2018 Physics Olympics Team Banner

Did you know?

From 1986 to 2017, the United States Teams have brought home: 61 Gold Medals, 43 Silver Medals, 29 Bronze Medals, and 11 Honorable Mentions. — AAPT.ORG




Please Note that the test dates for the F=ma exam are January 23, and January 31, 2018 ONLY, please check your calendar before registering your students.

Also NOTE that due to the extra cost of shipping scantrons to other countries, schools outside of the U.S. will need to register for the WebAssign version of the F=ma exam.

Important Proctoring Requirements:

Both the F=ma and USA Physics Olympiad exams MUST be proctored.  It is expected that competitors will take the exam at their local school.  Home schooled students should contact nearby high schools, community colleges, or universities to ask if they can take the exam there.

In order to verify the identity of exam proctors, we ask that email addresses be official school email addresses whenever possible, ideally associated with a school district or an accredited private school.

If you are unable to provide an official school email, then you will need to provide additional contact information for your organization in order to verify your identity and the identity of the organization

Testing centers will need to acknowledge that they are a testing center, and provide a web address to verify their status.

PLEASE NOTE: AAPT does not refer or arrange test centers, teachers or proctors for the F=ma and USAPhO exams.

Contact Information

For more details and information about the U.S. Physics Team, please contact AAPT's Programs department at 301-209-3340 or programs@aapt.org