eNNOUNCER January 2013 It's not too late to join AAPT in New Orleans! Register today! If you're still "on the fence" about attending the 2013 AAPT Winter Meeting in New Orleans, let us quickly share with you a few of the meeting highlights.
AAPT Symposium on Physics Education and Public Policy
Click here for a listing of all the plenaries.
Workshops Reducing the Achievement Gap Using Invention Instruction
How Old Is Your Universe?
Click here for a listing of all the workshops.
- Technology in the Classroom: A 5,000 Year Old Tradition
- Do Physics, Be Anything: Informing and Preparing Physics Students for their Future Careers
- Using Guitars and Loudspeakers to Explain Acoustics
- Simple Solutions for Advancing Diversity in Physics and Astronomy
Click here for a listing of all the sessions.
Jazz Night, Tours and other Special Events
Join your AAPT colleagues at Jazz Night, a special event to be held 9-10 pm, Tuesday, January 8. We have arranged for the famous Preservation Hall Jazz Band to give a concert at the conference hotel. Regular tickets are $20 with wine and beer available for purchase. VIP tickets at $75 provide you with priority seating and complimentary wine and beer.
- AAPT Fun Run/Walk, Tuesday, January 8
- Multicultural Luncheon, Tuesday, January 8
Register for these and other activities.
We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
New Faculty Alumni at WM13
Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop Alumni gathering at the 2013 AAPT Winter Meeting: Monday, January 7, 12:30-1:30 (Hyatt Regency, Imperial I). Please stop by and share your teaching experiences with Bob Hilborn, Beth Cunningham, and fellow New Faculty Alumni.
Support the US Physics Team!
Where can the top US High School physics students compete with their peers in a global arena? Denmark was selected as the host country for the 2013 International Physics Olympiad Competition. The event will recognize the 100th anniversary of Danish physicist Niels Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom. AAPT, together with sponsoring organizations and their generous members, is responsible for recruiting, selecting, and training the five students who will represent the United States at the 2013 IPhO. Celebrate this important anniversary with your contribution and be part of Olympiad's success. Donate now!
Call for Editor: The Physics Teacher
AAPT invites applications, inquires, and nominations for the position of Editor of The Physics Teacher (TPT), with an appointment to begin in the summer 2013. TPT is a prestigious journal/magazine dedicated to the advancement of physics teaching at the high school and introductory college/university levels. The editor has full responsibility for the content of the journal. Read more.
CrossMark Icon on AAPT's Scitation Articles
A new feature is now available on Scitation. Earlier this year, CrossRef launched a new update identification service called CrossMark. This service provides a standard way for readers to locate the current version of an article and may also give additional publication record information about the article. Readers can simply click on the CrossMark icon in the abstract or PDF to view status information about the article. If an update exists, the status information will include a CrossRef DOI link to the updated article. You will start to see the CrossMark icon on articles published since November 30, 2012. This new feature helps show Scitation's and AAPT's commitment to maintaining the content that we publish by alerting readers to changes if and when they occur.
Read about Crossmark.
Workshop for Experienced Physics and Astronomy Faculty MembersThanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation, AAPT in collaboration with the American Physical Society and the American Astronomical Society is hosting a workshop April 5-7, 2013 at the American Center for Physics aimed at tenured faculty members who want to learn more about effective physics and astronomy teaching practices and the evidence for the effectiveness of those practices in their roles as department leaders, mentors for junior faculty members, and physics and astronomy educators. The workshop will have a mix of presentations by national leaders such as Eric Mazur and Carl Wieman and small group discussions. Apply online before Monday, February 4, 2013. Please apply early because the number of participant slots is limited. Also, please bring this notice to the attention of other faculty members who would benefit from attending the workshop.
PhysicsBowl Registration Now Open!
Registration is now open for the 2013 PhysicsBowl taking place April 3 - April 17, 2013. Read more online.
Michael Faleski, PhysicsBowl Coordinator and Associate Professor of Physics at Delta College, and the PhysicsBowl Advisory Board are seeking physics educators interested in joining the Board and assisting in preparing the exams. This is a fun and unique way of getting high school students excited about physics. If you are interested in joining the PhysicsBowl Advisory Board, please send a message expressing your interest to eo@aapt.org.
