eNNOUNCER June 2017


New AAPT Services Portal

AAPT is upgrading its AAPT Services Portal to a new platform. During the upgrade from the old platform to the new platform, there will be no AAPT web-based financial transactions available between May 30 and June 5.

First AAPT/ALPhA Awardees Named

The AAPT/ALPhA Award recognizes outstanding work in the development of an advanced laboratory apparatus/experiment by an undergraduate physics student at his/her home institution within the greater United States. The AAPT/ALPhA Award Committee has announced the first recipients of the award - Brandon Thacker, California State University, Chico (2015), and Ryan Scott, Rochester Institute of Technology (2016). TeachSpin is currently funding the award. Read more.

2017 Summer Meeting


AAPT will be upgrading our registration portal in early June, therefore we have extended the early-bird registration deadline to June 12. You can always register for the meeting by returning a hard copy registration form by fax or email while the system is in transition Please click here for more information


The AAPT Summer Meeting Program is now available online. Click here to view the scheduled date and time for sessions, plenaries, committee meetings and special events.

Plenary Speakers

Julianne M. Pollard-Larkin and Francis Slakey


Application for AAPT support for Workshop/Conference/Meeting
Application for AAPT support for AAPT member International Travel


AAPT is using the Cincinnati Marriott RiverCenter, Embassy Suites Cincinnati RiverCenter and the Holiday Inn Cincinnati Riverfront. All reservations must be booked by Monday, June 26, however it is recommended that you make your reservation early, since the room block can sell out before the cut-off. Please click here for more information or to make your reservation.


Exhibit and sponsorship participation at AAPT National Meetings can be one of the best marketing tools you ever use - it's certainly one of the most cost effective options for generating new leads, interacting with current customers and introducing new products or services. Please click here for details.

High School Teachers’ Day

A special day has been prepared on Monday, July 24 for high school physics teachers that have never attended a national AAPT Meeting. Qualified teachers will receive a discounted registration fee of $85. AAPT is offering this special registration fee, because we want to encourage you to sample what AAPT has to offer high school physics teachers. We are confident that once you see what AAPT has to offer, you will become an active AAPT member. Please click here for more information.

Dependent Care Grants

AAPT has small grants up to $400 available for AAPT national meeting attendees who are bringing small children to a national meeting or who incur extra expenses in leaving their children at home (i.e., extra daycare or babysitting services) in order to attend a national meeting. In addition, small grants up to $400 are available to national meeting attendees who are responsible for dependent care (elderly parents, adult children with disabilities, etc) or need assistance at the meeting because of a disability. Applications must be received by June 9, 2017. Please click here for more information and to download an application.

Room/Ride Childcare Share Form

Are you looking to share a room, ride or childcare responsibilities at the at the summer meeting? Please click here to register and view a list of potential candidates.

The 2017 AAPT Fellows

The 2017 AAPT Fellows Awardees have been announced.Read more »

AAPT Honors Five Members with Distinguished Service Citations

The Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT will be presented to Joseph Kozminski, Duane Merrell, Paul Stanley, Toni Sauncy, and William Reitz during the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinatti.


2017 Summer Meeting Awardees

John C. Brown Named as Recipient of the 2017 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award

The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that John C. Brown, University of Glasgow Scotland, School of Physics and Astronomy, is the 2017 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award.
Read more.

2017 Millikan Medal Awarded to Kenneth Heller

AAPT has announced that Kenneth Heller will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Read more.

Cindy Schwarz to Receive the AAPT 2017 Halliday and Resnick Award

The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that Cindy Schwarz will receive the 2017 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching.
Read more.

J. Mark Schober to Receive 2017 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award

The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2017 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Physics Teaching Award winner is J. Mark Schober, a science teacher at Trinity School in New York City.
Read more.

Travel Grants Available for the 2017 Summer Meeting

Maybe you've been invited to present at AAPT's 2017 Summer Meeting. Or, perhaps you have a great idea for a contributed talk or poster or want to lead a workshop. If funding is holding you back, AAPT might be able to help. There are limited funds (awards range from $200 to $1200 with a total of $5000 for all awards) to help AAPT members attend the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinnati to make a presentation. In addition, the AAPT Board of Directors approved an additional $10,000 for grants to support travel for high school and two year college faculty who are from underrepresented groups and/or from institutions whose students are predominantly underrepresented. The application is now available for both of these grant opportunities. The deadline for applications is June 9th, so please submit your application and post deadline abstract if you didn't meet the regular abstract deadline. Please click here for more information.

