eNNOUNCER July 2015


2015 AAPT Summer Meeting - College Park, MD

The 2015 AAPT Summer Meeting will be held July 25-29 at the University of Maryland - College Park. As of today, we have over 1,200 registrants and expect this to be one of our largest meetings in years. Learn more about the unique programming being offered this year.

Visit the meeting website today to learn about the sessions, workshops, accommodations and more.

This is your chance to learn from and network with hundreds of physics educators from around the globe. Learn more & register today!

Special Events (FREE)
AAPT Official Tweet-up - Sunday, July 26 from 5:00-6:00 pm RSVP
First Timers' Meet-Up - Monday, July 27 from 6:15-7:15 pm RSVP

High School Physics Teacher Camp

AAPT is sponsoring a HS Physics Teacher Camp on Sunday, July 26th in College Park, MD, the site of the AAPT Summer Meeting. The Camp is a self-organizing opportunity for teachers of high school physics classes to discuss topics such as inquiry labs, standards-based grading, video analysis, and computer-based labs. The reqistrants will determine the topics. There will also be an expectation to share something about your teaching with the group. The cost for the day is about $20, but you must apply to be invited. More information »

AAPT's 2015 Ementoring Webinar Series

Upcoming Ementoring webinar:

August 10 - eMentoring Office Hours: How to get the most from your eMentoring relationship, with Rebecca Vieyra, AAPT eMentoring Coordinato

If you are interested in becoming an AAPT e-mentor or a mentee and participating in these webinars, please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca Vieyra at ementoring@aapt.org.

New to eMentoring - Instant Mentor

Are you an early-career high school physics teacher who sometimes wishes you had "immediate" feedback from an experienced mentor, but don't need a full mentorship pairing? If so, consider seeking help through the AAPT's free Program new "Instant Mentor" option, and a registered eMentor volunteer will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner. Submit your request for an instant Mentor at ementoring.aapt.org.

The Best of The Physics Teacher 2014-2015

The Physics Teacher takes a publication break during the summer but you can use this opportunity to catch up with your reading. We have made it easy to find the articles selected by your peers and the editor in The Best of The Physics Teacher, 2014-2015. Members have free access to all of the articles listed, so kick off your dress shoes and relax while you enjoy exploring!

Update on AAPT Governance Changes

Watch the AAPT Website for the latest on Revisions to AAPT's Governance. Or if you will be attending the Summer Meeting plan to attend one of the session on the Proposed Governance Changes, Monday, July 27 at 6 pm or Wednesday, July 29 at 11:30 am.

AAPT Programs ...

AAPT-ALPhA Award is Now Open for Nominations

AAPT and ALPhA (Advanced Laboratory Physics Association) have announced the AAPT/ALPhA Award for undergraduate physics students who have executed, mastered, and left as a legacy for future students an advanced laboratory experiment. Do you have a student (or team of students) who might be interested in taking up the challenge to build an experiment new to their own department and possibly receive national recognition, attend a national AAPT meeting, present an invited talk, and receive a check for $4,000? The nomination process is now open.  Applications need to be completed by September 1, 2015. If qualified candidates are proposed, we anticipate presenting the first award at the 2016 AAPT Winter Meeting in New Orleans. Read more or Apply. Funding for this award, for the first five years, is provided by TeachSpin, Inc.

Save the Date

Fall 2015 Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop
The fall New Faculty Workshop will be held November 19-22 at the American Center for Physics in College Park, MD.

Fall 2015 Physics and Astronomy Experienced Faculty Workshop
The fall Experienced Faculty Workshop will be held October 9-11 at the American Center for Physics in College Park, MD.

In the News...

Submit Your Lesson Plan for a Chance at $500!

Interested in winning $500 for your classroom? SaveOnEnergy.com® is looking for the best lesson plans for teaching students about energy or sustainability. We teach consumers of all ages about the many aspects of energy in our Learning Center through blog posts, videos and infographics. Now it's your turn to create a lesson plan that can help kids learn about energy.

For more information elizabeth@email.saveonenergy.com or visit https://www.saveonenergy.com/teacher-grant/

Inclusive Excellence: 2017 Undergraduate Science Education Grants

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute recently announced a new competition for science education grants to colleges and universities called "Inclusive Excellence: Engaging all students in science."

Physics Careers...

I Am About To Graduate - What on Earth Do I Do Now?