ComPADRE's pre-college collection,The Physics Front, won a Weekly Link Award from Linksgiving.com. Linksgiving was established in 2001, and is described by Alexa as a "high quality directory of user-submitted favorite links." Linksgiving is visited most frequently by users who are in the age range 35-44, are graduate school educated and browse this site from work. The editorial staff at Linksgiving vets websites submitted by users to select the weekly winners based on originality, ease of navigation, design, and accessibility. In addition, the award-winners must "give visitors the sensation of really finding what they are looking for, make them feel at home and want to return, and give a considerable contribution to the Internet community." The Physics Front was developed by collection editor Cathy Ezrailson and managing editor Caroline Hall.
Read the listing.
AAPT Undergraduate Physics Program Review Project
AAPT recognizes that undergraduate physics programs benefit from receiving feedback on the quality of the program. In order to assist physics programs that are planning a review, AAPT maintains a list of reviewers whose name will be supplied to institutions submitting requests. To be a reviewer, you must meet a number of qualifications - see the qualifications. If you fulfill the qualifications and are interested in serving as an external reviewer, please send a short message to eo@aapt.org to begin the process for being placed on the list. If your department or program is interested in requesting names of potential reviewers, please send a request to eo@aapt.org or via fax at 301-209-0845.
Sustainability Improves Student Learning in STEM
Are you interested in contributing your knowledge about sustainability issues such as climate change to textbooks and other resources for faculty and student? If so, please consider joining AAPT and our partner disciplinary societies in the "Sustainability Improves Student Learning in STEM" project. Read more about textbook contributions. The project is also interested in physics faculty members teaching about climate change tipping points. Please contact Beth Cunningham, AAPT Executive Officer (eo@aapt.org) if you would like to be more involved in this project and/or are teaching about climate change.
Is Your Membership Up-to-date?
It may be time to renew and ensure continuity of your benefits, services and valuable AAPT journal content. Log into your member record at AAPT.org using your ID and password. You can verify your status from your profile page and use the link provided there to renew. If you have any questions, or concerns or need further assistance, feel free to contact Member Services at 301-209-3333, or by e-mail at membership@aapt.org.

Coming to the AAPT Winter Meeting? We will have our many collection sites up and running for you to take a test drive and review. There will be materials for you to take away and share with colleagues, as well as editors and staff to answer any questions you may have. Please stop by booth #308 and see what ComPADRE has to offer.
The ComPADRE Digital Library is a network of free online resource collections supporting faculty, students, and teachers in Physics and Astronomy Education. If you aren't familiar with ComPADRE, you can visit the main portal site, and any of our focused collections @

Are You a New Physics Teacher? Could You Use a Little Help?
Are you a veteran physics teacher who could mentor a new physics teacher? The AAPT eMentoring program is designed to connect pre-college physics educators in need of additional guidance with experienced pre-college physics educators. Learn more.
Section News
New England Section Winter Workshop
Jan. 19, 2013, at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Email: David Sturm To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mgardner@aapt.org. See the July 2012 Section News.
Social Media Update
We've shortened our Facebook and Twitter usernames.
You can now find us at http://facebook.com/AAPTHQ and http://twitter.com/AAPTHQ, formerly "physicsteachers."
If you're not following us on social media, this is your chance.
AAPT on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/AAPTHQ
AAPT on LinkedIn http://bit.ly/aaptlinkedin
Undergraduate Summer Internships in Physics Outreach, Policy, Research, and Communication!
Undergraduate physics students are encouraged to apply for Society of Physics Students summer internship positions in outreach, policy, research and communication. The interns live in downtown Washington, DC, and work at various locations in the DC metro area – including the American Center for Physics, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Congressional offices on Capitol Hill, and others – but participate in many social and educational activities together (lab tours, bbqs, cultural outings, etc.). SPS interns receive a competitive stipend, travel reimbursement, a commuting allowance, and more. The summer 2013 dates are June 3 – August 7, and applications are due February 1, 2013.