Newly Elected AAPT Board of Directors Officers Begin Service

With the Presidential Transfer ceremony and the end of the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, the AAPT Board of Directors sees many changes with members of the Presidential chain rotating and newly elected officers taking on their new positions. Janelle Bailey transferred the President's gavel to George A. Amann from Hyde Park, NY. Gordon P. Ramsey, Loyola University-Chicago, became President-Elect and Mel Sabella, Chicago State University, stepped into his new role as Vice President. Daniel Crowe, Loudoun Academy of Science, began his Board term as the At Large High School Representative. David Sturm, University of Maine was elected by the Section Representatives to serve in the role of Vice Chair of Section Representatives as his predecessor, Dyan Jones, Mercyhurst University, rotated into the role of Chair of the Section Representatives.

Change to By-Laws: Membership Category Title Change

At its meeting in February, the AAPT Board of Directors passed a second and final motion that the term "regular member" be changed to "professional member" in Section 3.01 of the By-Laws and any subsequent reference to regular member therein. This change reflects the professional identification and commitment of members to our organization, describing AAPT membership in a way that idealizes how a person would wish to describe themselves in their professional identification.

AAPT Seeks Volunteers to Direct AAPT High School Contests

AAPT seeks volunteers to apply for directors of two of AAPT's high school contests: PhysicsBowl and the US Physics Team. The PhysicsBowl Academic Coordinator provides general oversight of the competition and has the responsibility for preparing the yearly exam. We anticipate that the individual selected for the PhysicsBowl Academic Coordinator position will start later this year. The U.S. Physics Team Academic Director position provides general oversight of the U.S. competition including recruiting and training team coaches, preparing and grading exams, training of the U.S. Physics Team during training camp, and traveling with the Team to the International Physics Olympiad. We anticipate that the individual selected will serve as co-director during the 2017-18 year and transition to director in Fall 2018. Click here for more information.

eAlliances: Uniting Isolated Women Physicists and Astronomers - Registration site now LIVE!

Everyone needs mentors, but how do you find other women physicists who understand your experience-- as the only Hispanic in the department, the only PER researcher, the only full-time physicist at your TYC, the only one who brings a newborn in a sling to department meetings? Join eAlliances, an NSF-sponsored faculty development project for women physics faculty, and become part of a peer-mentoring alliance with other women who share many of your same experiences.

Why me?

• Connect with other women physicists and astronomers
• Get and give advice and affirmation
• Gather a variety of insights to help you address professional issues
• Address work-life balance issues
• Receive encouragement and support in achieving your goals

This is professional development for your career stage: whether you are teaching your first or hundredth section of intro physics; mentoring your first or hundredth research associate; or leading your first or hundredth committee meeting. Someone else has a similar experience and can share insights, frustrations, and successes.

To join: Register at eAlliances.aapt.org

The AAPT/APS Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs has released two reports about preparing physics students for diverse careers

Phys21: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers report provides guidance for physicists considering revising the undergraduate curriculum to improve the education of a diverse student population. The report includes recommendations on content, pedagogy, professional skills, and student engagement and documentable student outcomes.

The Phys21 Supplement summarizes the information used to prepare the Phys21 Report. The sources include reports authored by professional societies, business and economic development groups, educational institutions, and professional consulting organizations

The reports, along with other information about the Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs, are available at www.compadre.org/jtupp

AAPT Career Center Offers FREE Postings

The AAPT Career Center offers FREE postings to employers recruiting seasonal interns. Locate the best fit for your organization by reaching the future of the science community - the AAPT membership, as well as the members and student members of the American Physical Society (APS Physics), AVS Science and Technology, and the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.

Get the word out! Your posting will also appear on the Physics Today Jobs site, which when combined with the job sites of the organizations mentioned above forms the ultimate online science, engineering, and computing career network, ensuring maximum relevant visibility for your internship.

Visit jobs.aapt.org to get started.

