
This page will be updated periodically with important information about the 2024 F=ma exam, USAPhO exam, and the U.S. Physics Team training camp.


Congratulations to Team USA!

The U.S. Physics Team won 5 Gold medals at the 2024 EuPhO in Kutaisi, Georgia.  You can read the Press Release at this LINK.


U.S. Physics Team 2024 IPhO Representatives Press Release


Meet the 2024 U.S. Physics Team Members, and the 2024 U.S. Physics Team Coaches.

2024 U.S. Physics Team Press Release


The results of the USAPhO Exam have been finalized, and the U.S. Physics Team members have been selected.  Please see results below.

2024 U.S. Physics Olympiad Medal Ranking List_Updated

2024 U.S. Physics Olympiad Qualifier List_Updated

Certificates will be emailed to the teachers/proctors for the USAPhO exam.

U.S. Physics Team Members and bios will be posted soon.


2024 USAPhO Exam & 2024 USAPhO Exam Solutions


USAPhO exam instructions were sent to proctors on March 27th.  If the instructions were not received, please email


PLEASE NOTE: On March 13th we sent an email  to the teachers/proctors of the students who have qualified to move on to the USAPhO exam.  Teachers were provided a link to a student survey that students will need to complete by March 28th in order to take the USAPhO exam.  Students should check with their teachers if they have not received this information.


Student scores were sent to teachers/proctors by email Thursday, March 6th.  If this email was not received, please let us know.


You can find the statistics/results for the 2024 F=ma exam at this LINK.

Individual student scores will be emailed to the exam proctors in a few days.


Solutions for the 2024 F=ma exam are available at this LINK.

Student scores are being compiled, they should be available by the end of February and will be emailed to the exam proctors.

Once scoring is complete, we will post the results and the cutoff scores to qualify for the USAPhO exam. The teachers/proctors who have student(s) that qualify to take the USAPhO exam will be receiving an email informing them which of their student(s) have qualified.


Registration for the 2024 F=ma exam is open.  Register online with a credit card, or by mail with a check or purchase order at the REGISTRATION page.


Due to the 2024 IPhO taking place in Iran, we have decided to look into participating in the 2024 EuPhO instead.  We will post more information once the details have been worked out.