Get details and download an application.
Registration Open for the 2nd Graduate Education in Physics Conference
The 2nd Graduate Education in Physics Conference will take place January 31-February 2, 2013 at the American Center for Physics. Hosted by APS and AAPT with support from NSF, the two-day conference will be a forum for presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions by prominent speakers on physics graduate education. The goal of the conference is to spur innovation and creativity in our approach to graduate education in physics, and to foster discussions of good practice among leaders.
Learn more and register.
Four Institutions Selected for the 2013 Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education
Colorado School of Mines, Kettering University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse are the 2013 recipients of the APS Committee on Education's award recognizing physics departments and/or undergraduate-serving programs in physics that support best practices in education at the undergraduate level.
Learn more about the award and the recipients.
Update on the Final Public Draft of the Next Generation Science Standards
The release of the second and final public draft of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) is set for the first week in January. In recognition of the hectic schedules in December and the approaching holidays, the NGSS staff wanted to ensure all educators, stakeholders and the public had appropriate access to the draft. They fully encourage all interested parties to review the draft as individuals or in groups and provide feedback to the Lead States and writers. Review the draft.
2013 PhysTEC Conference
Preparing the Next Generation of Physics Teachers
March 16-17, 2013 in Baltimore, MD
Registration is now open for the 2013 Annual PhysTEC Conference. This year's opening plenary will be given by Richard Steinberg, Program Director of Science Education at City College of New York and author of An Inquiry Into Science Education, Where the Rubber Meets the Road. Additional plenary speakers include Michael Marder, University of Texas at Austin, and Catherine Good, Baruch College. In collaboration with the American Chemical Society, the conference will also feature sessions on chemistry teacher preparation. The 2013 conference is being held in conjunction with the American Physical Society March Meeting.
Call for Manuscript Proposals The PhysTEC, APS, AAPT are calling for manuscript proposals for a new peer-reviewed book entitled Effective Practices in Preservice Physics Teacher Education: Recruitment, Retention, and Preparation. Manuscript proposals are due February 1, 2013.Review call for manuscript proposals.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Free Residential Summer Program
The Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) free residential summer program for science teachers and high school students accepts applications starting in December for summer 2013. PAN participants will learn about scientific research in nuclear astrophysics and conduct their own experiments. Teachers can earn continuing education credit for participation. The teacher program will run from July 29 – August 2 at Michigan State University, and student programs will run from June 24-28 at University of Notre Dame and August 5-9 at Michigan State University. Applications are due by April 5, 2013.
Learn more and apply online.
Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellowships
The application process for 2013 Teaching Fellowships is now open. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) Science and Mathematics Teaching Fellows are chosen from among young men and women who have earned or are in the process of earning a degree in science, mathematics or engineering from a recognized institution of higher education. Applications are due by noon on January 9, 2013. Apply now.
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics Teachers' Conference
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Registration deadline, January 18, 2013
The KITP is dedicated to a series of one-day conferences designed to bring secondary school science teachers in the U.S. into close contact with some of the world's leading experts in the most exciting current areas of forefront physics research. More information.
AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office. Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
Deliverability of this publication depends on your e-mail address being current. If you have recently changed providers, jobs, or schools, please update your profile online at aapt.org as soon as possible. Adding AAPT-News@aapt.org to your address book will also help ensure that your copy is delivered to your mailbox.
Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email mmormile@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.
© 2013, American Association of Physics Teachers | |
In this issue
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Featured Journal Articles
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The Physics Teacher
Tree Leaf Shadows to the Sun's Density: A Surprising Route Read online |
American Journal of Physics
Exploring the thermodynamics of a rubber band Read online | |
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Members in
the News
Laws of Physics Can’t Trump the Bonds of Love
Jeffrey Wright is well known around his high school in Louisville, KY., for his antics as a physics teacher. But it is a simple lecture — one without props or fireballs — that leaves the greatest impression on his students each year. The talk is about Mr. Wright’s son and the meaning of life, love and family. Read online |
Physics Store Features
Teaching About
Impulse and

January Special 50% off the member rate
Now only $14 
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