American Journal of Physics®
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0. Header information. (All optional)
Manuscript #:
1. Summary. Briefly summarize why you do or do not believe this manuscript would be of interest and/or value to readers of the American Journal of Physics. (Feel free to refer to passages from the Statement of Editorial Policy.)
2. Technical correctness. Is the manuscript technically correct?
3. Attention to audience. Is the introduction sufficiently complete and the general level of presentation sufficiently accessible to the majority of AJP readers whose expertise will lie in other subdisciplines of physics?
4. Style, clarity, and grammar. Is the writing style, clarity, English grammar, etc. suitable for publication in AJP?
5. Figures and captions. Is the manuscript sufficiently and appropriately illustrated with figures and are the figures and figure captions clear and complete?
6. References. Are the references to previous work, in this journal and elsewhere, adequate? If not, please elaborate.
7. Overall recommendation. Please indicate your overall recommendation here (and in the online submission form.) Your choices and their intended interpretations are:
___ Accept (Meets publication criteria in current form)
___ Accept with Revisions (Will meet publication criteria after relatively minor revisions)
___ Strong Revise and Resubmit (Above average promise of meeting publication criteria after revision)
___ Revise and Resubmit (Average promise of meeting publication criteria after revision)
___ Weak Revise and Resubmit (Below average promise of meeting publication criteria after revision)
___ Reject (Shows too little promise to merit continued consideration)
___ Definitely Reject (Clearly unsuitable for publication in AJP by virtue either of being fundamentally wrong or of other fundamental, uncorrectable failure to meet AJP criteria. Please specify elsewhere.)
8. Nature of the manuscript. (Check all that apply.) Please indicate whether the manuscript ...
... is directly applicable to the classroom in
___ introductory physics courses
___ undergraduate physics major courses
___ graduate physics courses
... is not directly applicable to the classroom, but provides insights and background that are likely to have a significant impact on the classroom in
___ introductory physics courses
___ undergraduate physics major courses
___ graduate physics courses
... is not directly applicable to the classroom, but
___ of general cultural interest.
9. Additional Commentary (Please use as much additional space as you like to provide additional commentary and, if you are recommending revision, suggestions for improvement.)