Whether you started career planning and job searching a year ago, a month ago or today, there are a few things you can do to get the ball rolling to land a job you enjoy. Check out this webinar: online now.

Jobs Announcements from the Career Center

Math/Physics Supplemental Instructor
Naval Academy Preparatory School

Physics Education and Technology Specialist
University of Kentucky, College of Arts & Sciences

More Physics Resources and ...

The International Year of Light K-8 teacher resources

In celebration of the International Year of Light, Laser Classroom has several new resources for K-8 teachers.

First is a series of videos that walks teachers through the IYL Kit - the 4 videos total about 30 minutes and goes over the kit's contents and the activities in the accompanying booklet.

Colors and materials
Shadows and Refraction

Second is a free, 5 week, self-paced, online professional development course via Canvas.net for formal and informal educators around teaching light and optics with kids ages 6-14. Details and registration

Galileoscope Launches 2015 International Year of Light Programs

The Galileoscope program for the 2015 International Year of Light (IYL) is now in full swing, with new inventory available for delivery worldwide, and thousands of K-12 teachers and students in the United States poised to receive free telescope kits thanks to a generous donation to support science education. Created for the 2009 International Year of Astronomy (IYA), the Galileoscope solved a long-standing problem: the lack of a high-quality, low-cost telescope kit suitable for both optics education and celestial observation. Order your Galileoscope at www.galileoscope.org

Telling the Stories of Women and African Americans in the Physical Sciences

The American Institute of Physics, Center for History of Physics, is seeking six K-12 teachers for a four-day workshop, July 20-23, in College Park, MD. The Center is developing curriculum on the history of women and African Americans in the physical sciences, to highlight the diversity of achievement in science by individuals of many backgrounds. Teachers will interact with the team of researchers and suggest changes and additions that best meet classroom needs. Participants will receive a stipend of $100/day ($400), travel costs, and meal costs. AIP will provide hotel accommodations. Materials to be critiqued may be found at our website. Requirements for applicants »

APS Education Awards Nomination Open

Award for Improving Undergradute Physics Education
This award recognizes departments and programs that support best practices in education at the undergraduate level. Nominations are being accepted until July 15. Learn more »

APS Excellence in Physics Education Award
This award recognizes and honors a team or group of individuals, or execeptionally a single individual, who have exhibited a sustained commitment to excellence in physics education. Nominations are being accepted until July 1. Learn more »

Summer 2015 Modeling Workshops

50 Modeling Workshops in high school and middle school sciences will be offered this summer, in many states. Most workshops are two or three weeks long. CEUs; optional graduate credit, and stipends at grant funded sites are available. Modeling Instruction is research-informed.

Registration is open for all workshops and they are filling up fast. Please plan your summer professional development and think about taking a modeling workshop. Ask your school administration to help pay the cost.

Modeling™ Workshop website.
Workshop descriptions can be found here.

More from your Membership, Join your AAPT Community

Did you know that you can connect with your collegues by joining an AAPT Email Discussion List?   There are more than 20 different lists/communities available. Find the list that matches your career interests at  http://www.aapt.org/Resources/lists.cfm.  Contact your Member Services  Department at 301-209-3333, or  by e-mail at membership@aapt.org if  you need assistance, or have further questions.

Social Media @ AAPT

AAPT wants to connect with you on social media! Stay abreast of the latest AAPT and physics-related news. We invite you to like us, follow us, connect with us, and pin us. You can find us here:
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Section News - July 2015

Chautauqua Short Course
Jun 18, 2015 - Jun 20, 2018
Active Learning in Introductory Physics Courses
& Research-Based Strategies that Improve Student Learning
Portland, OR
Email: Ronald Thornton

To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mgardner@aapt.org. See the December 2014 Section News.


AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office.  Tell us what you think of this month's issue. Take this survey.
Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
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Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email rfinnegan@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.

© 2015, American Association of Physics Teachers

In this issue


AAPT Programs ...

In the News

Physics Careers

More Physics Resources and...


Featured Journal Articles

The Physics Teacher

Modern Gravitational Lens Cosmology for Introductory Physics and Astronomy Students
Read online

American Journal of Physics

Revealing the nature of the final image in Newton's experimentum crucis
Read online

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Physics Store Features

Demonstrations Handbook in Physics


50% off for members


Amusement Park Physics - 2nd Edition


$18.00 for members
$35.00 for non-members

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