 2010
The AAPT ementoring program is designed to connect pre-college physics educators in need of additional guidance with experienced pre-college physics educators. Based on each mentee's profile, the program will find the most qualified mentor to fit the needs of that mentee. Once the mentee is matched with their mentor, they can start communicating through email, voice chat, telephone, or in some cases face-to-face. All participants will have an opportunity to grow professionally and connect with colleagues at a regional or national level.
AAPT Executive Board Moves on Recommendations Conceptual Frameworks for New Science Education Standards
August 30, 2010
In July 2010 the Committee on Conceptual Frameworks for New Science Education Standards (a committee of the National Research Council) released a draft report titled A Framework For Science Education that presented a vision of the scope and nature of education in science and engineering that is needed in the 21st century. The document described the major scientific ideas and practices that all students should be familiar with by the end of high school. Following a comment period and focus group at the Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon, the AAPT Executive Board moved to encourage changes to the Framework document and commend the National Research Council on its work in preparing the document.
2010 Apparatus Competition Winners Announces at Summer Meeting
August 6, 2010
Congratulations to all of the 2010 Apparatus Competition Winners that were revealed at the summer meeting. There were a lot of great Physics ideas!
See the winners and photos, information, and descriptions of their apparatus
2010 High School Physics Photo Contest Winners Gallery Posted
August 4, 2010
This year's contest had many excellent entries (as in many year's past). The winners were originally unveiled at the 2010 Summer Meeting in Portland, Oregon, and we're happy to unveil them to the public today. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all of the participants, volunteers, and sponsor (Vernier) for their commitment and hard work. We hope to see your student's entries next year!
US Team Scoops 1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 2 Bronze Medals at International Physics Competition
July 26, 2010
The US top physics students are bringing home 1 gold medal, 2 silver medals, and 2 bronze medals from the 41st International Physics Olympiad, held this year from July 17 to 25 in Zagreb, Croatia. Read the press release at /aboutaapt/2010-US-Physics-Team-Medal-Winners.cfm
AAPT Announces the Appointment of Dr. Beth Cunningham as New Executive Officer
July 19, 2010
The AAPT Executive Board has announced that Dr. Beth Cunningham has accepted their offer to become the next Executive Officer of AAPT. Dr. Cunningham will assume her duties in that office on 1 January 2011 but will start her work in the AAPT office in College Park on 1 October 2010, overlapping for three months with Dr. Warren Hein, who is retiring as AAPT's Executive Officer on 31 December 2010. This overlap will facilitate a period of orientation to AAPT and give Dr. Cunningham opportunity to become further acquainted with AAPT's members and staff and activities before she officially assumes the position of Executive Officer.
Read the full AAPT announcement
Illinois Wesleyan University announcement -
Oregon Governor, Theodore R. Kulongoski Declares July 18-24, 2010 "Physics Education Week" in Oregon
July 8th, 2010
Governor, Theodore R. Kulongoski declared in a signed proclamation today that the upcoming week of July 18-24, 2010 will be "Physics Education Week" in Oregon.
In making his proclamation, Kulongoski recognizes the importance of physics to the global economy and calls upon "...all the residents of this great state to join me encouraging others to learn more about physics education."
The proclamation also specifically recognizes the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) for supporting the development of effective teaching resources and enrichment programs.
Clearance Sale - 5 Books for $30 (Members only!)
June 17, 2010
If you needed another reason to joinor another reason to appreciate your membership, we just added one!
Pick any 7 books from the clearance sale form, rank them, then we'll send you the top 5 that we still have in stock for $30 (plus shipping). Act soon to get the books you want! Also, make sure you use the clearance sale order formto take advantage of the sale. You can read details and see images of the products listed on the form in the online store.
U.S. Physics Traveling Team Announced
June 1, 2010
U.S. Physics Team training camp is over. Congratulations to the entire team for completing this experience. Those representing the team at the International Physics Olympiad this summer are David Field, Daniel Li, Jenny Lu, Anand Oza, Eric Spieglan.
2010 U.S. Physics Team Welcomed to Training Camp
May 25, 2010
Students from the Northeast, the Mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, the southwest, and the Pacific coast are beginning ten days of rigorous academic training, interactive learning, and friendship building as they prepare to test themselves on the world stage.
Read the Press Release about the camp| Read more about the team
2010 PhysicsBowl Results Posted!
May 14, 2010
This year there were almost 4500 students participating from 200+ schools across the United States and Canada as well as schools in China and the Republic of Korea.
View the list of winners| Teachers: view your student's scores
Meet the 2010 U.S. Physics Team!
May 6th, 2010
After hearing back from all of the candidates, the U.S. Physics Team has been finalized. We've got photos, bios, and more on some of the brightest physics students in the Nation.
Physics Day 2010 Photos available
April 27, 2010
A set of photos from Physics Day 2010is now available with shots of some of the really creative Roller Coasters designed by students. Our thanks to everyone who participated and made it a great event!
Update: SPS has also put up a ton of photos on their Flickr account!
Physics Day at Six Flags tomorrow
April 22, 2010
AAPT would like to wish the students enjoying the Six Flags America Physics Dayin Largo, Maryland a happy Friday. We'd also like to thank PASCO for their generous equipment donation!