Computational Physics at AAPT Section Meetings

The Partnership for the Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) has a project for fostering faculty communities to develop computational integration at a local level. We invite any AAPT section with faculty interested in exploring computational integration into their courses to express its interest (if it has not already done so) in developing such a community. Any section member who feels that local faculty might have an interest in including computation in their courses may convey this interest. The venue for doing so is the following survey. This process begins by hosting an introductory workshop (e.g. at a regular section meeting) whose objectives are:

  • to describe a strategy for introducing computation in courses and illustrative materials suggesting how to do so;
  • to help participants envision their own computational educational materials;
  • to formulate individual plans for each to implement these designs as materials in at least one of their upcoming courses; and
  • to introduce them to a local support network to use for mutual collaboration in and support for their implementation efforts after the workshop.
We look forward to hearing from you.

AAPT/PTRA Leadership Institute and Professional Development Opportunities

The Physics Teaching Resource Agent (PTRA) program will be holding their annual Leadership Institute at Cincinnati State Technical Community College July 19-22, 2017. Ed Sunderhaus will serve as host for about 30 PTRA leaders as they develop plans for professional development opportunities to bring back to their local areas. Extended workshops are already planned for the summer of 2017 in Idaho, Texas (3 locations), Utah and Wisconsin. For more information on these and other opportunities visit www.aaptptra.com and check out the Professional Development tab. Additional workshops will be posted as information becomes available.

If your institution is interested in providing professional development activities for teachers in your region you are encouraged to contact AAPT/PTRA Director Karen Jo Matsler karen@aaptptra.com or AAPT/PTRA Oversight Committee Chair Pat Callahan ptcallahan3537@gmail.com to discuss arrangements for having AAPT/PTRA workshops scheduled.


AAPT Programs

AAPT Announces the 2017 U.S. Physics Team

America's brightest emerging physicists will arrive at Physics Boot Camp this week. They come from California, Florida, India, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. There are high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Five of them are returning as second time members of the United States Physics Team. Read more

2017 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest Results!

Results for the 2017 AAPT PhysicsBowl Contest have been posted. Check Results Here!

AAPT Membership

AAPT Member Spotlight

Kathy Harper
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Read more

AAPT Members Now Get 30% Discount on MIT Press Books!

Have you been meaning to check out Richard Feynman’s The Character of Physical Law or Noson Yanofsky’s The Outer Limits of Reason? Now you can do so at 70% of the cost that the general public pays! As an AAPT member, you are now entitled to a 30% discount on all Physics and Math titles at MIT Press.

To take advantage of this offer, click here and log in to retrieve your discount code and start shopping at mitpress.mit.edu/physics. We hope this new feature of membership will benefit your brain and your wallet.

Call for Award Nominations

The AAPT Awards Committee invites nominations for all of AAPT awards, citations, and medals. We are particularly interested in nominations for AAPT Fellows and for the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT.

Travel Awards for 2017

The Special Projects and Philanthropy Committee has limited funds (awards range from $200 to $1200 with a total of $5,000 for all awards) to help AAPT members attend the 2017 Summer Meeting in Cincinnati to make a presentation. The AAPT Board of Directors approved an additional $10,000 for grants to support travel for high school and two year college faculty who are from underrepresented groups and/or from institutions whose students are predominantly underrepresented. Individuals who qualify should note this on the application form. Email the appropriate application form along with all other materials to philanthropygrants@aapt.org The deadline to submit the application is June 9.

AAPT Supports International Educators and Students

Nominate a Deserving Colleague for a Harold & Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund Membership
AAPT is committed to increasing the effectiveness of Physics education around the world. Through a grant supported by Harold Q & Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund, the Association provides a number of fully-funded, two-year memberships to physics teachers in developing countries. The deadline is July 1st. If you know an eligible physics teacher who would benefit from this support, submit your nomination today!

Yamani Membership Grants for Students and Early-Career Professionals

Each year, through the Hashim A Yamani Fund, AAPT awards several 2-year memberships to students or early-career professionals who are either planning to teach or already teaching physics in their native country. Citizens of any country are eligible, with priority given to citizens of developing countries. If your students are planning to become a teacher, or have recently graduated and started teaching, tell them to apply for a Yamani Membership today! Deadline: July 1.

The Frederick and Florence Bauder Endowment

The Frederick and Florence Bauder Endowment provides grants to support special activities in the area of physics teaching. The deadline for applications to request funds is July 1.

Concerned about the Future of Science?

