AAPT Winter Meeting 2021


General Information for Conference Registrants

Who is the virtual platform provider for WM21?
AAPT will be using Underline.io as its virtual platform for the 2021 AAPT Winter Meeting.  We know there have been concerns about the platform from the 2020 Summer Meeting and we are addressing these issues to ensure a better attendee experience. We thank you for your support during these unprecedented times as we prepare for another virtual national meeting.

How will I access the virtual platform?
You will receive an email, containing login information for the Underline.io platform. You must use the email address and password that you used to register for the conference on the AAPT website. If you use another email address you will be denied access to the platform.
What does the conference program look like?

Invited/contributed talks and posters presentations will be-recorded and available for viewing one week before the conference begins on January 9.

The following events will be live over the dates of January 9-12:

  1. Exhibits
  2. K-12 Resource Room Activities
  3. Networking Events
  4. Physics Demos
  5. Plenaries and Award Ceremonies
  6. Session Q&A for all Contributed/Invited Talks and Posters
  7. Special Panels
  8. Topical Discussions

Will there be a feature to show us how to build our schedule?
Underline.io does not have a schedule builder available, however an “Add to Calendar” feature that will allow you to add sessions and events to your personal calendar. 

How long will I have access to the presentations? 
All pre-recorded and live presentations will be available on the Underline platform indefinitely.

Will closed captioning be available?
Unfortunately there were some issues with closed captioning at the SM20 virtual meeting. Underline.io has taken the steps to resolve these issues and ensured us that closed captioning will work properly for WM21. 

How do I get in touch with someone during the meeting if I have problems with my talk, poster or other technical difficulties?
Underline.io will be your contact and have agreed to staff a help desk for general questions and technical help. If you have any questions regarding the Undeline platform, please contact AAPT2021underline.io.

Are there workshops associated with the conference?
Workshops will be held separately via Zoom during various dates from January 2 to January 17. Click here for more information.

Will committee meetings be held during the conference?
Committee meetings will be held from December 14-22, 2020.  Dates and times of these meetings will be posted on the website and sent to all committee meeting members. Committee meetings are open to the public unless indicated otherwise.

General Information for Conference Presenters

As a speaker do I need to register for the conference?
All contributed talks, poster presenters and invited member speakers, including recently lapsed members (within the last five years) are required to register for the meeting. Click here to register for the conference.

Who is the virtual platform provider?
AAPT will be using Underline.io as its virtual platform for the 2021 AAPT Winter Meeting.  We know there have been concerns about the platform from the 2020 Summer Meeting and we are addressing these issues to ensure a better attendee experience. We thank you for your support during these unprecedented times as we prepare for another virtual national meeting.

Will my presentation be live or pre-recorded?
All invited and contributed talks will be pre-recorded and available for viewing approximately one week before the meeting.  Live Q&A sessions will take place during the conference for each session. Poster presentors will upload a PDF of their slide and will also be for  a live poster session during the conference 

When can I upload my presentation to the platform?
All recordings must be uploaded to our virtual provider by December 13 (midnight PST) to ensure that everything is working properly. Please keep in mind that you will be required to upload a recording for each abstract submitted.

How will I know my talk was uploaded successfully?
You will receive a confirmation from Underline.io once your presentation is uploaded to the platform. If there are any issues with your presentation you will receive a message from Underline.io.

What equipment is needed to record my presentation? 
All you need is a computer and a microphone to record your presentation. It is important to keep the microphone about one foot away from your mouth. This will improve the volume and clarity of your recording.

Do I need to be available during the meeting if my presentation has been pre-recorded?
All speaker and poster presenters will be assigned a specific time during the live meeting to
join other presenters in their session for a moderated Q&A. This is mandatory for all abstract submitters.  


 Find out more and become a part of WM2021 on: Facebook | Twitter