Members in the News: Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin
April 19, 2010
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Medal awarded to Marina Milner-Bolotin
The Canadian Association of Physicists has awarded the 2010 CAP Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate teaching to Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, for her unceasing enthusiasm in engaging students to discover physics with a masterful integration of an array of successful teaching methods, for her influence on shifting institutional culture toward active learning, for her dedication to physics education research and her commitment to the continual professional development of physics educators across the nation.
Help celebrate National Lab Day!
April 16, 2010
Learn how to be part of National lab day, May 12, at
2010 Summer Meeting Registration available
April 12, 2010
The AAPT National Office is proud to announce that online registrationis now available for the 2010 Summer Meeting that will take place in Portland, OR from July 17 - 21.
Registersoon and receive low rates.
Former President Howard Voss Passes Away
March 30, 2010
The physics community is saddened by the death of Howard Voss, a former AAPT president (1994-95) and member of the AIP Governing Board and Executive Committee, who passed away last evening. He will be greatly missed.
Large Hadron Collider "breakthrough"
March 30, 2010
CERN's Large Hadron Collider managed to collide two proton beams today, according to CNN. Read the CNN article for more information
Join us in Philly at the NSTA Conference
March 18, 2010
AAPT has a booth at the NSTA Conference in Philadelphia, PAthrough Saturday, March 20. Drop by for a chance to talk to our staff, see what we have to offer, grab some freebies, and buy discounted AAPT products. Be sure to follow us on Twitterand become a fan on Facebookfor more details and updates.
AAPT Phone Service Returns
March 15, 2010
Calls to the national office should now be going through. Please let us know via emailif you experience any issues connecting.
Sale on "Amusement Park Physics" at Physics Store
March 11, 2010
Get over 40% off our best-selling book in the Physics Store. Quantities are limited, so be sure to act fast.
US Physics Team Semifinalists Announced
February 25, 2010
AAPT has received all of the scores and announced semifinalists. To see your students' scores and who made it to the semifinals, please see the 2010 Physics Team page.
Educating Physics Teachers: A Call to Action for Physics Departments
February 25, 2010
The National Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics Report Synopsis is now available here (
Abstract Deadline for 2010 Summer Meeting Extended
The abstract submission due date has been extended to March 1. Please make sure you submit your abstractfor your session before this date to ensure that your abstract makes it into the paper sort.
2010 Joint APS/AAPT Meeting Comes to a Close
The typical Winter Meeting for 2010 was transformed into a joint meeting with sister organization APS during the days of February 12 - 17. It featured workshops, sessions, plenaries, and a Symposium on Physics Education. Mayor Fenty even declared February 14-20 Physics Education Week in Washington, DC! AAPT and several attendees tweetedtheir experiences during the meeting. We also broadcast a few events for anyone that could not attend the meeting due to snow or other circumstances. See what you missed at the 2010 Joint APS/AAPT Meeting Page.
AAPT Announces Search for new Executive Officer
Thank you to all of the applicants that sent in their information. The Search Committee will continue to explore all of the applications and find a suitable candidate for EO in 2011.
Read Dr. Warren Hein's retiring message
Read more about the Executive Officer Job Search -
AAPT Partners with Science and Engineering Societies in Support of National "Educate to Innovate" Initiative
On November 23, President Obama announced the "Educate to Innovate" program saying, "A great teacher is the most important factor in a great education." AAPT is partnering with companies and other scientific societies in this nationwide effort to encourage students, especially in middle and high school, to pursue science, technology, engineering and math. The ongoing program will feature a National Lab Dayeach May.
New: See the CNN article
AAPT National Election Results
Congratulations to the following officers for AAPT Executive Board:
- Vice President, Jill A. Marshall
- College/University Member-at-Large, Steve L. Shropshire
- Treasurer, Paul W. Zitzewitz
Terms of service begin at the conclusion of the 2010 Winter Meeting.
J. D. Jackson Excellence in Graduate Education Award and Melba Phillips Medal awarded
Mary Beth Monroeand Eugene Comminshave been recognized for their outstanding work. For more details, see the press releases below
Statement on Research Experiences for Undergraduates
November 2—AAPT Executive Board Adopts Statement on Research Experiences for Undergraduates
2010 U.S. Physics Team Registration Now Open
For more information:
AAPT Email List (Listserv) Server Address Change!
Effective Monday, October 19, all AAPT mail lists currently accessed at moved to (for example, mail currently sent to should be sent to
Noah Finkelstein, Associate Professor of Physics and Co-director of the Integrating STEM Education Initiative at the University of Colorado-Boulder, will testify on Strengthening Undergraduate and Graduate STEM Education before the US House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Research and Science Education at a hearing on February 4, 2010.
November 2009
- November 24, 2009, Statement on President Obama's "Educate to Innovate"
- Physics Community Remembers Len Jossem
- November 1, 2009, Statement on Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- September 2009-Candidates for National Election
- May 2009
- February 2009
- January 2009
- November 2008
- October 2008
- September 2008
- August 2008
- July 2008
- June 2008
- March, April, May 2008
- October, November, December 2007
- July, August, September 2007
- April, May, June 2007
- January, February, March 2007
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