Stay informed with FYI: Science Policy News from AIP. Your membership with AAPT makes it possible for AIP to provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive updates on science policy and funding.

FYI has been a trusted source of science policy news for more than two decades. Readers learn about legislative and executive branch policy developments, agency appointments, and funding important to the physical sciences community. By staying informed about policy developments, we can better shape the future of science. Sign up for free at: aip.org/fyi

Preparing for the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017

AAPT has gathered past articles on eclipse science into one easily accessible teaching resource, Teaching About the Solar Eclipse: Articles from The Physics Teacher and the American Journal of Physics. These articles, together with the AstroNotes column, Addressing students’ misconceptions about eclipses by Timothy Slater and Richard Gelderman, published in the May issue of The Physics Teacher were developed to help prepare your students for the Great American Eclipse of 2017. Members who subscribe to print copies of The Physics Teacher will receive a free pair of eclipse glasses for viewing the eclipse.

"Do More" for New Physics Teachers on June 8th!

AAPT's getting ready for Do More 24 on Thursday, June 8nd. Do More 24 is an annual 24-hour fundraiser that is powered by United Way of the National Capital Area. This year, all proceeds will go towards the New Teacher Fund, which provides eMentoring services, reduced membership rates for teachers in their first three years of teaching, and workshops for new teachers at our national and section meetings. Please Please bookmark our DoMore24 donation page, and help the New Teacher Fund raise $6,000 on June 8th.

Successfully Flip the Physics Classroom

Wednesday, 14 June
8 PM ET (Washington, DC)

Would you like to know what it really means to flip a physics classroom? During this webinar, learn from Jonathan Thomas-Palmer, physics teacher, flipping educator, and creator of Flipping Physics. We will focus on the mechanics of how to move your lectures from school to home, what to do in class, and how flipped learning will transform your students’ learning. You will learn firsthand from a teacher who is successfully employing flipped learning and who has made plenty of mistakes, which he will help you avoid. You will come away from this this webinar equipped with the tools to successfully flip your physics classroom. To aid you in your quest, we have some video homework for you. Please watch the following video to prepare for the webinar,

Register for this webinar here

Black Holes, Dark Matter, GPS, and Quantum Mysteries

AAPT/PTRA is offering three workshops, each a week long, for secondary physical science teachers on Quantum/Modern Physics. The topics are designed to capitalize on the novelty of and interest in quantum phenomena, black holes, and general relativity to help students understand a wide range of physics topics such as centripetal motion and conservation of energy/momentum. In addition, the workshop supports AP Modern Physics topics, astronomy, and particle physics. Participants will have the opportunity to work with local students one day to gain confidence and practice in a safe, supportive, and non-threatening environment. Workshop leaders have been trained by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the resources have been vetted internationally.

Workshop dates and locations:
June 5-9 Austin College, Sherman TX
June 19-23 Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Fort Worth, TX
August 7-11, Lee College, Baytown TX
The workshops will be conducted each day from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

To register or learn more go to http://bit.ly/learnquantum or http://aaptptra.com/texas-2/

Since workshop space is limited, please register as soon as possible. The cost for each of these workshops is only $350 and includes some equipment to take back to your classroom. Join us if you would like to increase your own understanding of modern physics, learn how to teach quantum, or just want to see how students respond to these concepts


In the News

Arthur Eisenkraft, professor & director of COSMIC at UMASS Boston, to receive National Science Board Public Service Award

The National Science Board (NSB) is pleased to announce that Arthur Eisenkraft, distinguished professor of science education, professor of physics and director of the Center of Science and Math in Context (COSMIC) at the University of Massachusetts Boston will be honored with its 2017 Public Service Award. Read more.

Help students find the right grad program. Tell them about GradSchoolShopper.com

Advise your students to check out GradSchoolShopper.com, the most complete directory of graduate programs in the physical sciences. Students headed for graduate school can use this free service to search by degree programs, admission deadlines, research specialties, faculty profiles, GRE requirements, and more! If your program isn’t listed, contact us to find out how to have it included.

Highly Trained STEM Teachers Needed to Boost America's Global Competitiveness, According to New Study

The United States' global competitiveness is at risk as the nation confronts persistent shortages of STEM teachers. More than half of all high school physics teachers lacked certification in the discipline in 2012, for example. As a result, students who are interested in STEM careers find themselves ill prepared to compete in an increasingly highly technical workforce.

A new study by the American Physical Society, in collaboration with the American Chemical Society, Computing Research Association, and Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership, addresses the reasons why STEM students shy away from teaching as a career and offers ways to counter the trend. Download the full report at www.aps.org/policy/reports.

Join us for the 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase!

Innovations in science are happening all over the nation! Visit the science videos at the 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase, funded by the National Science Foundation. Interact with the community by asking questions, getting answers, and voting for your favorite video! Support STEM education and let your voice be heard from May 15-22 at the STEM for All Video Showcase!

Active Learning in Introductory Physics Courses: Research-Based Strategies that Improve Student Learning

July 29-31, 2017, Portland, Oregon
Designed for those who teach introductory physics at universities, colleges and high schools. Graduate credit will be available through the University of Oregon. Instructors: Priscilla Laws, Dickinson College, David Sokoloff, University of Oregon, Ronald Thornton, Tufts University.

For more information and to register: pages.uoregon.edu/sokoloff/CHAUT

Workshop on Women and Minorities in the History of Physics, Role Models for Today

Dr. Greg Good, Director of the Center for the History of Physics, is eager to provide workshops at AAPT Section Meetings and elsewhere on Women and Minorities in the History of Physics. Teachers will be introduced to the teaching materials on the AIP website related to the history of women and minorities in the physical sciences. The purpose of these materials is to help students appreciate that not only white males have contributed to the development of physics, astronomy, and other physical sciences. On the flip side, there have been many more women than Marie Curie and many more African Americans than Benjamin Banneker and Jim Gates who have had successful careers in the physical sciences. We will explore several of the lesson plans in each group and explore games and other activities to bring these lessons to life. For more information, please contact Dr. Greg Good.

ALPhA Announcements

1. Barbara Wolff-Reichert Grants will provide up to $7,500, with a 50% departmental match, toward the purchase of a TeachSpin instrument successfully mastered by a participant in an ALPhA Immersion. Read more.

2. ALPhA Mining Actualization Grants were created by the Jonathan Reichert Foundation to underwrite the construction, testing and dissemination of advanced lab experiments that are closely related to current research in physics. These are first come, first serve equipment grants with a maximum of $2,000 per school. Apply now!

3. The Jonathan Reichert Foundation announced the recipients of its inaugural grant program, supporting the advanced laboratory physics association (ALPhA) immersions. This year, the Foundation funded twelve out of sixteen applications, with a total funding of about $38,000. Congratulations to the individuals and institutions who received grants for advanced labs! Read more.

American Modeling Teachers Association

Modeling Instruction was developed for high school physics teachers and has since expanded to physical science, chemistry, biology, and middle school. Each year, Modeling workshops are held at universities and high schools across the United States. Last year, more than 70 Modeling workshops were offered to high school and middle school teachers in more than 20 states.

For information on 2017 Modeling Workshops, please visit the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA) website: modelinginstruction.org For questions: wendy@modelinginstruction.org or gheheman@asu.edu


Physics Careers

Jobs Announcements from the Career Center

Physics Teacher
Scheck Hillel Community School
Click here for job description

Physics Teachers--We Place You at K-12 Private Schools
Carney, Sandoe & Associates
Click here for job description

Physics Instructor / Professor
Click here for job description


More Physics Resources

Social Media @ AAPT

AAPT wants to connect with you on social media! Stay abreast of the latest AAPT and physics-related news. We invite you to like us, follow us, connect with us, and pin us. You can find us here:
facebook twitter LinkedIn Googleplus pinterest YouTube flickr

Section News

Please submit your Section Report for the AAPT Section News. To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mhall@aapt.org. See the December 2016 Section News.


AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office.  Tell us what you think of this month's issue. Take this survey.
Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
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Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email rfinnegan@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.

© 2017, American Association of Physics Teachers

In this issue


AAPT Programs

AAPT Members

In the News

Physics Careers

More Physics Resources


Featured Journal Articles

The Physics Teacher


The Hindenburg Disaster: Combining Physics and History in the Laboratory

Read online

American Journal of Physics


A quantitative analysis of the chain fountain

Read online

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Physics Store Features

Interactive Physics Demonstrations


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Super Power T-shirt


$20.00 for members
$25.00 for non-members

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